Please calm my anxieties. My partner and I are planning a wedding, at the location we currently live, which means it's going to be 3-4 hours away (by car) for about 80% of our guests. We are trying to figure out what to do about inviting children. In an ideal world, children would not be invited; in the we're-asking-a-lot-of-people-to-travel-kinda-far-for-a-whole-weekend world we actually inhabit, we're thinking that inviting out-of-town kids but not in-town kids might be a viable compromise.
I'm worried our in-town invited guests are going to freak in some way.
I don't have kids, but my thinking is that our out-of-town guests all have *very* young kids (like, mostly under two years old) and asking them to find a weekend-long babysitter would be a huge imposition. Our in-town friends with kids have slightly older kids (4-8 years old), and would only have to find them babysitters for a couple hours.
But I'm worried (probably in a dysfunctionally anxious way) that I'm missing some major consideration and this is a totally unfair cut-off criteria. Can someone give me some sort of feedback? (I'm really really really trying not to use MeCha as a wedding forum while I'm planning this, but I can't find any wedding fora that don't seem to automatically default to "It's your special day! Do anything you want and screw everyone!" and that's not helpful right now.)