You and I just need to drop the "you and" I expect everyone except me already knows this
I've always found it quite hard to remember whether to say "you and I" or "you and me", getting confused over
which is subjective and which objective. But there's actually an absurdly easy way to do it:
Just drop the "you and", then try it out.
If you don't know whether it's "you and I went swimming" or "you and me went swimming", just drop the "you and", then try it out:
I went swimming.
Me went swimming.
"I went swimming" is right, so "You and I went swimming" is also right. (It's subjective).
Or if you don't know whether it's "Jane sent you and I an email" or "Jane sent you and me an email then just drop the "you and", then try it out:
"Jane sent I an email."
"Jane sent me an email."
"Jane sent me an email" is right, so "Jane sent you and me an email" is also right. (It's objective).
I can't believe it's so easy! OK everyone, you can laugh at me for not knowing this now.