The results of the MetaChat Minecraft giveaway are in... →[More:]
First the results of the
stickers drawing:
Since there were only six entrants for this drawing, I scared up two more stickers and everybody who entered this drawing will get one: ethylene, oneswellfoop, wimpdork, danostuporstar, mygothlaundry, and TrishaLynn. Congrats! :)
Y'all email me a mailing address where I can send your decal- I'll get those in the mail sometime next week.
Now, the drawing for a copy of the
game Minecraft: I printed out all of the entrants' names, put them in a hat, shook them up, and let my partner draw one out. And the winner is:
Congrats, and welcome to your new videogame vice. :) I'll send you an email soon telling you how to get the game (you'll be downloading it yourself from using a code). Thanks everyone who entered- this was fun.