Crème de glace. Um, crème de GLASS. Tell me I'll be alright? Will I be okay? I ate broken glass tonight. Finely-crushed small particles. Not on purpose -- I'm not a circus geek. Broken glass is one of a very few things that freak me out. Please tell me I'll be okay? I'm a bit freaked out. (Cross-posted on AskMe.)
I had dinner with a few friends, one of whom makes homemade coconut-milk ice cream. Another friend was talking about how he had dropped a glass container of this fellow's ice cream, then ate the ice cream from the center where the glass shards would be unlikely to reside. So we had some ice cream after dinner, and of course I'm thinking there's no way it could be the same ice cream. I mean, what kind of dumbasses eat ice cream that might have broken glass in it? My dumbass friends, evidently.
The first few spoonfuls were fine, but then I noticed something slightly crunchy, like a few grains of sand, but I figured it was frozen cherries. Then I found two pieces of glass with my tongue, both about 1/4" long and wicked sharp. And I stopped eating, but then found a tiny fragment between my teeth, meaning the original crunchy stuff was probably glass.
I feel okay, but the back of my throat feels the way it does when I have a hair stuck there.
The ice cream was delish, by the way. Earl Grey with cherries and glass.