I did something silly online today. (I mean SILLIER than usual) →[More:]
I saw this MLP:FIM*
mashup with the Watchmen trailer (the same dude has done the same thing with
V for Vendetta,
Inglourious Basterds,
Dark Knight and
Lord of the Rings, and they're all fun) and noticed the url at the end, Ponymen.com, so I tried to go there and IT WASN'T THERE. The mashup guy hadn't registered the domain (and he put the video up on YouTube 2 days ago). So I did.
So, what should I do with it? Just display the video, offer to give it to the mashup guy, or is there something more creative I can do with PONYMEN (frankly, if I'd done the original, I'd have titled it WATCHPONIES) ? Or should I just "whisper back... no"?
* My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, as if you didn't know the massively ubiquitous meme