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Comment Feed:


14 July 2011

Tell me about Google+ [More:] Okay, so one of you (don't know which of you) sent me a Google+ invite. I joined but I have no idea what to do next. I know Facebook- you see someone, you friend them. I don't see any option like that on Google+. Do I have to set up a circle or something? I can't just join an existing group?
I don't think it has any group options right now. You pretty much have to drag the people you choose into your circles.
posted by Ardiril 15 July | 00:31
So I have to create a circle?
posted by Doohickie 15 July | 00:39
Click on the Circles tab (blue and red circles iconograph). That will take you to the Circles management page.
posted by Ardiril 15 July | 00:44
If you want to add MeFi/Mecha people, one way is to find someone connected like BitterOldPunk or BoringPostcards and add them to your circle.

From their profiles, click on "View All" for the "Have X in Circles", and add any names or faces that look familiar.

Not sure whether he's happy about it or not, but from the MeFi thread, many people are using the mighty beard of BitterOldPunk as an identifier for their MeFi circle...
posted by TheophileEscargot 15 July | 01:03
Yeah, I'm figuring it out. One problem I have is I don't know people's real names so I'm not sure who to add.
posted by Doohickie 15 July | 01:07
Online anonymity is pretty much over. Now we have to actually know each other.
posted by Ardiril 15 July | 01:11
One problem I have is I don't know people's real names so I'm not sure who to add.

The canonical MeFites on Google+ Thread. People are linking their G+ names and their usernames by the fistful.
posted by mykescipark 15 July | 01:33
If you add the user M.F. Taters, her circle contacts are strictly Metafilterites.
posted by octothorpe 15 July | 05:59
Buzz, Wave, now +. It looks like + is the one that might catch on?
posted by aniola 15 July | 17:06
I think it's a very nice interface and all, but I just don't feel like I need this.
posted by Miko 16 July | 07:52
Tell me about your Chevy Aveo || OMG Possum!