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20 May 2011

Time for another Friday Night Question, chosen at random from The Book of Questions:[More:]

#18: If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ability or quality, what would it be?
posted by ethylene 20 May | 18:09
Time travel. Or, possibly actually attainable, vast compassion.
posted by Specklet 20 May | 18:11
Patience. Or specifically, the ability to be not so quick to anger.
posted by gaspode 20 May | 18:16
I want to fly! Surely there are more practical skills, but I don't care.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 20 May | 18:17
Super speed, with the appropriate stuff needed to not catch on fire. Also, I'd want my brain to also work at a super speed.
posted by TrishaLynn 20 May | 18:18
Manipulation of energy.

*evil cackle*
posted by ninazer0 20 May | 18:18
I'd like to be able to paint like an old master.
posted by Hugh Janus 20 May | 18:24
The ability to know how to really help others in need.
posted by arse_hat 20 May | 18:27
Something more fun? I'd *love* to be able to sing. I sound like someone's torturing a cat, right now.
posted by gaspode 20 May | 18:28
I guess omnipotence would be nice, since it kind of encompasses everything else. But that's not really a fun answer.

So something that can't be turned into every other possible ability, then. I would like the power to heal. The power to instantly fix any physical injury, damage, or decline in myself or others.

Ok, but that's not a real thing. So something that is actually a real quality: I'd like to be one of those people who has boundless mental energy and enthusiasm.
posted by FishBike 20 May | 18:49
self-healing. or being invisible.
posted by wens 20 May | 18:49
I'd like to like doing the laundry, please.
posted by aniola 20 May | 18:49
My gut reaction is eternal youth and health. But that might get old. I guess A MILLION DOLLARS is not an ability or quality? Then I want the ability to make A MILLION DOLLARS with very little effort. Perhaps by day trading or something like that.
posted by mygothlaundry 20 May | 18:51
My biggest problem is getting around, so I'll take teleportation please.
posted by Ardiril 20 May | 18:59
I always thought telekinesis was the most versatile, but for pure world-controlling heights you'd need Pure Charisma.
posted by The Whelk 20 May | 19:21
I would like the ability to not to dwell. I would love to have things slide off my back. I'm okay at it but I would never like to dwell again.
posted by LoriFLA 20 May | 19:33
Teleportation. Yup.

I don't even need to be able to teleport myself. If I could just teleport stuff from here to there, I'd be pretty psyched. I'd use it at the library. I'd use it at the grocery store. Man, moving would be a snap!
posted by Elsa 20 May | 19:46
Invisibility would be cool. But only when I choose to disappear.
posted by Senyar 20 May | 19:47
(This is actually something I think about waaaaaay too often. Standing at the library check-out, I find myself longing for the day when I can teleport things home.)
posted by Elsa 20 May | 19:48
The ability to talk to the dead. Yeah yeah, I'm strange. But I envy those who can, and would love to be able to do that, too.
posted by redvixen 20 May | 20:00
In terms of superpowers?
-selective omniscience (would be great to be able to know anything, would suck to have to always know everything.)

Realistic qualities, though?
-strong sense of self-confidence.
posted by sysinfo 20 May | 20:17
Singing voice. No question.
posted by mudpuppie 20 May | 20:27
I would like the ability to not to dwell.


If we're talking supernatural powers, though, I'd be torn between wanting the ability to heal people, and flying. In my dreams, flying is like a secret I have to hide as well as I can, but I use it to escape danger. Sometimes I get caught, sometimes I get spotted in the sky but the people on the ground can't do anything about it, and sometimes I get away with it. So, I feel like I have practice already.
posted by BoringPostcards 20 May | 20:46
Wow, can't decide.

Have always wanted some of the abilities animals have that I don't: the way dolphins can swim and flex, the amazing sense of smell and hearing of my dog, the sheer pleasure from heat and touch my cats experience, the unimaginable sense of sensation reptiles get from their Jacobson's organ.

Superpowers like healing or invisibility or time travel sound cool too.

I'm always working on wisdom and empathy and patience, though. In the end I guess I'd most like one of those.
posted by bearwife 20 May | 21:48
In-reality powers: Dittoing the singing voice.

Superpowers: Telepathy. I'd love to be able to *actually* read people's minds, so that I didn't have to keep reining in my tendency to *assume* that I can read people's minds.
posted by occhiblu 20 May | 22:25
Maybe I'm just boring, but superpowers don't really hold that much appeal. I want mundane powers like the ability to not feel stress or the ability to wake up easily in the morning.
posted by Twiggy 20 May | 22:35
In-reality: Self confidence. I know what I can do, I know I am good, I know I am cool, I am honestly able to do anything I put my mind to doing, I know all that. But every job review, every criticism says vocally otherwise (and doesn't that just erode at the confidence? Seems defeating to me, personally).

Hmmm. Superpowers? Time travel would be pretty awesome, especially if I could change nothing related to me, but could fix things for other people.
posted by Sil 20 May | 22:38
I'd like to have Santa Claus-like powers. For real. The time manipulation and the elves and the maybe-immortality. Because I'd really like Santa to be real, and I think it'd be a fun job. But I'd need the powers, too.
posted by punchtothehead 20 May | 23:13
Don't try it. Teleporting can be dangerous. Believe me.
posted by Kronos_to_Earth 20 May | 23:21
You can take him at his word, everyone.
posted by Kronos_to_Earth 20 May | 23:22
A brand new minivan!
posted by mullacc 20 May | 23:31
I would like the absence of procrastination. Does that count?
posted by Splunge 21 May | 06:00
The ability to sleep through the night.

And to then wake up every morning with a new super power.
posted by Obscure Reference 21 May | 08:16
bearwife -- I'm always working on wisdom and empathy and patience

And it shows. You have way more of those things than most.
posted by philipy 21 May | 13:29
If we're talking about superpowers, I'll join the ability-to-travel-through-time-and-space bandwagon.

If a "real" ability that some people actually appear to have... the ability to be fully refreshed on a few hours of sleep, and be able to easily reset my natural waking and sleeping times to the hours of my choice.
posted by philipy 21 May | 13:50
I would like the ability to excrete artisanal cheeses. Then I could sell those cheeses for crazy money and be all HA HA HA PEOPLE ARE PAYING TO EAT MY POOP.

Or the power to kill people with my mind. That would be cool, too.
posted by BitterOldPunk 22 May | 03:57
Flight, no question.

Technically possible:
posted by deborah 22 May | 21:26
Time travel. I have a lot of mistakes I'd like to undo.
posted by dg 23 May | 01:16
Gee, philipy, thank you. I'm touched to the heart, You have a pretty super power of sweetness.
posted by bearwife 23 May | 02:24
I totally forgot I had this button || A RAPTUROUS BIRTHDAY TO WOLFDADDY!!!!!