28 February 2006
Felicity Huffman -- in episodes of the Brady Bunch, Munsters and Leave it to Beaver, for Dove--too weird.
It's Done! The
RPM Challenge (record an album in a month) deadline is tomorrow, and I have a hot, freshly mastered little CD in my hands, all ready to drop off by noon....
OMG Vicuña!!!!!11! A post to keep the Alpaca company. Awww.
Three Point Status Report
Cdn healthcare →
car buying is tiring →
Noo Yawk's Gift To Thrash Metal! →
Presenting the premiere of RADIO WOLFDADDY! Starting in about two thumps of a bunny's tail. This is the first of forty broadcasts to come. You'll have to guess what the common theme is! :-) Enjoy!
Who posted this bunny? I want to buy the tee shirt but can't find the link. I feel bad just posting a question, so I'll post a story inside.
How anonymous is Gmail? →
Bore Me Metachat is too titillating today. I'm all revved up and can't concentrate. Bore me to tears, please.
What's your Hell on Earth like? Mine is the tradeshow I am going to have to work this week.
Flirt with me. (Because tilda asked for it)
My mantra today is "don't cross your legs while sitting at your desk or your hip will hurt later." I need to stretch more often, like, say, once a month.
What's yours?
Happy Mardi Gras! Anyone have any exciting plans involving beads, masks, and king cake?
Cleveland March Meetup this Thrusday, 3/2 @ 8:00: Several of us are already going and MeFi/MoFi/MeCha, lurkers, non-member readers and paparazzi are all welcome at Edison's Pub in Tremont. Details inside.
List your superpowered weaknesses. Now that we all know what
words to use in conversation if we want to annoy you, let us know what other weapons we can use against you. What's your
Anagramatize yer name. My fave is "ben the ill". Or "I bent hell".
sorry mike9322.
Radio Mosch I'm working from home today, so I'll stream my tunes for a bit.
Tune for Tuesday →
help me My manfriend of a year and a half just left me. He's moving out this week. Help me feel better. Please. Something. Anything.
Why can't I post an image? →
Srini's T-Shirts and sticker... I can't help it, I lerve 'em, and I currently have
this tee. What are your fave "hipster stuff" (urgh!--for lack of a better word) sites? Anything cool on Cafe Press these days?
I think I've got the SAD Cheer me up!
Am I allowed to go to the tanning clinic?
Wallow till Spring, which is nigh?
Vote Now for the MetaChat Book Club March selection!
27 February 2006
OMG really really happy to see you bunny It's late at night and I found another bunny. This one is pretty much nsfw, but it's not as bad as suicide bunny. I promise.
favorite flickr groups/photographers →
List Of Words Banned From Existence. Name yours. Phrases of 3 words or fewer also okay.
Jaan Pehechaan Ho Some of you may recall this little number from the film
Ghost World, others as the opening scene of the 1965 Bollywood extravaganza
Inspired by Shane's furry Friday
post, I present you with
Tune for Tuesday→
Get Out Your Lighters, MeCha! →
It's International Polar Bear Day! The Guardian
suggests that we all sing along: "Dodeedoo in tooth and claw ... Baby seals? We eat them raw ... Big eyes, brains, guts, yum yum, want more ... Doodoo my cute white fuzzy paw ..."
My 'hood. Someone has put up a very cool website about my neighorhood of the last 16 years, Buford Highway in Atlanta.
MetalFilter. Today I saw the
video for one of my all-time favorite songs, which I'd never seen before; and heard a
couple of
songs I'd forgotten about for like a decade, courtesy of AskMe. Some days, I love the internets.
How long to wait to call after an apparently successful coffee first-meet?
We met for coffee Sat. night, talked for three hours, agreed to get together again. Am I expected to be the person who makes contact again?
List Of Images Banned From Metachat
Hi, this is Amber. I'm using mike9322's account because I'm shy and I don't know if I want to create my own account, but I think you are really cute and I want to have sex with you. Email me at obviousphishingscam@yahoo.com.
Ha Ha Ha America. I'm askeered and entranced and entertained.
Also VideoSift kicks butt, but you knew that.
Anagrams on a train! An anagramatic map of Portland's light rail network.
Book Club Nominations again. I see one from rebirtha, one from dersins, and about 4 from amberglow (who often forgets that you're only allowed one nomination). So let's try this again.
How is your Monday going? →
Death of a thousand cuts (minus nine hundred and nintey nine cuts) Argh, I've got a small but deep cut on my thumb, it's in a place where it's just not going to heal (it reopens every time I use my thumb for anything), and it hurts like mofo. That's all, I just wanted to complain, thank you for your attention.
This is a languages thread. →
What's your magic number?
SongBeggarFilter: Does anybody have Purple, by Esionjim?
Big day for me :-) →
this is very cool I saw it at a store the other day on their computer and asked what it was. This thing is just so fun to watch. The fish actually look fairly realistic swimming around.
It's my birthday. I'm 29 today. Nearly three decades of life and I'm not sure if I've accomplished anything of lasting worth in my 20s. Well, I have one more year before I hit 30 to do something about that, I guess.
26 February 2006
Okay -- don't take time to think, just respond -- what is your favorite album of all time? Your favorite film?
AskMeCha: MP3 player advice, please! →
AskMecha: Wireless router problems, as
seen not seen on AskMefi.
AskMeCha: Mac audio problems.
Radio's the Way to Go. Not that I can hope to follow dodgy, but here's some noise to fill the empty space for all those without Sunday night TV.
pretty - I have no idea if this game is good, but look at the screenshots. Most game screencaps do not make for pretty wallpaper but some of these might.
Warning: easily offended read no further. (and this is not a joke post either), but a post about probably the most controversial song of the late 1980's
Radio Dodgy I'm playing some tunes while I search for a new job. And I'll pop into IRC. Come and join me.
Dodgy-fied Movies, LT Edition! →
Get yer cameras ready... Next Photo Friday's theme is: "Y'at!? Where ya at?" Show us pics of where you live, sleep, eat, work, play, or do unmentionable things on rollerskates and pogo sticks.
Ask MeCha. Is there something like Velveeta in the UK? Further to
this AskMe, I am trying to find cheese that will melt easily and smoothly in a pot. Kraft sells a product called
Velveeta in the U.S. that fits the bill. Any substitute ideas from you expert chefs?
Ask MeCha: New Diet or Recuperation? It's been five days since I've had a real, full meal.
Cannot post, please correct these errors: * Found invalid URL: Invalid URL
[Back to post editing]
Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /web/metachat/blogs/skins/zombie/edit_actions.php on line 158
In the mood for a new desktop image? Check out Flickr's HDR ("High Dynamic Range"; explanation at bottom of page) pool. I'm using
this one right now. I find
this one incredibly touching for some reason.
This one of Mann's Chinese on Hollywood Blvd. and
this one of Ess-a-Bagel on the East Side in NYC are both fantastic, and
this one from Tokyo is very cool.
Here's a split photo that shows the difference between an HDR and a standard shot.
I hate my neighbors right now. My stupid neighbors are having an extremely loud birthday party (the bad drunken singing has started)...and all I want to do is sleep after helping my sister out with her (very, very) sick kids today.
Is this a scam? I get this e-mail all the time:
25 February 2006
Top Ten Most Welcome Movie Deaths Paris Hilton in House of Wax; Macaulay Culkin in My Girl; Bruce Willis in Armageddon ...
Me internet's slow! Is there a quick way to see if someone's leeching off my wifi? My broadband is running like quicksand. Help!
Only 178 days left. And there is not a
goddamn thing you can do about it.
What me? Addict? So, a couple of weeks ago I got my
second tattoo on my arm and now I want more! But I shouldn't. I really shouldn't. So, let me live vicariously through you all. Show me your ink, Mecha!
WTF, Taco Bell? Is T-Bell using the same firm that came up with the "Double Cheeseburger, I'd hit it!" campaign?
the Snow Flakes (that's what CNN called our Olympic athletes, who pretty much sucked and/or showboated instead of trying to win)
The premier one is of course, Bode:
"I just want to go out and rock. And man, I rocked here"
An Easy Peasy Rock Trivia Question: What do the Monkees, the Who, Queen, Big Country and Talk Talk all have in common?
What's the funniest joke you know? →
Another one from the Songs The Young Jonmc Thought He Understood But The Older Jonmc Now Does File
Recommend me a radio station/show with interesting music! I'm bored of the music I have. Show me something new!
Would you swim faster in water or in a 'syrup' do you think? →Read more...
I need some data, bitches! Do you have a large collection of mp3s? Then step inside and tell me about it.
Dallas: Anyone here & wanna do the meetup thing? Like, tonight or tomorrow? See MeTa thread
here, or just scroll down the front page over here to see why I'd like this to happen. I don't care how small it turns out to be, and you may get to meet my sister!
Lemme know.
Somebody stuck a piece of paper to my neighbor's door. There's big Arabic writing on it. Should I call the FBI, or just stay somewhere else for the next week?
This is a whining thread! →
Metachat Book Club nominations for March, anyone? Nominations close and voting opens Monday morning. (Sorry bout Feb.)
