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"Bunnies are cute and are the heart of Metachat and that is why Metachat has a high heart rate."

The origins of bunnies on Metachat lie somewhere between the fame of olong, the particulars of lagomorphs, and their diverse and widespread uses, mutations, connotations, and associations--

--but most probably between the ear and eye holes of Taz, who's first Metachat site design featured a photo image of a classic white rabbit on a calming field of white on the main screen page. (Individual post pages also once had two arms reaching out from the right in either an expression of joy, release, or free fall. It was quickly changed to a photo image of pleasantly orange whole carrots, accented by sprigs of their spring green tops.)

Perhaps she will be inclined to enlighten us someday. Perhaps not.

While the site evolves, both visually and technically, at a rate a capricious bunny hops, bunnies remain and multiply.

The changes in site design were loved by many, and hated by a few.


Bunnies also enjoy taking a holiday.