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A friend of mine roasts coffee and sells it as a side business/hobby. It is literally "locally roasted" just like it says on the bag. Sorry, when it comes to mugs, I'm pretty boring. I got nothin'.
This is my office coffee mug. It used to belong to a very old lawyer indeed, a man named Edwin Roast. When he retired, well into his 80s, I asked if I could have his mug and I've had it myself for many years now.
This is the cup I use every day at home. It was a gift from the mother of my best friend and I treasure it. It's also a great mug to use, big and solid, and difficult to knock it over.
Here's a very old picture I had forgotten about which includes not only one of my favorite coffee mugs (the image is all faded out now but it used to say Folly Beach SC on it) but also my christening mug and a wooden doughnut which is still out in my kitchen waiting for an unwary guest and a polaroid of me at 18 or so which I have no idea where it is, the picture or my youth. ≡ Click to see image ≡
And here are all my coffee mugs in an uncharacteristically clean view of my kitchen. ≡ Click to see image ≡
Closer view. Whoooeee! I can barely contain the excitement, here! Fortunately for everyone, this is it for my archive of coffee cup pictures. ;-) ≡ Click to see image ≡
Hehe. That photo of Pooka reminded me that I really should try and take pictures of Fuchs (our cat), erm, consuming water - he loves dipping his paw into a cup (or a glass; and it could just as well be cold tea, he's not too picky) of water, licking it dry and then repeating the process.
Senyar, my mother has the same green mug. She never uses it for anything, though.
All my favorite cool mugs have been killed in tragic handle separating accidents. So many, all gone. My L&R mug. Sigh.
This is a drug company freebie: ≡ Click to see image ≡
I had two pics of the ugliest mugs in the world, I couldn't decide which was uglier, this snowman Christmas cup or this fail crafty sad hippie cup, but they apparently never uploaded. Looking for pictures of surviving coffee cups has left me stranded in the Bees' baby pictures. Aw, tiny baby.
And this is one of the first photos I ever posted on the Intarweb: ≡ Click to see image ≡
It's hot chocolate that sat so long in the bottom of my coffee cup at my (then) cubicle job that it basically petrified. No kidding.