I'm Going Home Need to wail? Need to give a voice the mournful, oppressed recesses of your soul? You can't do any better than a chain gang song, then, and few are better than this one, sung by Ervin Webb with a chorus of prisoners, 1959, Parchman Penitentiary, Mississippi.
OMG free high-quality clinical information Clinical Evidence: detailed reviews of clinical studies of various treatments in an easy to use format (free for people on UK ISPs)
British National Formulary: everything you need to know about drugs (registration required)
PubMed: searching the primary literature
OmieWise callout Is this sarcasm or not? Seriously, I'm asking, as it's outside my areas of knowledge -- and I could read it and believe it either way -- but within OmieWise's expertise.
I'm back! Miss me? →
Len Price 3 play America! Well they're playing SxSW and NY in March and they really are one of the most exciting live bands I've seen in some time. Go check them out if you love short, sharp, melodic garage rock with more hooks than a ship full of pirates. Now if someone would be good enough to send Chomsky over to London then the cultral exchange will be complete. Cheers.
Happy Saturday everyone! Whatcha up to today?
OMG! Mecha Pets! I wanted to try the demo of
Scooch ("The Web Standards Based Slide Show Creator"), so I made a slideshow of the images included in Friday's Furry Photos thread...
morning sky →
24 February 2006
Come to IRC & help me wallow in my misery. The wife 'n I? Very, very over. Come watch me get fucked up on stuff that I didn't get from a doctor.
C'mon - it'll be fun!
No way should it be this quiet on a Friday night.
Impromptu Radio BP starting in about five minutes.
I have a sudden desire.... for a hot Korean chick/bot handcuffed in a bathtub full of phlegm.
Wish him well... One of my students is going to Iraq on Tuesday.
I looked up ubiquitous in the dictionary... →
Gunkanjima or
Battleship Island is 480 x 160 meters and was home to more than
5000 people.
Abandoned for more than 40 years it is a
microcosm of 20th century industrial
development. A
soundtrack to the photos. Or take the
multimedia tour.
Urban exploration.
I need a hug. →
Ah no! I'm screwed! I am xyrophobic
and pogonophobic!
I suppose it could be much worse: I could be both medorthophobic and megalophobic...
Sukie in the Graveyard (yes, the new Belle & Sebastian kicks ass)
i got so excited! →
Do you observe the three second rule? →
FBI Busts MetaChat! Confiscates computers! Have they broken the law?
Is sourbrew dead, or what?
Why can't I concentrate today?
This seems as good a place as any to share my obsession with the pangolin.
Bad news, people: The hamster that powers the Internet is tired of running in its cage. We're going to have to go back to pencil and paper for awhile.
Is it a threat, in legal terms, to say,
What is your best quality? I'm in the mood for a burst of positivity to start the weekend. Tell me the absolute best thing about yourself.
Have A Good Weekend MetaChat! →
Do you ever get that feeling? Do you ever get that feeling, while at work, watching the clock slowly tick off the minutes until the weekend, that somewhere, The Nothing is devouring Fantasia?
But when you stand up and yell, "MOONCHILD!", your co-workers just look at you funny?
a giant thank you, but who's Randall? email me, whoever you are : >
Hey peoples. I miss you. I moved so I don't have much Internet till next Thursday. But I escaped my evil roommies. Hurrah!
What are your favorite blog memes? →
Tesco comming to the US! Now we can pretend to be british and shop at the tesco for some tea and crumpets.
Story Problem (Once in a Lifetime) →
Last night at the bar... I was drinking with these two aging harcore guys and we got into a discussion of what was the best postpunk/alternative/underground/whatever the fuck song of the 1980's.
A couple of new Ted Leo demos: It's really hard for me to read the site, but they're right up there at the top.
Bunnypin Conspiracy! →
Photo Friday! As per shane. Today's theme is "Furry Friday. Post pictures of your pets. Or of other people's pets. Or of furry things. Furry anything--be creative."
A question for the Gay & Bi Mechas: →
Short jams - Songs from
Perfect Hair Forever.
Episode 1 end theme,
episode 2 opening theme,
episode 3 opening theme,
episode 4 end theme, and
episode 6 end theme.
You should check these out even if you haven't seen the show. They're short and catchy. Especially listen to episode 2 opening, written and performed by
Brendon Small. Also,
MF Doom plays a hungry giraffe and is in episode 4 end theme.
Oh yeah, my favorite is episode 1 end theme. Especially the ending.
23 February 2006
MorgueFile --free stock photos.
Passionate canine discourse. I'm pretty sure he's saying, "STFU NOOB!"
"Kowloon Walled City resembed a living, breathing creature, born from its inhabitants over its long lifespan." "...occupying an area of approximately 200 by 150 metres. Most of the 500 buildings in the City, housing almost 50,000 residents"→Read more...
Radio Free cMonkey in 20 minutes →
Celebrities didn't used to be a lot taller than the average. →Read more...
Whatcha doin? →
FlySpy! (coming soon, i hope!)
The way it works is that I give it a departure city and a destination city and optionally a departure date and length of stay. The search result, which returns very quickly, will present me with a graph of flight prices over the next 30 days so that I can quickly look at which days are the cheapest to fly. To book a flight I just click on the point in the graph. Simple.
B-A-A-D Night At Zoo They're friendly, they're soft and they're very gentle. Curator Mark Shaw says that's what makes the baby doll breed of sheep ideal for the petting zoo. In the spring, the sheep go into the contact yard so children can feed them and even touch them. However, police say one man took the invitation a little too far when he tore down the chain link fence, wrestled one of the sheep and stuffed her into a trashcan.
Invasion of the Computer Snatchers A fascinating interview with a spyware/adware developer...
Slap. Oops, I meant bump. Will have to fix labels later. Racing library clock.
Yay Busy Geezer! Dodgy's been working on a lot of things on the To-Do List! Hooray! Thank you!
I'm so tired Of bad things happening to good people.
If I could create a human-animal hybrid, it would be...
OMG Bunny Genome! Some colleagues of mine released their bunny genome web site today.
King of the Legos With a little
soundtrack to accompany it...
Leno makes common MeCha mistake , apologizes to both -girl and -puppie.
Submarines of the Royal Netherlands Navy The Dutch Navy currently fields 4 Walrus class submarines. They are:
let's make up a new holiday. what holiday would YOU create?
The MetaChat physical LP swap is open for business at least hypothetically.
The MetaChat physical CD swap is open for business Signups are until next Wednesday. And please let me know via e-mail if you're interested in being in more than one swapset, in case we have swapsets with less than five people in them.
DANCE BREAK! Shake it people! And furthermore, give it a name!
This thread is open to new comments.
CD Swap ! ? I got a burner. I gotta use it. Also, did you know the difference between flotsam and jetsam? See inside.
Not defenestration... Of course, now I'm going to have my asshat handed to me - with my own head still all up in it - by hard core etymologists and linguists arguing that proper defenestration can only occur out of an open window.
I'm no hard core etymologyist or linguist, but I will argue that defenestration can only occur out of an open window.
That's because there's an even better word for throwing something
through a window--
IN YOUR FACE MCGRAW! mcgraw? fowler? Dude, how can I get all up in your mug about my monumental accomplishment if you don't show up? Anyway....
Hey - not bad! Just checking out the brand new
Google Pages wysiwyg page creator thingy (
Matt's Mefi post here). You may have to refresh
my link before you'll be able to see it, because there seems to be a bug that gives you a 404 at first, but it's super-easy, and not a bad little quickie pagemaker.
Radio b - Burnt Tongue Blues My ramen tried to kill me. Maybe music will ease my pain. Playing right now.
Have I told you about the time I drank a glass of phlegm my friend coughed up? No? Ok, come on in!
Cosplay gone bad Remember Fay from Cowboy Bebop? Well, OMG, it's Man Fay! Probably nsfw. Also, honorable mention goes to
Sailor Bubba. (weird, but sfw)
22 February 2006
Did you miss me? Modem died on Monday-new one finally works.
Radio Mosch And a favor required. Could somebody tell me if static shows up in the broadcast in 15 minutes? I'm not entirely sure my nicecast registration worked.
I Hate My Goddamn Landlord! →
Sometimes , you don't see a thread until it's too late.
Sedaris on art. At his piquant best.
Scoo-didditty dap-a-bap-dap
I'm legally prevented from discussing 90% of my day. You might say I'm
all revved up with no place to go. But lately there's been
too much monkey business, and I'm here at MeCha,
let's spend the night together while I
hold my life.
Will someone read me a story? →
Crap. Can someone tell me what happened in the last three minutes of last week's
There will obviously be spoilers inside→
I am making a mix tape for my best friend's 13 year old cousin... →Read more...
bunnypin surprise! In my mailbox, addressed to "mr. krix" Ha!
Signs I might be a bit distracted... →
Aloha! Got orders today, looks like my last three years in the Navy will be in Hawaii.
Candadian bunnies...I have many questions... →
So, what're you doing tonight? →
So, what'd you do last night? →
OMG Phat Bunnies! Self link. Aren't they awful?
