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Comment Feed:


07 July 2011

FRUSTRATED. My ego's all up in arms about having my expertise dismissed. Trying to get it back under control. But still. Fools should listen to me, yo. :-)
Still. I have a degree from an Ivy League university and ten years experience both in this area. Other dude does not. Other dude is clearly wrong. Argh.
posted by occhiblu 07 July | 12:15
I agree. wrong dude is so wrong!! they'll see.
posted by Firas 07 July | 12:23
You are awesome. You are brilliant. You are good -- better than good! -- at many things. Other dude is a dink.
posted by mudpuppie 07 July | 12:29
I always listen to you, occhiblu.
posted by box 07 July | 12:35
Thank you. My ego is not at all under control, but it is mollified. :-)
posted by occhiblu 07 July | 12:36
Other dude sucks.
posted by Stewriffic 07 July | 12:41
Damn college kids lordin' it over us like we's ignurunt.

I done TOLE you all it needs is some WD-40 an some duck tape an it'll be FINE but nooooo High'n'Mighty over heah thinks we kin fix it with BOOK LARNIN', like at ever solved a problem.

Sheee-it. I tell you what.
posted by BitterOldPunk 07 July | 13:02
"I don't suffer fools, I pity them."
posted by Eideteker 07 July | 13:27
Dunning-Kruger allows for arrogance and power because it isn't restrained by self doubt, yo!
posted by Obscure Reference 07 July | 13:54
To quote the ever-wise mudpuppie, "Other dude is a dink"

posted by richat 07 July | 14:37
Your awesome wisdom and deep education will win the day in the end.

Plus, you know you're right.
posted by bearwife 07 July | 15:10
Welcome to my world. You'd think my school would listen to someone with a 97% pass rate average for her students on the state English regents over the last two years, or maybe be mildly curious about the curriculum and techniques I use so that others might get similar results, but no, not interested. In fact, my preliminary schedule for the fall cuts my regents classes in half. Hey, less work for me, but WTF?
posted by Pips 07 July | 15:17
I have actually just decided that someone issued a "Everyone be a jerk to occhibu today" memo. Some dude just chewed me out for stopping my car behind his (totally stationary) car in a parking lot while I waited all of 90 seconds for another car to pull out so I could park there. This caused him so much delay that he solved it by pulling over and interrogating me for two minutes about why I refused to use my psychic power to anticipate his obviously ugent need to leave the parking lot. Sigh.
posted by occhiblu 07 July | 17:33
You have an Ivy League degree in parking? Seriously, welcome to my world. I made the mistake of majoring in Marketing. It's one of the soft sciences, but there is something to know, and many people don't view it as anything but guesswork and/or voodoo. I'm thinking of writing a book called "Marketing is like a drum set; Accounting is like an oboe" My premise is that every drunken idiot who sits at a drum set thinks they're Buddy Rich. An oboe is something that people are more intimidated by, so they'll listen to your expertise. Plus an oboe has spit on the end of it.
posted by Rand0mkeystrike 07 July | 17:37
Your citing your degree from "An Ivy League University" is off-putting and gives you a strike and a half against you, in my book. (I have a degree from maybe the lowest rung of the California State University system.)

What are the facts in this? You know that I adore you, but that just gets my hackles up.
posted by danf 07 July | 17:48
Heh. It usually gets my hackles up, too. The issue is that I'm trying to copyedit someone's writing (which, in this case, is my job), and I feel that having a degree (with honors!) in English from Harvard combined with a decade's professional experience in copywriting, copyediting, and (yes!) marketing is directly related to such a task, given that the writing in question is ad copy. I'm annoyed that someone in a science-related field who also has demonstrably poor writing skills is acting like he should be telling me my business in this particular arena.

The parking thing is totally separate. I think an Ivy League degree in parking would be cool, though.
posted by occhiblu 07 July | 17:55
Your citing your degree from "An Ivy League University" is off-putting and gives you a strike and a half against you, in my book. (I have a degree from maybe the lowest rung of the California State University system.)

Don't worry, occhi, I have a degree from Michigan, the "Harvard of the Midwest", so I don't have such insecurities. ; )
posted by Pips 07 July | 18:19

I more or less harped on the degree here as a way of not harping on it with dismissive dude, because that would have been rude. Which is unfortunate, because, seriously: I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.
posted by occhiblu 07 July | 18:32
Yeah, I know how frustrating that can be. I generally take one of two approaches, for what it's worth, in situations like this. If the final decisions are up to me, I do the nod-and-do-what-I-want thing. If the final call's not up to me, I've had some modest success with saying something like, Okay, you have my input, why don't you take some time to think about it (or look it over) and get back to me (or we'll talk tomorrow). Sometimes someone just wants to feel like they still have some control.

But yes, we know they're just idiots and should just listen to us, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!! (Where's the capslock on this thing?)
posted by Pips 07 July | 18:52
If the final call's not up to me, I've had some modest success with saying something like, Okay, you have my input, why don't you take some time to think about it (or look it over) and get back to me (or we'll talk tomorrow). Sometimes someone just wants to feel like they still have some control.

Yeah, that's what I've been trying to do. He's just being rather stubborn about it. And neither of us actually has the final-final call, which also complicates things. And he's been procrastinating on the project to ridiculous degrees, which also complicates things and frustrates me. BRARGH.
posted by occhiblu 07 July | 18:55
Gotcha. In that case, I recommend wine (for you, of course, not him).

(Ooo... my day just got ten notches better -- jon just brought me a lobster roll, and a whoopie pie!)
posted by Pips 07 July | 19:03
Pips, you would love you the Apple keyboard. And did you know you can save the MetaChat bookmark to your home screen? I have a little file of my favorite bookmarks on my screen. iPads are best thing since sliced bread.

Occhiblu, face it, you are in a wave of jerks. Soon they will roll away.
posted by bearwife 07 July | 19:10
Where's the capslock on this thing?
Double-tap on the 'upwards arrow' key at either side of the (on-screen) keyboard to activate GRAR! mode. I highly recommend the standard Apple wireless keyboard to compliment your iPad (along with a case that lets you stand the iPad up)- the on-screen keyboard is fine for notes etc, but typing on it for any duration gets old. The Apple keyboard is a delight to type on and easy to carry with the iPad if you anticipate longer periods of typing.
posted by dg 07 July | 19:16
Heh, I guess part of the point of previewing is to actually read the comments that have already been made to avoid saying the same thing again ;-)
posted by dg 07 July | 19:17
Thanks, folks... appreciate the tips/advice. (I did get the cool magnetic cover (in black leather -- oo-la-la), which I love for its power saving sleep/instant on function. It props the iPad somewhat, but I also got the stand for it, which makes recharging that much easier and props it up really well.

(I feel so Star Trek with this thing.)
posted by Pips 07 July | 21:38
Follow The Sun! || The universe hates me.