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12 July 2011

help me find something to replace Jack and Ianto Torchwood scratched an itch I didn't quite realize i had...[More:]or rather that so many people had. Still I don't want this associated with my real name altho i guess someone could possibly figure me out. yes, i'm in the closet about wanting to watch guys kiss. ha! i really hope i don't offend anyone with my questions, but here goes...

I've read the fanfic for TW (some of it's quite good) and been on tvtropes. I understand that Velvet Goldmine has boys kissing (yay!).

tvtropes said that Angel and Merlin have hoyay. Started watching Merlin, which while fun, is a family show. Also, not really what i'm going for. Angel was also on regular cable I think, so probably also a family show. I've only seen bits and pieces tho. does anything ever materialize on that show, or is it all unrequited and/or in the dreams of the fans?

Is there anything else that is movie or tv that has anything like the Jack and Ianto thing from TW? I mean, does James Spader make out with guys in any movie? (Sex, Lies, and Videotape & Secretary i have already seen...if he made out with a guy in any of those, that would have been exactly what I'm looking for).

i guess I'm specifically NOT looking for pr0n. I read something I found in my fruitless (no pun intended) searching about how women who like the hoyay tend to enjoy the story arc that goes with it. That would be me as well.

i don't have cable or pay channels, but i do have netflix streaming. i am willing to find things on the internet, so feel free to recommend whatever you can. foreign films are ok too.

so maybe what i want isn't even hoyay since that seems to be never actualized in any physical way? and yaoi seems to exist mainly in anime/manga unless i'm looking in the wrong places (and i honestly haven't explored too deeply since i wasn't sure at all what i was getting my computer into.)

also, i've never explored any sort of kink before, so i'm probably just babbling now and i'm going to stop.

Hey mollycase! *waving* Long-time slash fan here, and I'd be glad to suggest a few things, although I tend to be more attuned to shows/films where the hoyay is, as you note, not so much actualized as suggested or implied.

Definitely check out Queer as Folk--there's both a UK and US version, I like the UK better, but both are good. Sadly, neither seem to be on Netflix streaming, though you can get the US version on disks. I actually found this show on DVD at my local public library, which I think is pretty hilarious, on account of how it is--not porn, certainly, but pretty explicit.

Depending on your tolerance for violence (physical, emotional, sexual) you might or might not enjoy Oz. I can't handle it at all, but there is a lot of guys (including Chris Meloni) making out with each other (also raping each other, beating each other up, etc.) It's on disk from Netflix, but not streaming.

A movie you might enjoy is Y Tu Mamá También, which *is* on Netflix streaming. Another one would be My Beautiful Laundrette (young Daniel Day Lewis, yum).

Annnnd -- I'll post others if I think of them. Let me know if you have any interest in recommendations for things that skew towards the "smoldering/sublimated" rather than the "actualized/physical" end of the spectrum.
posted by kat allison 12 July | 21:40
thanks for the suggestions!

i'll give Queer as Folk a whirl, i think i do remember seeing that at my library also. Oz i had heard was very good, but i had never heard about any of the hoyay/gay in it. interesting. thanks for the warning on the violence part of it.

i think that years ago i saw My Beautiful Laundrette and completely forgot about it. not sure how! haha! i may have to watch that again ;-)

smoldering/sublimated would work as well. i guess i'm trying to expand my repetoire and viewing pleasure, so i'm open to any and all suggestions.

posted by mollycase 12 July | 21:50
Oz is brutal and relentless, I find.
posted by gaspode 12 July | 22:21
Hmmm, if you want more of a dude on dude romance thing you're gonna be hard pressed, True Blood has a bunch of pan sexual adventurism but not much in the way of romance ( although the fry cook Lafayette is more than most shows do in a lifetime, and he's in a real relationship now) the first season should be totally streamable . There is a fairly romantic subplot in Game Of Thrones but it us very much a subplot.

posted by The Whelk 12 July | 22:41
Movies? Hmm Qurelle (sic?) is arty kinda porny very French absurd thing about a sailor. I'll think about the epic dude romances of film but there aren't a ton of them....
posted by The Whelk 12 July | 22:43
And oh, I Love You Phillip Morris about the romance of two con men who met in prison and it is both explicit and funny and romantic.
posted by The Whelk 12 July | 22:47
Oh and Bad Education for your Spanish noir gender bending murder needs.
posted by The Whelk 12 July | 22:49
Kiss of the Spider Woman
posted by warbaby 12 July | 22:59
In & Out is fairly decent for a light comedy.
posted by Ardiril 12 July | 23:22
thanks everyone!
posted by mollycase 13 July | 12:15
Guilty pleasure confession: || Buns! OMG!