I keep coming back, even though I know you're only going to hurt me again. Movies based on Alan Moore comic books have, as a rule, sucked hairy smelly donkey balls... and what's
Cold Turkey I'm not going to check Metachat at all from work today. Well, maybe at lunchtime. You kids have fun without me.
On a squick scale, what's your nine? →
I've got a coupon for one iTms song, what one song do I need?
Fintness Goal Heeeeelp! Cubie recently died of cancer. Fundraising ensues. People are solicited to participate in a 10K, which I've done before. The company will contribute funds for participation.
This is a thread for things that make you go hmm... →Read more...
East Coast Music I'm making up a mix cd for one of my NZ friends. I want it to include artists from Baltimore/DC and New York (and one Boston band that I like)
21 February 2006
I'd rather dance with you than talk with you. Cool video from kings of convenience featuring sweet moves and little ballerinas. (6.98mb asf)
radio richat...come and enjoy! C'mon in folks...it's a couple hours I threw together.
Sometimes, one's career choices go awry They're advertising
The antidote to American Idol. Best British Female Solo Artist
KT Tunstall. Click on "Album" and find
Black Horse & The Cherry Tree LIVE (note windows video). Wow.
A question for the Gay & Bi Mechas: →
Eff, your media is *mean*. Way to savage the kid, ESPN. Any particular need to be so vicious?
Radio Moonbird Indecisive edition. "I know I should be doing some ironing, then again I could go out, but I really oughtta study. So, I'll just spin some tunes."
animals in casts - including a
bunny, omg.
I seem to have found a bug in the Archives I've added it to the site to-do list in the Wiki. That is all.
Dinner date @ Chez Fris has been settled: Sunday, March 12.
OMG! Snowdog! And he's loving every second of it.
Also here's a buncha versions of the most important and profound song in rock history.
Ask MeCha. How do I learn to dispose of clothes? I have more than I can fit in my tiny student room, sending them across the ocean to my parents is really out of the question.
I was hoping for a contemplative time, considering the changes I've been through, lately, but so far it's been a blur of booze, pot and muddled liaisons. And now to top it all off
Askmecha: What's up with Meatloaf? There's this question that's been bugging me, and it's right up there with "what is the meaning of life" for me. What i want to know is, what is it exactly that Meatloaf (the bat out of hell artist) won't do for love? He says "I would do anything for love but i won't do that." He even says he'd run right into hell and back...so what exactly can be worse that running right into hell? I need to know what "that" is coz it's driving me nuts.
Patterns = Weird Al + Square One (feat. Dr. Demento)
What I'm wondering is this ... →
Hi Specklet. I'm in your house. So far I've been through the medicine cabinet, the underwear drawer, and the kitchen cupboards. You like Twinkies? I like Twinkies too! Hey everybody, Specklet likes Twinkies!
Also, Things I've Learned in Portland....
I really like the photography of Jess Cohen. Images of China, Malaysia, and the U.S. These just seem so lushly stark and poignant to me. A couple of my favorites are tucked inside. (Plus
more at Flickr)
You all were right, of course. It seems to have worked out just fine.
5BX Is anyone doing it or has anyone done it? Thoughts and experiences? It seems like something reasonable and cheap with easy to measure progress, that I could stick with.
Rebroadcast On Air NOW for your very special listening pleasure. Yes, you, girl. *wink*
Iran calls for end to cartoon violence Bugs Bunny could not be reached for comment.
I need somebunnies to enter my
my Oscar contest. And to chat about the Oscars.
Photos from the Den Haag meetup. Ok, mini-meetup as only gnfti and I were present, but meetup nonetheless.
The unimaginable. On Friday I couldn't connect to *.metafilter from work. I had hoped it was just an aberration, but
Photo Fridays: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is inside. Eat this post after you read it.
Bernardo confesses to more crimes I'm surprised that he would do this. What do you suppose it means in terms of his motivation?
AskUCSB — Q: Help, the condom came off during vaginal sex!? A:
Now with reduced seminal aftertaste! →
Snow bunnies! Clearly not up to the standard of our own
DFT, but a worthy effort nonetheless.
Might I please have a go at this man's job? Plus, filling some dead air on Radio Mecha.
20 February 2006
I just bought a Harmonica. I must be going thru some kind of midlife crisis.
AskMecha: I can't preview pictures in WinXP no mo. →Read more...
Radio? IRC? Tonight, you decide!
what's with that red-haired Italian ice dancer???? And this couple on now is excellent, with good, creepy music. : >
What is it with cats and guitar cases? Are pumas and/or lynx similarly attracted to double bass cases. WTF? If was to unpack a nine-foot grand piano would a tiger be eager to fil the void?
Rat Monster [Google Video].
So did anyone post this yet? Because I don't remember seeing it. So here it is, for those that don't read the smoking gun. Words fail me.
score Amazon just hooked me up with a free trial of Amazon prime, for two months. I have no idea why, but when I ordered a book they offered it too me. I also fiddled with the shipping options, originally putting 'next day' and then switching it to '2 day' and then I got the offer. And they are shipping my book next day for just $3.99.
I guess their algorithms said I would make them more money if I signed up for it. Weird.
Sympathy Gift Help Req'd: →
Airline recommendations? If you had to choose between United, American, Northwest, and Alaska and they all pretty much cost the same, which would you pick? SEA to SFO nonstop, so no hub issues.
Pee stains I've been searching for the last 30 seconds and I can't find a certain AskMeFi question about how to correctly... shake after going pee-pee toliet, so as not to spot your pants.
Sophisticated Pick-up Thread →
Radio Moonbird: Totally random distractions from doing laundry (on until I decide to finally get the washing up done).
Toad the Wet Sprocket inside. →
Leering Thread →
what is the most disgusting thing you would do for a million dollars?
AskMeCha - Mohammed caricatures →
My latest guilty pleasure song (although when it comes to music I don't believe in guilt, but you get the idea). And she
fine, too.
Today in Music Theory class we covered arpeggiation. Arpeggiation is when only the
consonant notes of the harmonic triad (steps 1, 3, and 5) are played, without the intervening (
dissonant) steps on the musical scale. These quantum leaps in pitch cause the tune to jump around a bit, giving it a 'bouncy' feel. Case in point, Fugazi's
Arpeggiator. Enjoy.
RPE is setting out to build, market, and license the world's first Mars-themed adventure resort that will authentically simulate what it will be like to be on an expedition on Mars in the year 2035.
Games? This or That? Truth or Dare? I Never?
Anybody? Anybody?
Waah, I'm bored, play with me! (Thread for randomramblingshite.)
It's a holiday! Who else has to work? Come on people, make me feel better.
It's Job Application Time! Well I've
read my morning blogs, Metafilter = teh down, and it is time for me to go apply for some work! I've brewed a pot of tea and am now taking some applications into the sunny bedroom.
MacRagDoll Free fun little ragdoll physics program that gives you points for pushing someone down the stairs. Shame you can't skin it to be whoever you want but its pretty good as is.
19 February 2006
From the Songs I thought I understood as a young man, but that I needed to be 35 to
truly get file:
Am I not confident enough? I thought I was. A friend told another friend I wasn't-in a situation that matters.
And yes, thank you, I AM whining.
My cat loves The X-Files, Guild Wars, and pound cake. →Read more...
i want a burger. What do you want?
Polly want a cracker My neighbours are driving me crackers. They bought a parrot last month and they're trying to teach it to say "God is love". [more]
Brittingham Family Lantern Slide Collection --rich family, slides from trips and stuff bet. 1897-1922--some wonderful images--
i want a room like this
Sunday radio play - the Twighlight Zone remixed For your listening pleasure at 10pm GMT, or whenever Cas finishes his set.
Be My Friend Neighbor invests $800k, gets back less than $300k. Still wants to be friends.
I'm playing your shit. Taking a page from MGL, I'm running through my YSI folder.
It's Sunday afternoon and I'm drubk at a friend's bday party and I love you all. And I love my cats. And animals. What do you love?
My pappy said, Son, you're gonna drive me t'drinkin'
I was waiting for a bus this morning →
OK I'm going to post again cause I'm pissed off Let's hear your laundry stories. Here's mine.
Why no "Post" button? When Javascript is turned off?
What the hell is a go forward basis? I just don't get it.
Monk's mind game. Strangely addictive. Kind of reminds me of Bishy-Bashy Special if anyone remebers that.
It's not the end of the world,
Has anyone done notpron? It's touted as "The hardest riddle available on the internet". I missed it
on MeFi when it was posted a couple of years ago, but a friend showed it to me a couple of days ago, and I got up to level eight really quickly... which doesn't mean much, since it has 138 levels. Just wondering if anyone wants to play this with me?
18 February 2006
Saturday night party in IRC!
Your camera has been found. ...but we're not giving it back.
Not Quite Random Radio Laundry Some stuff I particularly like from the YSI folder. About an hour?
Fifteen years of paper. What a relief! →
NYC Curling Meetup If I could make this happen sometime how many people might be interested? The only location I've found is 45 minutes from Grand Central, via Metro-North.
