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Comment Feed:


12 July 2011

Guilty pleasure confession: [More:]
After watching this video, I wish quite dearly to be Stevie Nicks in the 1970's, just so I could date Lindsay Buckingham, just so he would look at me like that in 1997 while I sang Silver Springs staring him straight in the eye.

What is your guilty pleasure confession for the day?
I heart Big Brother (the US version).
posted by amro 12 July | 16:44
At the end of our running group tonight when we were doing our stretches and Richard, our trainer, stretched his arms up, his t-shirt rode up and a fair number of us ladies sighed at the sight of his toned, flat stomach and the waistband of his Calvins. He's not hunky, in fact he looks sort of like Fido Dido, but we all adore him.
posted by Senyar 12 July | 16:56
I ate a really cheap frozen pizza for dinner last night and enjoyed every bite.
posted by mudpuppie 12 July | 17:16
I think instant coffee is just fine
posted by Firas 12 July | 17:35
Mr. Bonham-Carter and Mr. Firth are galloping across the grounds of Netherfield as we speak. I do not know why this is a cure for cramps; it just is.
posted by notquitemaryann 12 July | 17:39
I guess today my guilty pleasure is that I just danced around the living room to jason's video.
posted by JanetLand 12 July | 18:34
I hadn't paid any attention to the Casey Anthony case, but last week after the verdict I spent two days entirely immersed in every bit of minutia about the case. Mostly I watched the raw footage of police interviews with all Casey's friends and family on youtube.
I could not stop. I stayed up late and was exhausted for two days. I feel kinda dirty, but if I thought there was something I missed I'd be up late again tonight.

I guess this isn't really a pleasure though.
posted by readery 12 July | 18:46
My love for the In Death JD Robb series, and a lot of other Nora Roberts trash too.
posted by bearwife 12 July | 19:24
Potato salad with garlic croutons mixed in.
posted by Splunge 12 July | 19:51
If this would have come round on my Ipod it would have been a guilty pleasure.
posted by Marxchivist 12 July | 19:55
Taking naps after I meditate. (I have a miserable time falling asleep and I'm just so relaxed and chill that it's just fucking AWESOME to curl up and snooze for a wee bit.)
posted by sperose 12 July | 19:57
microwaved chicken pot pies - the cheap kind are best.
posted by theora55 12 July | 20:26
Wild berry skittles make the perfect dessert after thai takeout.
posted by rmless2 12 July | 20:56
Guilt is a tool of the Thought Police.

I don't feel guilty about any of my pleasures.
posted by BitterOldPunk 12 July | 21:59
Don't agree, BOP, I certainly feel a little guilty about wishing I were Stevie Nicks in the 1970's instead of just being happy with who I am.

Guilt is my natural inclination, born and bred. Sometimes it actually feels good.
posted by msali 12 July | 22:06
2nding B.O.P. Fuck guilt. Enjoy what you wanna enjoy. (And I doubt you *really* wish you were Stevie Nicks, what with the drugs and how fucked up everything got very soon after.)
posted by Eideteker 13 July | 06:21
msali: There's an impressive amount of eye-fuckery going on in that video. And yes, so much passion.

bearwife: I'm a little sad that you think that the "In Death" series is "trash." There are a lot of interesting concepts about what the near-future could be like (professional mothering? Which probably came about as a result of the Urban Wars?) and thanks to reading almost all of them, I know to never speak to a police detective without a damn good attorney with me.
posted by TrishaLynn 13 July | 07:09
Well, I don't know about the song so much, Marxchivist, but the dancing on that video made my morning.

My guilty pleasure is laying down on my bed to read when there is housework to do on the weekends.
posted by toastedbeagle 13 July | 09:07
I inevitably find myself poring through Wikipedia pages about minor British royals and European aristocratic intermarriages.

Also, I love, love, LOVE bad disco. I've told this many times, but knew the boy loved me when he put a track from the Ethel Merman Disco Album on his first mix cd. (He's a garage punk drummer.)
posted by Madamina 13 July | 09:25
Don't get me wrong, TrishaLynn, I LOVE those books, in both written and audible form, and the sci fi slant is definitely part of it. As I used to be a prosector, I also love all the crime stuff (and fyi, no good attorney would ever let you say a single word to any police officer except courtesies like "I understand, thank you, Office.") I think Roberts can write, I'm just not willing to claim a ton of literary merit for her output or my dedicated reading of it.
posted by bearwife 13 July | 11:46
I love Britney Spears' Toxic (the song, not so much the video).

My love for the In Death JD Robb series, and a lot of other Nora Roberts trash too.

Until meeting my wife, I had never heard either name. My wife and her mother have an ungodly collection of Nora Roberts and similar authors. I have stayed away, for fear I might get trapped and never escape. And why in the world do you have a pen name if you're just going to put your real name on the cover, too? You're fooling no one!
posted by filthy light thief 13 July | 13:02
When I'm feeling particularly juvenile I sometimes sing Born with a Smile on my Face, replacing "smile" with various amusing things.
posted by Wolfdog 13 July | 13:24
(Why would anyone feel guilty about liking Toxic? It's a tour-de-force of writing and production.)
posted by Wolfdog 13 July | 13:30
I really like how this particular cat has bonded so tightly with me. Just jumping up on the bed when I am on it is enough for her to start purring. Once the kids move, I can make this place quite a bit more cat friendly.
posted by Ardiril 13 July | 13:39
I have declared that I have lost the war on humidity and have checked out every decent looking graphic novel from the librayr and have lay about with the fan on reading them instead of more thoroughly planning my dad's memorial service.
posted by jessamyn 13 July | 14:48
I think I have a crush on Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance. I'm almost 30. I feel that's a little old to have crushes on musicians who appeal to gothy teenagers.
posted by titus n. owl 13 July | 16:13
I have a crush on Mila Jovovich. And Grace Jones. Of the two, Grace Jones would probably crush me. I do not care. Love knows no rationality.
posted by Splunge 13 July | 21:49
Anybody looking to join Zediva? || help me find something to replace Jack and Ianto