Psychic teenagers? →[More:]
Every morning, I walk past streams of teenagers on their way to the local high school. They are coming from the train stop, I am on my way to it.
This morning, there was a huge puddle covering half the road, making it necessary to cross to the other side of the road. And you were stuck on that side of the road for a good long stretch, because there's a busy bridge and no way to cross back over.
Here's the weird thing, ALL the kids approaching the puddle were walking on the opposite side of the road, as if they somehow
knew already. At first I thought, "Well, they're probably texting their friends who are a few blocks behind them, to warn them of the puddle." But this is hundreds of kids we're talking, no way everyone got a warning to cross the street.
How did they know? It was eerie, I tell yuh.
Maybe all that pot smoke I smell every morning has somehow made them super in-tune with their environment... or something.