For the Love of the Ringtone Join, upload, download and voila, custom ringtone for free.
someone shoot me →
Have you seen this Wendy's commercial? A group of guys is hanging around, eating chicken strips. One guy -- the "dip caddy" -- advises another guy on his sauce choice, saying "you're dipping into the wind."
So, anybody in NYC wanna meet for drinks tonight? No big meetup thing, but I wouldn't mind some company. I'm thinking of leaving the house around 5.
HOLY SHIT! NINJAS!!!! [flash] The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people.
Radio Mecha - Music Box My employer is closed today due to the weather. I'm playing some Afropop to start, followed by I'm not sure what.
And i,n the end, the love you make... is equal to the amount of time this guy spent perfecting his juggling routine.
Mythbusters Fan Fic! Zombies! Brains! Nailgun!
Radio Matildaben An hour-long set while I get ready to head out to Portland. Rebroadcast of February 15th tracklist.
Heavy Metal Curling. Fuckin' ey right, this is what I'm talking about.
You know how your flickr homepage shows random people's photos? I stumbled across
this last night.
[Mildly NSFW, related mefi thread]→
London roll call Who's going to the MeFi London meetup tonight?
Beedogs.com is still the premier online repository for pictures of dogs in bee costumes. This has been a public service announcement.
What's on your couch? Mine has a passed out South Dakota girl of Norweigan ancestry who we met earlier tonight, an afghan, and some pillows.
Radio Mecha kmellis on now! Rebroadcast from Wed, is announced if you're interested in hearing my voice. Or not. It's all good.
17 February 2006
Beavage Cleavage! I know what most of you sick-os thought when you saw the website for the
Save The Bald Beaver campaign.
Some free tunes I uploaded these for a friend...
Sandman --like lemmings, but with sand : >
(and so many empty seats at the olympics--even for skating--sad)
I wrote a funny article FYI, I read the comic pages.
FUCK I am stuck at LaGuardia (and have been for a few hours) and the ONLY empty seat is opposite this OBNOXIOUS fucking girl screeching on her cell phone. SAVE ME.
Iranians rename "Danish" pastries. Danes look up from munching their sweet "vienna breads", shrug and get back to work.
Is everyone on this planet nuts?
So I gave the fricken pill to the cat.
This soooo made me laugh.
Dinner Chez Fris - BUMP Did you guys pick a date yet? If I'm going to fly down, I need to get my ticket soon.
WEB 2.0! what else needs a ubiquitous, and totally inadequate moniker?
Paging agropyron Follow the link, see the link to the whole book for the course, on the web, for free.
David Lynch's Peace Plan. The filmmaker discusses his love for Transcendental Meditation--and why he's seeking $7 billion and 8,000 meditation students
Radio Dodgy Starting now.
Examiners found abrasions in the goat's anus, but could not determine what caused them. Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity was suspended....
For someone taking a time-out from the web I sure seem to be on here a lot lately... Anyway, a question: in my referrer logs I found something odd today...
Where have I been? I joined a rockabilly band.
First single. Kinks need ironed.
Most hated cubicle farm cliches? [MI]
i'm posting from my phone. yay. + i just got offered a dream job! w00t!
Underscores_may_approach_the_wiki. Those_of_you_who_have_underscores
_in_your_usernames_can_now_login_to_the_wiki. Hopefully_I_haven't_broken
Not bad! Update to
my thread yesterday about concert photos.
What do your clients say that make you laugh? →Read more...
When a child has a cold and is having difficulty breathing through the nose, the WIVA-VAC can help. First, attach the WIVA-VAC to the vacuum cleaner and turn it on. Then, simply hold the child firmly, with one hand around the child’s waist and the other on the WIVA-VAC....→Read more...
Strange metafilter failure It won't load but I don't an error page either. It just hangs with a perpetual "Loading..." in the tab. It's been off and on for two days. Why am I not getting a connection timed out?
My neighborhood today... The
good, the
bad, and the
I'm in lust my heart skipped a beat, my hands got all sweaty, I blushed even... and all for a damn keyboard.
Father of a Boy named Sue →
16 February 2006
Bum sex. It just feels right.
Hitchhiker Re-doo starting at 2300 EST, or whenever mosch is off-air.
Radio Dibs After bmarkey's set, I'll play a little tiny something, to see if I can shoutcast from the mac.
Paging agropyron UCBerkeley put up the CS 61s as podcasts today, which is a lot easier to put on an iPod than the webcasts.
Yet another (really) weird music post! complete with crackpot theorizing!
I'm moving in three weeks! →
Radio b - Yukon Coldfront edition Cold air is moving in from the north. Meanwhile, I am making dinner and playing some old stuff, some new stuff, and one unreleased track. At half-past the hour.
That felt weird. →
Answer Mecha: broadcasting to radio metachat from the mac. For anyone who wanted to do a radio session and has a mac. Audion doesn't work. So, I looked it up and wrote this.
AskMecha: I want to take better concert photos. →
Let's do the Johari Window thing. →
How do I log into the Wiki? It says I don't exist. Then it tells me to fill out a form that doesn't exist.
I want to exist!
I just had my very first (real) job interview today and...
Radio MetaChat, now with Voice Announcing! Show @ 5PM EST
(Perhaps will repeat late at night.)
Snow bunny blues →
OMG Best Man! My best friend just told me he asked his live-in-girlfriend to marry him, and they want me to be Best Man! They are so great together and I am so thrilled!!!
OMG I got Valentines after all! Thank you so much. I'm an idiot, I thought they'd show up in my e-mail. Here, take
this, youse lovely wonderful MeCha mugs. Someday when I'm rich and famous you all get beers... or non-alcoholic beverages ...whatever.
Your life doesn't have enough banjo in it... →
Fashion Question: Is it wrong to wear a tulle party skirt out in the middle of the day (with a cardigan and tank top)? Discuss.
I begged off work today and am currently contemplating my options.
I'm a kitty cat and I dance dance dance... [warning - singing dancing cat (flash with sound) silly]→Read more...
Can anyone hook a brother up? I need a kinks fix! →Read more...
Hooray for Finland! Air guitarists rejoice, through virtual technology and some bright orange gloves, you can play the guitar. And, because ninety-nine point nine percent of us would suck, there's that computer to mesh up your movements with the song you're playing.
Air drums are next.
Help! My parents are pimping me out! →
My adventure with British Bureaucracy: Well, not really. Went to get a National Insurance Number assigned over at the Perth Job Centre. The countryside on the way there and back was very nice, though. There was a bum in the bus station with fleas crawling on his face. I need to go bathe in Lysol now.
CANE TOADS EVOLVE! What species introduced as "beneficial" or as "pest control" that turned out to be scientific f***-ups can you tell me about? I can't think of the other obvious example... [MI]
Mecha bug? Or is this just me. I routinely get pages with missing comments (sometimes even the original post is missing), and I have to reload several times to be sure that I got a copy of the page that has all the comments.
This Thread Is Not A Gymnasium!
You guys? Help me figure out the right search terms? I'm trying to look up info that may shed some light on my little nephew's strange urination problem, but it's difficult, because it's the opposite of what the typical problems for young children are. I'll explain inside...
Help Pi find a song! →
Ask Mecha: The new boyfriend. →
How strange it would be to grow up a
young woman in Canada playing quietly in the folk scene in Toronto in the mid 1960s...
I don't know what it represents but I can't help looking at it.
15 February 2006
These Vapire Bunnies... they vibrate? →
By Popular Request on Feb. 15: Ben Folds The brilliant:
Song for the Dumped. Everyone needs this one in their library.
And for good measure:
Battle of Who Could Care Less, for those with unearned unhappiness.
My first YSI! Thanks, Triode & Mosch.
Radio Hitchhiker. First two HGttG radio episodes. NOW.
Oh, I can't stand another heartache ... (it's been stuck in my head all day, maybe bec of all the breakups here recently or something)
Online Fandom Safety And you're wondering, "Hello, who invited crazy to dinner?"
Radio Matildaben Starting in around 10 minutes. Also on IRC.
Come keep me company I'm stuck at work waiting for my ride
It's really irritating to not know stuff. There's just too much stuff I don't know.
I got engaged last night. AskMeCha: I'm looking for any and all helpful wedding links and tips. Specifically any planning resources and books that you can recommend.
Womanly sex toy advice required. →
So who else posted their valentines in their profile? I did, and I saw that Specklet and TPS and someone else did too. Anyone else? I'm nosy. : )
Radio Moonbird: Really, really random. 100% tinker-free setlist. With 2,157 songs available, I don't know what will happen.
Sunday dinner at Chez Fris →
So my bunnies... The mr. and I are off to New Zealand in 10 (ten) days. (wooo!) What can I bring back for y'all?
Hey, Detroit! Will you be at the Detroit Derby Girls' Inaugural Brawl? I will! →Read more...
FashionFilter Describe your personal style in 3 words.
Cleveland/NEO MeetUp! I suggest one week from today, that is, 2.22.2006 at 8pm at
Edison's Pub. Yea, Nay or other suggestions?
AskMeCha: Anyone else put holes in the elbows of their shirts? →Read more...
