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19 May 2011

Hi everybody! How are you? [More:]I'm OK. Another gray day in NYC, but at least I didn't get rained on during my commute. I had a very productive meeting first thing this morning, now I have a good list of projects to work on. Stynxno finishes up his semester today and comes back to NYC for good this afternoon, woot woot! Beach next weekend, can't wait. And then after that, I can start apartment hunting for real! Yay!
Really ticked at the kind of co-worker who's always looking out for #1, overcommitting and not following through, and let other people bale him out so he can continue to look like a star. It's so totally disrespectful!

Other than that, I've got tomorrow off, thank GOD. It's been a long, long run of work and school and pretty exhausting overall.
posted by Miko 19 May | 10:23
That all sounds pretty great, TPS! Don't you love it when things start happening and you have concrete things to do?

I'm pretty great today. I resolved a giant, potentially disastrous argument that my company's been having with a client. A close friend who had a high-risk pregnancy delivered the baby last night, and both she and her son are doing fine. I'm so relieved.

I'm super hungry. Most of the time I love to grocery shop and cook and eat, but lately it's been feeling like a chore. Grumbles!
posted by punchtothehead 19 May | 10:35
Let's see. I'm awake, so that is a positive. I haven't taken my morning meds yet, but that's ok. I'm getting to all that next. Fresno will get into the high 70s today; the one good thing about this city is the weather reports are so damn accurate. I will probably take a long walk today and get some groceries.Things could be worse.
posted by Ardiril 19 May | 10:39
Thanks for asking! We are excited that we have people who are interested in renting out our house while we are in Brazil. We are VERY enthusiastic that most of the interest is coming from people with families, not students. Yay!
Just took the dog for a nice walk on a beautiful day, so things are looking up. I hope everyone else has a good day.
posted by msali 19 May | 10:55
I just had an angry lady call me. She missed her appointment and was mad the person she was supposed to see couldn't see her anymore. I get these calls more often then you'd think, and I still don't know what to say to these people. "Next time, don't be late"? I ended up letting her vent for awhile, and once she got bored of my non-combativeness (I just sat silent, with an occasional Uhm-Hmm), she hung up.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 19 May | 11:00
It's grey here too, but I rode the bike to work, which sort of makes up for it. I like it. It's only four miles, so I can do it in the same amount of time as it takes to walk to, wait for and ride the bus. The route is entirely on the shoreline, or through the park if the path is crowded. I glide past the joggers, and the strollers and the folks walking dog, while all the other cyclists zip past me. I'm totally distracted by the water, the grass poking through the dunes, and peeping into the windows of buildings from the birth of the skyscraper as I ride. Sometimes, I try to count the number of times one of the buses on my route (I have a choice of one of two buses) passes me--this morning it was only once.

On the other hand, it's freezing in the office, and I'm having an existential hiccup and can't focus on the small number of things which must be done today. Fortunately, I don't work tomorrow and maybe I'll do something small and satisfying this weekend, like bake bread.
posted by crush-onastick 19 May | 11:01
I woke up angry from an angry dream this morning and was worried that it would be a rough day, but it's actually very nice and pretty outside and now I feel better and am in a relatively good mood.

Tomorrow's my last day at work until next Thursday. It'll be good to take some time off and stay in nice hotels (Tahoe and Reno), and we're going to Mono Lake one day, so yay. However, my neighbor, who usually lets my chickens in and out of their coop, may not be able to do so, and I'm not really sure WHAT I'm going to do about that, so I'm a little stressy.

Carry on!
posted by mudpuppie 19 May | 11:05
Forgot to mention, we're going to eat here when we go to Mono Lake, which is very exciting.
posted by mudpuppie 19 May | 11:07
I'm having a sloooowwww day at work, but that's okay because I'm just counting the hours until my vacation starts. Off all next week- hooray! We have a good friend coming in this weekend who will be staying with us until Tuesday, and then we're off to the beach for the rest of the week. CAN. NOT. WAIT.
posted by BoringPostcards 19 May | 11:10
Wow, Mono Lake? Beaches? Sounds wonderful. Have a fun time y'all travelers.
posted by Miko 19 May | 11:29
I'm feeling run a little ragged, and today was scheduled to be a long, late day, but my first client just called to reschedule so I get to start a bit later than I thought. I should go to the gym, but I may just take some quality couch time. We'll see how it goes.
posted by occhiblu 19 May | 11:29
Fairly okay.

