Somniloquy. →[More:]
So I'm not sure about the veracity of
Sleep Talkin' Man, although he's very amusing. For example:
"Here's what we do: We wrestle back control from the pirate gerbils, and the seas will be ours! That's right, you nasty little sea fluffies… Shit, they're stashing the treasure in their cheeks! Come on! Time for some plundering!"
Dion McGregor's narrations have been verified as being true somniloquy, and are hilarious.
My favorite,
The Diet.
Food Roulette!
Food and what to do with it. (NSFW)
But not everything's about food...
It must be Friday, because Friday's
the Fuck Wagon. (NSFW)
Sadly, I could not find an MP3 for the best track, The Flight. It's on the album Dion McGregor Dreams Again, and describes a hot air balloon trip to the moon.