Kawase Hasui (1883-1957), sometimes deemed "
the foremost 20th-century Japanese landscape print artist," was a member of that loose association called the
shin-hanga school, one purpose of which was to
revitalize the classic ukiyo-e tradition in Japanese printmaking. Active and
widely published, Hasui was nonetheless not awarded a deserved critical regard until recently. Though he was designated a Living National Treasure in 1957, the year of his death, it was only in 1979 that the first
monograph on his work appeared.
Ask MeCha: Percentages Do you folks know of any good resources to help me practice doing quick percentages in my head? Stuff like, "what percentage of 72 is 9?" Any tips or tricks you use to arrive at the answer? A calculator, pen and paper or abacus do not count as tips or tricks. ;)
It's OK..... Glamour has this regular column where they say cute little "It's OK" sayings, like, "It's OK to not be able to eat just one cookie" and "It's OK to skip the gym when it's cold". So, MeCha, what's OK in your book?
Logo hypertrophy [askmecha] Why is it that every company I design a Web site for wants its logo to occupy half of the page?
This is one of the most common things I run into as a designer. How can I convince the latest company that it's not a good idea to splatter their (unattractive) corporate logo across the entire top of the page?
Hello there. Good, this. I am currently avoiding writing a ten minute speech about Hamas. Is it not interesting that some topic I am interested in reading about is so bloody dull to write about?
Public crushes! →
Everyone who thought this was the best ValDay ever, raise your hand.
Valentine Messages. All good things must come to an end. You've had a day to express your crushes, but now no new messages can be sent. You can still access the messages you received for the next 24 hours if you want to save them somewhere. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Non-cyncical VDay radio. Because y'all gave me my first-ever good Valentine's Day, and I love you.
Prepare to be sapped upon.
Goldfish! OMG! swiped from kotke:
Goldfish's water replaced with mountain dew, goldfish dies, is revived by battery! Ewww!!!
Can't Get No Satisfaction most men who have had penis enlargement surgery are not satisfied with the results. Looks like a case for expectation management.
14 February 2006
A Little Random Radio Laundry Because, jesus, I love you all.
Brokeback Willie →
Ask MetaChat Any radio journalists here? Start-up technology question inside.
Radio Mecha - Music Box I'm playing 26 jazz songs titled from Z to A. Wanna listen?
I've just routed a rabbet into a frame that I assembled with mortise and tenon joints and I have holes in my jeans and a dust mask around my neck and a tape measure on my belt and lots of sawdust in my hair and my eyelashes.
Does that make you hot?
Over easy or sunny-side up? Mom feeds her eggs to baby. Her eggs.
Oh shit. Australia's SBS Dateline will release sixty as-yet-unseen Abu Ghraib photos, photos the Bush administration has so far suppressed for being too inflammatory.
I did it! I feel so relieved.
w00t! i'm posting this from Bryant Park, wirelessly, : >
(it's a test)
Happy VD!
So what's everyone's plans for tonight? Any special, exciting, romantic plans? Plotting any surprises? I bet you'll all be jealous when you find out my plans for the evening.
Bargain Closeout Thread Gently Used Make Offer →
Here's how I feel about you people. (Please, no whacking -- of snakes or anything else. Thanks.)
What do your secret valentines say?! I mean, yeah, I'm gonna put them all in my profile later, but I must comment on two.
How come our moon doesn't have a cool name? All the other moons have cool names.
"I think he married the first nonhooker he met.'' "He can't be that gay, he got me pregnant.'' And other romantic musings overheard on the streets of San Francisco.
Radio VD. Music for people who have love, need love, are sick of love, or love everybody! Love love love!
I Got Some Projectile Vomiting and Diarrhea for Valentine's Day What did you get?
PS Do not eat the fish taco if it smells AT ALL funny. Not even a bite.
The sexiest song I know. For Valentine's Day, of course. Sorry to spam up the front page even more, Eideteker. (Oh, and this song may contain a swear word or two.)
I may quit my job today! →
There are too many posts today. I am having trouble keeping up.
This is a copulating thread.
Thanks to ThePinkSuperhero & all Mechatters. Normally I am left unmoved by Valentine's Day, regardless of my love status. But between the NYC meetup (with presents! and candy!) and today's threads and secret messages, this is the best V-day ever.
Is flickr removing old photographs? I went to look up some old pictures on flickr, and they were, like, gone. What's the deal? One of the pictures, me as a baby was discussed previously
here. What happened to it?
Have you ever received a secret valentine in real life? Besides MeCha valentines. What happened?
Let's run down our exes! Not literally, of course.
Confess your MeFi crush In honour of St. Valentine's day, declare your MeFi love. Supposing that anything is possible, that issues of time, distance, sexual orientation and prior romantic attachments are immaterial for this one magical day, with which MeFite would you like to spend today and tonight? And what would be on the agenda?
The Dumpster [flash], a visual portrait of breakup stories collected from blogs in 2005, at the
Tate Online. [
via information aesthetics]
I'll get the sun and the moon for you baby ..as you might know, I'm a tad obsessed with "twin ideas" [qt films]
This is for you, Valentine. You know who you are.
*shyly proffers bouquet to secret love*
This one time, in high school, →
Quail Hunting... Try to outscore the vice-president in this game of skill...
Send me a valentine e-mail and I'll send you one back. No, um, it's not pitiful... we're just making sure we're all nice and cheery today, eh? ;-)
Happy Valentine's Day! I'm off to Jury Duty!
Obligatory There is also a BUNNY OMG! if you look carefully.
THIS THREAD IS SO HAPPY IT'S ALMOST ANNOYING. But you let it be happy anyway, cuz that's what we want for all the threads in life, yes?
Happy Valentine's Birthday to Mrs. Pants!
Caption This, Valentine! A refrigerator (with the door still attached) is the perfect place for a small child to while away the hours pining over unrequited love.
BAD Valentine's Day memories, just to balance out the schmaltz....
Happy Valentine's All! →
Secret Mecha Valentines! Hey, LoveBunnies! Want to declare your secret heart-on (or heart-felt admiration) for another Metachatter? Today-only, send an anonymous valentine to mecha members via their profile pages. Here's how it works:
A couple of tracks for the maudlin bunnies →
13 February 2006
AddOne More to the list of Valentines Breakups . Yeah, I'm a single guy, now. But it's amicable. Still kinda sucks, though.
I Want Some IRC Lovin' Cuz' I Ain't Got No Valentiny! →Read more...
songs, in particular sappy love songs →
Why did he break up with me the night before Valentine's? I'm totally serious. I just got dumped, and by a guy I really, really liked. Oh, man, it hurts. Now I'm sitting here sniffling and eating the abso-fucking-lutely delicious scallop dinner I prepared thinking it was going to be for both of us. It's just too sad for words. I can't even be mad; it was the sweetest, kindest, nicest, laughing-tearful breakup ever.
Somebody cheer me up. WHen I'm done with the scallops I'm headed to 7-11 for more Ring Dings and beer. Why? Why?
Why did I break up with her the day before Valentine's?
World's most flavourless cocktail →
Let's return to Junior High, Shall we... →
Hmm, must be an election year.... Bill Frist told a conservative conference this weekend that he's penciled in June 5th as a good day to start attacking gay people again.
Can Someone do me a favour and log onto radio metachat and irc, to tell me if I'm working.. I'm trying a freeware client for osx and want to see if does what everyone needs.
Is it (evar) too late to start praising Ferris Bueller?
In other news, yesterday's Forgotten English calendar entry (by Jeffrey Kacirk) quotes Wm Andrews's Bygone Punishments (1899), saying: Two boys were made to do penance in the church for playing at trip during divine service by standing in the midst of the church with their trip sticks erect. [More inside]
Holy #*&%, Y'all It was a complete and total scam after all.
Radio Dodgy Does he ever shut up? On now.
Bunnies, I need some advice... →
is it (evar) too soon to start bitching about Ferris Wheel day?
This is being posted specifically to weirden up mgl's Radio Random YSI broadcasts.
Ask MeCha: I am in terrible need of a new job. The girl's current job is awesome and a great fit for me and her company is hiring. She feels a uncomfortable at the prospect of working with me and dating me. Do I apply for the job? Other advice?
Is it (evar) too soon to start bitching about Valentine's Day
? Damn Cupid.
Omg! Needle! This is a panicking thread. Mr. taz has been to the doc regarding back (and finger) problems (I posted about yesterday), and has just phoned to give me an update... in which he informs me that I'm going to have to give him injections. Oye, oye, oye. I'm kind of freaking!
Awesome powers of deduction: An Australian politician supports the continued ban on the abortion pill, RU-486, on the grounds that abortions prevent good white Aussie babies being born, and we need to continue to breed to keep up with those damn fast-reproducing Muslims, lest they take over the country. Good times to live in, good times...
12 February 2006
As if they don't already have enough to call the U.S. a bunch of cowboys →Read more...
How 'bout a new Grey's Anatomy thread? So.... why is there a major explosion in a hospital, and there aren't all kinds of emergency personnel in there doing triage and trying to save the bomb squad? I mean, sure the lesbian washing of Meredith fulfilled one of my fantasies, but that was just dumb.
