An update on our cat Guinness (with pics!) →[More:] So Guinness had his shattered leg amputated yesterday
(initial thread about the accident), and IMMEDIATELY started feeling better without the mangled foot. We saw him on Sunday, when we took him from the local vet to the big animal hospital, and he was SO MISERABLE that day. Even on pain meds, he was just in pitiful shape.
Today, when he saw us, he went into "insane purr" mode and stayed that way the whole 45 minutes we were with him. (
Photos) His other foot got scraped up too, and they want to keep him again tonight so they can swap out that bandage tomorrow before sending him home. He ate last night for the first time since the accident, and he stood up (briefly and unsteadily) a couple of times while we were visiting with him. Once that slippery bootie/bandage is off his foot, I think he'll be able to start getting around a little bit. Towards the end he dropped off to sleep and had a ten-minute cat nap while we were still stroking and scritching him- he looked so comfortable. :)
We both feel 100% after seeing him today- he looked like his old self (Well, MOST of his old self... heh) and he should be able to come home tomorrow. So, yay! Thank you everyone for all the kind words here, on Twitter and in email. The encouragement has been a real boon.