Dog Update Several weeks ago, I mentioned in one of the 3-point updates about our dog.
→[More:] At the time, I did not expect her to still be alive. She was unable to walk without support, and getting up was out of the question. A friend came over with some Rimadyl, and that helped a lot, but she was still in pain.
A vet came to the house, and diagnosed her with arthritis in the spine and knees. Her rear legs seemed to be still attached to her hips, which was surprising in that I had assumed the problem was in the hips. We upped the dose of Rimadyl (gosh that stuff is expensive), kept the glucosamine the same, and started fish oil twice a day.
Lacey is not going to climb any mountains any time soon but the pain seems to be less and we do not have to help her up anymore. She seems happy.
I have linked a blog post in which my wife rather eloquently muses on having an old dog around. . .