MP3 request →
Radio Mecha - Music Box I'm playing some long songs. Afrobeat, jazz, dub, and so forth, mostly. You could listen, if you were so inclined.
Bunny OMG Some one seems to be making animal stickers here in Portland. I first saw a Panda and now a bunny!
Oh! Canada :-( OMFG what a shitty/unimaginitive arrangement they are playing of my national anthem at the Winter Olympics.
ski jumping --i think it looks really easy (altho the outfits suck)
what i really want to try is the bobsled and luge and stuff. you?
Today is the 197th anniversary of the great biologist Charles Darwin's birth. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.
Carole King or Laura Nyro? - possibly. I don't know what their speaking voices sound like but you get a snippet at the beginning and end. Mind you, Nyro has been a mystery
I never thought getting a Master's would come to this... Yet I desperately need Algebra help. Tonight. Or I die.
Whatever you do, don't listen to
this song when you've been drinking. *weeps*
So, do you have an old Toyota Hilux pick-up truck that you need to destroy? Good luck.
metachat radio. seanyboy radio is now playing. Why not join me in IRC and tell me how bad my taste in music is.
I need a pep talk. My apartment hasn't been cleaned in way too long. (Though I did manage to wash my sheets.) Motivate me!
A Glimpse into LT's Sordid Love Life →
Metachat Dream Starring Gaspode! No, it's not what you think.
MetaChat Book Club, anyone? Let's discuss
Never Let Me Go.
Paul's Boutique. So I'm finally listening to this album.
Don't fall in. A link to every single episode of
Sam Keith's "
The Maxx"
television series. If you've never seen it, don't
read teh spoilers.
You know what's nice on snowy afternoons?
Does anyone know anything about this? It just came up randomly on my ipod. I don't know where I got it, nor do I know anything about it. Who are "White Buffalo"? Google just gives me a bunch of Native American legends. Are they/he American? Does anyone have anything else by them?
Weird facts about helium I wanted to start a zeppelin company, so i did a bit of research on helium.
Snowstorm! Most snow I've seen in Asheville in 5 years. And you? Okay? Got pictures?
I feel like ass... →
Come learn with me. A variety of college-level courses, in various formats, are freely available on the net. I've been listening to several.
Next week, on a
very special episode of MetaChat...
Radio Dodgy Retro indie disco replay. On now.
thunder (and lightning and blizzarding) --woke me up : (
i can't remember the last time there was thunder and lightning during a snowstorm.
Poor, poor Mr. taz.... Suffering severe back pain at the moment (we've dealt with this before, though), and then suddenly, last night - pop! - he snaps a tendon in his finger... I looked this up, and it's called an “Extensor Tendon Injury” or "Mallet Finger" / "Baseball Finger". (
About this injury.)
Classic MST3K "Tonight, on Music from the Hearts of Space..."
11 February 2006
This is an ad hominem attack thread.
Are the rest of their songs this nifty? I've only heard this one song by the Delgados and I'm wondering, should I go ahead an take a chance on an album or two?
Help me find anti-gay caricatures and cartoons. Especially ones that depict gays as sub-human, hell-bound, or as preying on/recruiting innocents.
Music to get a massage by →
This song deserves a post all it's own, because from here I think civilization has nowhere to go but down. I give you:
Honkytonk Badonkadonk.
AskMeCha - help! I need to make logs understandable, i need purdy graphs. I'm too damn tired to think straight.
for those of you that didn't get the snow →Read more...
Let Dusty keep you warm on this cold-ass weekend.
Is there any better way to spend a snowstorm than holed up with a full fridge, 2 quarts of Peche Lambic, a 12-pack of schlitz, and a bellyful of bar Budweiser, and some loud tunes?
This is an incoherent thread.
Everyone needs a good hat →
AskMeCha: Smart playlists in iTunes based on file location? I use iTunes, but I don't let it manage the file structure of my music collection. I have, for example, a folder for the music posted here on Mecha, and I'd like to have a playlist for just that music. Of course, I could manually add that music to a playlist as it accumulates, but I'd really like to have a smart playlist that looks at file locations and adds anything in that directory automatically. Anybody know how to do that?
Random Radio Laundry Straight outta the Mecha YSI files & totally random for you. Playing until somebody tells me to stop.
We're getting our own Eurovision --but it'll be State vs. State.
Whenever I'm talking with other music geeks about Crosby, Stills & Nash, I always take the position that they were good, but that each member did better work elsewhere. Crosby with the Byrds, Nash with the Hollies, and Stills with an outfit called Buffalo Springfield.
Asbestos Lead Asbestos To say thanks for all the great radio today a classic piece of British indie rock.
"Pedigree dogs don't like the smell of your children..."
Radio Repeat of yesterday's set for Taz and anyone else who's awake!
Radio Dodgy Music even though everyone's in bed. Playing now.
What ever happened to the giant smashing machine on Letterman in the 80's? I really miss it.
10 February 2006
The final four episodes of "Arrested Development" were so awesome, that I find myself hoping that no other network renews the show. Because right now, it's like this perfect, amazing thing. You know?
Remember when I said I wasn't gonna do any more Springsteen posts?
Radio Mudpuppie: The Unexpected Files. Stuff you wouldn't expect to hear me play, starting at about half past.
Zicam --tried it for the first time a little while ago--it works, but why does it taste like some horrible metallic poison? it's disgusting! (also, am i going to lose my senses or something from it?)
Come Help Me Celebrate the End of My Unemployment in IRC →Read more...
My last mp3 spam for a while, I promise. And yet more jazz. Here's the
original version of John Coltrane's
"Giant Steps" and another, slightly slower and to my ear
swingier version. There are a
couple of
great Flash explorations of this iconic tune online.
(MeFi post about the last link, and I am sure the Michael Levy animation (linked to in that thread) has been posted on the front page there too, I just can't find the post.)
I found a 1953 dime today. And I had a lotta garlic for dinner.
Separated at Birth? Which celebrity (-ies) do you most resemble? Upload your photo (free reg. required)and let
MyHeritage's Facial Recognition tell you.
Wanna kick some IDers in the balls? →
Plot of the final Harry Potter book leaked. (spoilers) →Read more...
Ask Mecha: How can I convert an MP3 from stereo to mono?
Dear MetaChat →
Woolie Bully, anyone? →
New Yorkers! Anyone feel like grabbing a beer with someone who's a total mess? I know the real meetup is tomorrow, but I need liquor & badly.
A selection of great links. (includes: B3ta - My Worst Date; A-Team Fan fiction; How to make a lie detector and more). From the microsite for IT Crowd, which is turning into my new favourite sitcom.
BUMP - Need Headcount for Portland OR pre-meetup dinner So far, only one person (mudpuppie) has explicitly RSVP'd for Ramix's dinner at 5:00 p.m. on the 18th. Please email me at the address in my profile ASAP if you want to attend.
Black shirt + white hairball cat = fashion faux pas. The lint brush just spread it around. Duct tape, save me now.
Quiz: (Gaspode not allowed to answer.) What is the minimum number of individuals of a non-hermaphroditic sexually reproducing species required to establish a geographically isolated population of that species? Explain your answer.
You guys rant and rant... →
Radio Moonbird: Friday Mid-day Impromptu Fairly random, with lots of world and folk sprinkled in.
Hey, you know what we haven't seen in a while? A "Metafilter is down" post.
What's your perversion? →
McVideoGame Large flash game in which one slaughters adorable cartoon cows, pays off politicans, and manages surly, rioting workers - all to feed the children. (Not appropriate for work or cows)
I hate job agencies. And I can't help but feel that they treat people in IT very differently.
Forsaken by Society Flickr photo pool.
Will you still love me after I've lost my mind and wound up gibbering outside Bellvue?
I've got to quit eating.
The Adventures of Nefertitty and Doorstop The crime fighting duo that doesn't fight crime.→Read more...
Brokeback supply list (cute, making certain email rounds) ; >
# Beans
# Bacon
# Coffee
# Whiskey
Today's incredibly niche music genre is... →
Tall Man Watchtowers to Escargot News... Maybe calling in on a friend at "Absobancy and neural android". You'll be needing an anagramatic version of the London Underground.
Also: Where would you live?
A toast To dodgy (and taz), for bringing back the beloved and sorely missed
new comments indicator.
WooHoo - my first metachat dream. →
Come to IRC with Trondant n' ME!
Chocolate tools used in Italy faithfully.
09 February 2006
Purrrrrrr-UP!? pssstka-pssstka-pssska. ch ch ch! Sorry, just talking to my cats.
Take This Job and Shove It! →
Your gumshoed 3 bean dessert salad finale cromulantly doffed my poodle chucker over a well salted shoulder. Self justified that your salaciousness is moot when confronted by the randy narwal, crepsecular rays beam brightly from your nethers, lightly peppered with many writhing, wetly glistening echidna. Eat poop you cat.
The Donnas Effing Rock! That is all.
WEP problems! help! ok, my laptop and usb thing work ok when wirelessly connected to my home stuff, but since i turned WEP on i can't connect to anything....what do i need to do?
