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Comment Feed:


06 July 2011

Time to figure out next book in the syllabus for MeTa Book Club And when to talk about it. Next book in order in syllabus is Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian.
I'd tentatively suggest mid August -- maybe August 15? as next discussion date.
posted by bearwife 06 July | 10:52
Oooh, I'll look forward to this! Mid-August (anytime after the 10th) works for me.
posted by Elsa 06 July | 10:59
I am not going to read Blood Meridian, but I am happy to follow the syllabus in order, and I will read the lectures and follow the discussion here.
posted by EvaDestruction 06 July | 17:57
Yes!!!!!! Blood Meridian!!!!!!!

posted by jason's_planet 06 July | 18:34
August 16 and Blood Meridian it is!
posted by bearwife 07 July | 15:58
I've got it down...
posted by Rand0mkeystrike 14 July | 14:43
Re Blood Meridian
I will be traveling tomorrow to Florida with 2 dogs and will not have time to post my comments on August 16.. Excuse me for writing a day early, but I will be glad to read your discussions after our trip is concluded. We have been driving since Sunday afternoon from the Pocono Mountains and are only in South Carolina because we stop every 2 hours to walk the dogs.
Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a short story called ironically "Young Goodman Brown" in which he states that the devil (and I paraphrase) in "his own shape is not as horrid as that which exists in the breast of man." Judge Holden symbolizes all the cruelty, avarice, lust for power that attracts idiots who latch on like leaches to anyone who shows one iota of mercy to fools.
War, Injustice, mercenary murders of even 8 year old innocents are the common attributes of most of humanity.
The kid who later becomes the Man is everyone who has no moral imperative other than to survive. He seeks religion, but is incapable of understanding that laws of justice, kindness and compassion which it expounds. Although love and compassion are aberrations in his world, without these aberrations society and culture cannot exist. Actual beasts are wantonly and cruelly destroyed, everyman, as symbolized by the kid, is horribly killed by the eternal cruel judge who "holds on" to his power as he triumphantly dances His eternal victory over goodness, kindness, compassion and the sociopathological distruction of natives defending their homeland.
McCarthy does not portray a benevolent God or a hopeful portrayal of love, justice or kindness. In fact, humans as symbolized by the "kid-man are totally illiterate o the Bible's teachings.
The curious epilogue suggests that we are digging deeper and deeper into a hell of our own making.
I do not agree with McCrarthy's dim view of humanity, but we do manage to kill all those who combat cruelty, namely Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers, etc.

among us.

posted by Macduff 15 August | 22:42
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