Have had cases of stupids in the morning for some reason (like forgetting to check the hold shelf for a book this morning and so I thought it was missing and handed it off to my boss and he checked the hold shelf and was like hurrrr durrrrr and also thinking that I've forgotten to lock my deadbolt (since the bottom lock gets locked from inside the house) and having to run back upstairs to check) and am worried about appointment with the current pdoc this Friday. I have an appointment set up with a new pdoc in a couple weeks, so hopefully that will work out better because my current pdoc has been pissing me off.

Found out my school adviser is retiring right when my last semester starts, so I need to file forms to change my adviser. Again. Because my first adviser basically up and quit and didn't tell her advisees this until I emailed her with a question about something.

Got an award at work plus $1000. Very excited to put that money in my school folder, bringing me quite a bit closer to having the last tuition payment completely saved.

Having urges to take ballet classes. Damn you, Black Swan! (And lack of funds. And worries about being the fat girl, like I was in 2nd grade when I was forced into ballet classes and then they didn't even tell me about the final recital or anything.)
posted by sperose 19 May | 11:33
Also, fretting over redoing my resume. It's still in the original tables format in Word that my father did for me in high school.
posted by sperose 19 May | 11:33
I am doing ok, woke up very stressed but then did a lot of work and now feel mostly better. I am hungry and need to clean the apt but don't want to do either of those things.
posted by rmless2 19 May | 11:55
I'm great! I talked with my love on Skype all morning and then the sun came out! If it's still nice in a couple hours I'll go take a walk, and then tonight my buddy's taking me out for tonkatsu. Score!
posted by Hugh Janus 19 May | 11:56
Cloudy here, too. The work day is very quiet. I got my acceptance email from Zediva so I may spend my afternoon watching 127 Hours. Anything to drown out my coworker who insists on playing every trailer available for The Hangover 2, while shouting out random lines from The Hangover. I'm going to have to insist that BoPo prop up a laptop facing the waves and stream us a vacation.
posted by toastedbeagle 19 May | 11:59
I'm grand. I had a good, productive day at work today. I'm working at home tomorrow, this is my birthday weekend and I have plans for tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday with good friends.

I bought a good pair of running shoes today in one of those super-scary athletic shops where they do a gait analysis on a treadmill and all kinds of science-y stuff to find the right shoes, but the shoes feel great. I'm committed to this running group I've just joined (which is for blobs like me, not really fit people).

I'm cooking some Chinese barbecue pork for dinner, and Lucy and I are having a quiet evening in anticipation of a busy weekend ahead.
posted by Senyar 19 May | 12:22
My life is rearranging itself all around me. It is stressful, but I am trying to remain an observer as well as a participant.
posted by rainbaby 19 May | 13:01
I worked this morning and then went to the school for primary grades Field Day. I was painting faces and most of the boys wanted lightning bolts. I found myself saying, "That is totally radical" to each kid after I painted a lighting bolt.

I am going to St. Pete at the end of June to see some Tampa Bay Rays games and stay at this fun resort we stayed last year. I'm so looking forward to it.
posted by LoriFLA 19 May | 13:16
The Don Cesar, perhaps?
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 19 May | 13:46
No, I wish! The Don Cesar looks so cool. We usually stay downtown at the Renaissance Vinoy. Last year we switched it up and stayed at Tradewinds Island Grand. The kids loved it so we booked it again.
posted by LoriFLA 19 May | 13:55
I've been forest biking (can't call it mountain biking here in the NL) with some colleagues. They kept me back a bit. But it was a good activity.
Having a beer now.

I should go away for a week. I could drive down to Munich, or to Brittany, or fly to Krakow. But somehow the prospect of going alone doesn't entice me.

The online dating thing is incredibly boring. I do my best to be open to the moment and not be overly judgemental. But I have to face the fact that it's just so much friendly tepidness. On my side and probably on theirs. Strange that something that could be so interesting is so boring.
I'm casting narrow envious eyes on Hughs lovy-doviness. I want that too!

I think I understand what you mean crush about the being distracted by the things you see while biking. It's one of the things I like about running and biking; enjoying the scenery. Often I feel a bit raptorous from things I see, hear and smell. It's a great feeling. But I find that it's really not possible to communicate this if somebody hasn't felt the same. Which goes for a lot of communication I guess.