Battle Of The Acid Casualties →
Confessionmecha - what was the biggest age difference between you and your sex partner. Was it any good?
I'm getting a car this weekend! →
I was raised Catholic. →
Two Minutes Boogie. Scoot your boots if you must.
Anybody got a link to a grammys rundown, with pictures if possible. Cuz uh, defamer doesn't have shit.
I was still unsure whether to revive my "signs of the apocalypse" site until I saw this.
Gaah! Help me tread delicately around a situation. I made someone cry last night. reasonably long, probably pathetically OTT more inside
Internet Withdrawal Sucks. →
Support Your Local Miko Remember when I asked MeCha for
inspiration? Well, I've been using it (and thanks).
Ways you can wreck a souffle →
Last night I saw Chuck Norris reading the
Chuck Norris facts in a top ten fashion on Fox Sports Network. It was quite surreal.
A compelling argument for, or possibly against, allowing images on the front page.
He say, what's your number? →
Astound me. If you look at
the co-author's animation with proper attention, you will be astounded. It is one of those ideas that seems so obvious
but only in retrospect.
Show me similar things which you know about.
Can I have two wife's? READ MORE
Stupid math education. Why can't math be taught fascinatingly, as with this
explanation of polynomials and differences?
I need entertainment. I know most of you are asleep. Therefore, I may just talk to myself here. Fair warning.
BP Radio Starting in just a couple of minutes. This edition: "Power pop for night owls"
08 February 2006
So What? (12.9MB jazz mp3) Most people who have dipped their toes into the often chilly waters of jazz music have likely heard of the classic
Miles Davis album
Kind Of Blue (original liner notes by pianist Bill Evans).
LOOK what I found in my pocket a couple of days ago.
Wendellsday Night Wadio Begins at 7:10 PST, 10:10 EST, featuring Trees of Mystery, The Pillows, The Tick, Squiggy, Bobcat, Simple Minds, Tears for Fears (when they were good), the guy from Procol Harum, Bullwinkle and a big opening in SUPERMARIANATION.
I'm at work tonight; please entertain me! We've got a build starting at 7 PM PST that will probably go till at least midnight.
Grammy post ==bitch away
(i'll start you off--Madonna's way too old to be wearing a 70s leotard, but her 1978 haircut rocked--i'll bet she had one just like it in highschool)
Coldplay sounds like fake U2 now, too.
Do you sleep with your head to the north? →Read more...
Queen Street Man A little video for all of you who have a hip neighbourhood in your city.
Queen St. West man is Toronto's hip-du-jure.
Weave your own tartan. You're on your own with the
sporrans, though.
MeCha Wiki: New page! I created a new page! Yay for me! But I need help filling it out. Come on... you know what cool band names you've liked....
Look at the pretty pictures of various liquids that were photographed as they splashed onto various surfaces.
This year's NYC AIDS walk Hey y'all New Yorkers. I just got my email about this year's AIDS walk, and although it is a few months away (May 21) I thought I might put out tentative ideas for putting a group together to do it? I have walked it the past couple of years, and raised a fair amount of money. Imagine what we could do as a group...
Just out of curiosity...a wiki question So, is it a bad thing to edit other people's user pages?
The Neverending Dice Page I clicked on a link to this dice page about 6 minutes ago, and it's still loading images of dice. It will never ever ever be done loading images of dice.
By opening this thread, you agree to all terms expressly stated and/or implied within and waive all rights and/or claims past, present or future.
Your mom is a chimera! →
AskMetachat: If you had a colocated server, and you were offered an unmetered 10mps connection for an extra $100 a month...what would you do with all that bandwidth?
Me? I'm a drubken fool on stormy seas lately, consorting wit' all teh
wrong oddfellows, taking comfort in
base humor and
small friends, laughing at the
apparition watching over my shoulder all the while.
What's your story [in images]?
BUMP!! 1 more hour until definitions go out There's still time to play! (actually I have a meeting coming up, so I may be a bit late with definitions)
it's sunny! hello mr. sun! i've missed you! xxx
I'm wearing my bunny pin today. Because why the fuck not?
OMG. Best. Idea. EVER. I swear to god, this is beyond brilliant:
Play It Loud - Cake: I WILL Survive! Because sometimes you've got drown it all out and enjoy some good uplifting eff-you musica.
Franco Battiato - Una Cellula If someone can translate the (Italian) lyrics, that'd be swell.
Radio BP Following Matildaben's set, right now.
07 February 2006
Radio Matildaben Repeat This is a repeat of my Random M and Random N shows, edited severely for length. Enjoy!
Pre-Meetup Meetup in Portland, OR, 2/18/06 Ramix has generously agreed to host a Metachat get-together at her place in Beaverton, prior to the MeFi/MeCha/MoFi meetup at the Lucky Lab on Saturday, Feb. 18.
This fucking sucks. →
Help me. Why do I love that new Madonna song so much? →Read more...
Detouch this cool java thing lets you view before and after pictures that have been photoshopped. It's good fun to see how much ass and boob they add and remove.
Goddamn Temp Agency Crap! →
What is your favorite local site(s)? I am thinking of, where to go and what's on kind of stuff, and local news and information reporting.
DIY pr0n! Coloring book - NSFW
Opera 9 Preview! OMG, is it
sweet.[mi]The ad-blocking stuff is the shite, the site prefs are a request I hammered at for years, and it has yet more standards support. I heart my Opera.
get amberglow wireless quickie meetup thing today ---at Revival on 15th st., from 5 til 7ish...
(dorian's helping me get all set up and working, hopefully)
Pictures might cheer us up.
Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?
For the last two days ... →
Another round of Metachat fictionary/balderdash let's see if we can get a few more players this time.
What do you sleep in? Do folks actually wear things to bed?! →Read more...
Ask MeCha. My camera came with a 16 MB SD card, which I have then replaced with a 512 MB job. Any good creative uses for the tiny card it came with or should I just sell it? The going rate on eBay seems to be £2, so I'm not even sure if it's worth it.
Inspired by this classic Fray thread, where have you been naked? I figure well get interesting answers out of this bunch.
I'm leaving for DC tomorrow →
Metachat, your bunny tarot for today is... The Four of Cups.
06 February 2006
German fans taunt with inflatable penises The pink blow-ups and a huge banner in Dortmund's yellow and black suggesting Schalke fans should procreate with themselves added a splash of color to the dour 0-0 draw between the two Bundesliga sides.
This is a great song. I consider it a personal anthem. There's no reason for anyone to be without it.
EB (kmellis) Show on Radio MeCha @ 8 PM MST In five minutes from this post. Will be a mix CD I made with various styles of music and excerpt segues. I will probably repeat this at some point.
My computer caught on fire this morning.
Specklet's home from work thread
Would y'all just tell me to chill out & relax 'cause it's gonna work out OK? I'd really appreciate that.
I want to eat your flesh.
AskMeCha: Help!!! Mac networking/wireless stuff
Super Depression →
MeFi Feature Request: The Troll Cap.
Radio Dodgy on in a few minutes.
I'm at my new job! →
Portland Meetup - BUMP! Portland meetup on February 18. See also
AskMecha browser question Why does this page show up in firefox but not in IE?
I never knew Bonnie and Clyde were so, um, alternative... Just clicking around, no real research yet, but if this site comes close to the truth, then those crazy kids are even wilder than I thought.
Mr. B Natural! My favorite MST3K. God, I miss those bots.
Hey, Janice! Since the commercials were so lame this year (with the exception of Magic Fridge), let's take a trip down memory lane... Terry Tate, Office Linebacker! (Gooogle Video)
I lost the bet. →
Don't You Want Me AAAAAAaaaaaa Future Bible Heroes (better known as the Magnetic Fields) do a
great, gender-bending cover of The Human League's biggest U.S. hit.
Metachat, your bunny tarot for today is... The Magician! Yay!
For the first time in living memory... one of my cats puked on a non-carpeted surface! Hooray!
05 February 2006
Because you're snarky AND you're bunnies... I need an Easter-themed witticism.
CODE BLACK! CODE BLACK! I love Grey's Anatomy.
$9.25 in quarters. How'd you guys make out?
Amiga goodness Remember the Amiga and its voice synthesizer?
Andrew Schoultz --paintings and stuff--wonderful!
i forgot about the super bowl. seriously. →
so, next wkend for bookclub? (i'm not finished anyway)
Is it just me, or is "Brown and Bubbly" possibly the worst ad slogan ever?
Ramble about yerself thread.
Vancouver Meetup Pics →
Covers of "Ceremony" →
Beutiful art made with kintting NSFW (kinda) and puke & cry may want to avoid due to Sadie's recent trauma.
Thanks for the birthday thread! I had my computer turned off yesterday because of a crazy windstorm. All the partying was yesterday, but today is my real birthday (also Bob Marley, Carmen Miranda, and William S. Burroughs), so it was really nice to wake up to all the awesome notes from you guys. Love you all *MWAH*!
Cleaning out my attic full of old domain names: The "Sign of the Apocalypse" post reminded me of my old
Armageddon or Not webpage. Should I revive it or let it die a natural death?