I have to decide to sell my house or start a major renovation. How to make progress on a rather big decision if no external forces direct me either way.

Painting lightbolts on kids faces. Such a surprising activity.
posted by jouke 19 May | 14:02
Work is freaky-stressy and I'm preparing for a big presentation in which I need to wow my clients and my principal. Gotta go in a sec.

My ankle is getting better (after four weeks of super owie tendonitis) which makes me very, very happy.

The weather is nice, and after this crappy cold spring, I'm hoping we're on our way to a satisfying summer.
posted by Specklet 19 May | 14:46
jouke: totally. This morning was the first day there hadn't been rain in a while, so a lot of the grassy bits between the lakefront path and the roadway were freshly-mowed. It was completely intoxicating to bike through.
posted by crush-onastick 19 May | 14:47
It's so great to hear about vacations and visits some of you are planning, and fun stuff like lightning-bolt painting and possible-ballet classes!

Rain is splatting down here, and has been for days. But I'm sitting down with hot tea and buttered toast and P-Funk in the background, feeling pretty good.
posted by Elsa 19 May | 14:48
Really. Fucking. Tired.
posted by gaspode 19 May | 15:27
It rained last weekend. It's been gorgeous this week - 20C/70F with tons of sunshine. Guess what it's going to do this weekend?

Going to Kamloops for the weekend and I have very mixed feelings about it, as usual. I really want to see the in-laws and what they've done to the house in the last year, but I hate hate hate being away from home.

My sleep is so very fucked up. I can't fall asleep until I'm extremely exhausted and then I sleep for 10-12 hours and wake up wanting a nap. And it doesn't seem to matter if I take a nap or not - at night it still takes me forever to get to sleep. OTC meds help a bit, but I hate taking them.
posted by deborah 19 May | 15:30
Hanging in. I've been transferred to another unit that I've never really cared for (boo!) But I get an office with a door (yay!). The group I'm in now has my former Stupid Boss in it (boo!) but I'm also getting a raise (yay!)

I tried being proactive and submitted a request for phone lines and furniture, but got caught in the red tape of madness. Efficiency is not job one around here.
posted by lysdexic 19 May | 15:39
I really really want to be outside, but it keeps raining.
posted by JanetLand 19 May | 15:59
HA! Immediately after I posted that, I left work and got in the car to go home, and this was playing.
posted by JanetLand 19 May | 16:32
I'm still alive, technically anyway.

Going through the first stage of huge changes at work, having just about completed a selection process that will leave one of my staff displaced. One who is certain to jump up and down, yell and scream, complain to the union and his high-placed friends in the department. Why is it that so often, people who are complete arseholes are both oblivious to it and are well-connected so it's hard to get rid of them?
posted by dg 19 May | 16:32
oh hi. the most luxurious length of sleep i've had this week is 4.5hrs. looking forward to wrapping these projects up..

I've gone through an year or so of starting to rebuild my life towards something more alive and worthwhile, now I need to arrange it a bit so I have more slots of time for getting out and about, doing more things...
posted by Firas 19 May | 17:16
Presentation went well. Too wound up to feel relieved. Going home soon to sit in sun and drink beer. Sure with y'all could come over and maybe have a big potluck or something.
posted by Specklet 19 May | 18:49
I would totally potluck with you, dear Specklet!

I'm not bad. Had a crap week, what with the job loss and all, but I also had two interviews. The first one went less than smoothly, and I don't know that I like the job that much either. The second one was just a phone screening (2nd phone screening, though), and it went much better. I got a call for an interview for a 3rd job, which is going to be done over Skype at the beginning of the month. They want me to relocate, and I don't want to, but the job is a perfect match for me. We'll see what comes out of it.

I have two more strong applications in at an organization I'd love to work for. Seems they're just screening applicants right now and will be selecting candidates to interview at the end of next week.

My health insurance runs out at the end of the month, so I'm frantically scrambling to get stocked up on things like my seizure meds, which will cost me ~$404/month.

I'd been putting off laundry, and now I have 5 loads. I'm washing load 3 right now, one load is in the dryer, and one is sitting on my bed, waiting to be put away.

posted by Stewriffic 21 May | 09:58
A letter to the editor || Bunny! OMG!