In Keeping with Dreamtheme, My First Metachat Dream! →
Anybody want to do some singing? I've got
a few tunes hanging around, with lyrics, that need vocals. It'd just be for fun, but maybe that'd be fun. (The little circled-i button leads to lyrics).
My Turn for Dream Analysis I dreamt about gorillas and a lion last night ~ what does it meeeeeeean?
I'm a lamb! I was almost a duckling or a pony, but not at all like a squirrel or a monkey.
God told to surrender driver's license God received a letter from the Pennsylvania Department of Transport, ordering him to surrender his license on Valentine's Day. In the letter, the department said God must surrender his license if he fails to provide his birth certificate and Social Security card to PennDOT by then.
BP Radio Just a short set while we talk in IRC... come on in.
WHOOO! Rock and Roll Getting ready to go play the "
jonmc flyer" show. I've already had TOO MUCH VODKA and we're debuting 2 new songs. Wish me luck!
04 February 2006
Radio YHBC Presents - One of my own mix CDs, just because I didn't know if I could play it and broadcast it at the same time.
so i have some free poster-prints coming →
You know what's a fun word to say? →
I present to you... One of the greatest joys of a hen's life:
A nice dirt bath in the warm sun.
I saw Garlic Shampoo at the beauty store today! →Read more...
A Metachat meetup dream →
Did anyone see Craig Ferguson's opening monologue last month on the
Late Late Show?
I had a strange dream last night... →
it is too bad when you are →
Hi everyone today my dog got disemboweled. Seriously. Come inside and I'll tell you all about it.
This is my final Springsteen-related post, I promise →
NYCMecha: Garbage Scout see something good on the street? post about it here. : >
also, don't miss
freecycle, which is international now.
The last.fm radio station player, have you downloaded it? How is it? Any nefariousness in it?
Hey, what's Moonbird doing in Happy Camp? →
Should I get my outrage meter re-calibrated? Or my incredulity meter?
Name your most recent Wikipedia search. →
Ask MeCha. Is there a good free way to batch add invisble digital watermarks to the images I put on
my web site (obvious self-link)?
03 February 2006
Random Radio Matildaben - N Edition A random set of songs beginning with the letter N. Come chat on IRC too!
AskMecha again! I'm typing this from my new/old ibook! : >
Will you be watching the Super Bowl this year? Or, taking in the
Puppy Bowl? If so, be sure to check out the
Puppy Bowl Party Planning Guide.
Here are the
Puppy Bowl Players and
Gridiron video clips.
Confessions. →
Influences show up in the strangest places →
Firefox upgrade problem →
OMG BOOBIES! On Wikipedia's front page, no less.
Updated MetaFilthy No, I'm not going to link to it. If you use MetaFilthy, you know where it is. No, I'm not going to post it on the other site, but if someone else wants to, that would be cool.
OMG BUNNY! sort of.... anyhow one of the
cutest kids ever as
repeatedly snapped by her talented
mom. did i mention they have a teeny kitten named
Friday afternoon word game fun for metachat! →
This is a big bunny. That's all. Carry on.
Some fine parenting, here. Kids stay up late to watch
Texas Chainsaw Cheerleader Massacre, and dad wakes them up.
Are tourists allowed to act stupid? I hate tourists who act all touristy. But when I'm a tourist, I act touristy. Should I hate myself, or stop hating the other tourists?
I love me some Gary 'U.S.' Bonds. His records always sound like they were recorded either on a space ship or a raucous party or perhaps a raucous party on a spaceship.
Pardon my whine... Life is good-school starts next week and my hubby just got a promotion....BUT:
I'm out of meds and I am dragging. The worst part is I cannot make myself go get an envelope, address it, stick a dollar in it so's I can get MY BUNNYPIN.
Why on earth does that simple task seem like Mount Everest? On a bad day? With NO Sherpas?
Do any of you have weird procrastination issues?
What up, bitches? I'm back.
Overheard in NYC I think "third floor guy" in the last quote is jonmc.
I Challenge You →
How are you? tell! tell! tell!
Mix Tape Stories for the month of looooovvve.
My friend just got back from PNG is this not the cutest baby evar?
Checking in with the quitters! →
I was just Dos:ed off the web. Arencha glad you ain't hangin n my house no mo'?
York? I'm in York (UK) next week and the week after.
The Rock & Roll Version of "Who's On First" featuring Harry (Mr. Burns) Shearer and David (Squiggy) Lander of "The Credibility Gap". I don't care what anybody else thinks. This makes me laugh.
you're out of touch →
02 February 2006
Let's write haiku. Also, metachat.org/wiki:
Document not found.
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat Here is the
original (4.42MB). And here is
another version. Ji=oni Mitchell sang it too, with heart.
the song i am listening to →
Fidget , a poem by sneath
Flora Bush --the third Bush "twin". (she's kinda an Ashlee Simpson type, with video and all) : >
AskPirates: Do you feel less guilty about stealing music if the artist is dead and gone?
Ask jonmc: What is "progressive" about prog rock?
First Impressions of New Server The "Recent Comments" page is so much faster! It looks good here on the new server. Thanks, dodgy!
scooby-do-da, doodoodoo, scoo-dooby dooby doo-daaa
Ballot Box Stove Top Stuffin' If you know anybody who keeps saying that Republicans don't commit voting fraud,
send them this link.
Me and a freind were just having an email discussion
This is the new world. Let us burn our boats. Then, plunder.
One quick bit of cuteness before dodgy takes us home
THANKS DABITCH!! for sheltering Metachat in it's time of need.
AskChat: iPod question. Will the power adapter for my 3rd gen iPod work with the power in the Netherlands if I get a plug adapter? I cannot tell from the manual, and the accessory kit that Apple sells looks as if it may just be fancy plug adapters (rather than transformers or whatever). All Googling turns up are sales sites, and all KnowledgeBase turns up is shite. TIA.
Metachat Goes Down. I'll be working on moving this site to the new server from 7:30pm GMT onwards (2:30pm EST). The work should take approximately half an hour but could take slightly longer. Please be patient.
What are the qualties you think makes someone a good friend? Are you a good friend? Do you have lots and lots of casual friends, or are you the type who would rather have one or two really close friends (or any combination thereof)?
MFK Fisher Long, nice biographical article.
Is that a gun in your snatch? Or are you just happy to see me?
Coz We May Not Be the Young Ones, very long.
embedded real player, sound, video.)
Watcha-call-it Filter. What do you call the method of printing gray-scale images using only black ink, specifically using different sized dots?
What Are You DayDreaming About? →
Another eth sighting →
For all the "aunts" out there and the people who love them Finally, an AskMe question that isn't repetitive or annoying.
I just called Apple to check on my iPod repair and they said they received the box I sent to them on January 25th- EMPTY!
Three Point Status Report
infusible some referenda →
Metachat, your bunny tarot for today is... The same as yesterday! For serious. Out of 78 completely shuffled and reshuffled cards, we got the 2 of cups again today. Obviously, it's time to bunny up.
Went for my nightly walk and the sky is clear and the stars are twinkling. Mars is particularly festive for this time of year and the F-18's thunder low over my head setting off every dog in the neighborhood as two heavy air to air refueling transports lumber high above like fat Vegas-bejeweled dancers.
Yet another silly music post... This one you don't want to miss. I dug deep for you guys.
01 February 2006
No opinions? No problem! Learn to be
meta-ironically hip.
Radio Matildaben It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. A flight of fancy. A trip to the moon on gossamer wings.
Gah! Someone just sent out a huge bolus of spam using my domain as the return address. So of course I get 200+ "mail undeliverable" messages. I don't need this crap! Death to spammers! Gah!
I'm going to South Beach! →
I have a really bad cold. Should I avoid touching my cat?
Today? Thanks, but you can keep it. →
Vinyl-o-Philes: How should I clean my old LPs? I hooked a turntable last weekend for the first time in a dozen years...
ninja gaiden black →
Random Mecha Download Radio. Randomized playlist of music that y'all have uploaded. Starting at half past.
AskMechat: Sending money to Zimbabwe. I'm asking a question for a very concerned friend of mine, who has a friend in Zimbabwe she supports by sending money, to help her and her children.
Music for Moonbird (and anyone else who wants it). →Read more...
GLTerminal emulates a 1970’s terminal monitor, complete with flaws in brightness, warped display curvature, and flicker. It even simulates baud rate lag. And! for extra verisimilitude, the character colors can be green or amber. For OS X. Sad geeky awesomeness.
I Must Own This I never knew that I wanted to sync my iPod via catbutt until I saw this (SFW).
Ask Mechamen" Gentlemen, what's the most awesome valentine gift a girl can give a man that will make him 1. drop his trousers post haste and 2. make him aware that i'm REALLY REALLY interested...?
(note, i'm NOT above bribing his ass either!!!)
Fellow cilantro-haters, we have finally been acknowledged by the mainstream press.
Our day is coming. Oh yes it is.
People aint no good. iTunes has been throwing lots of Lloyd Cole my way recently, and I like this, so I thought I'd share.
Special to mosch: Those Tosca CD's? Unopened for weeks and weeks?
In my oh-so-happy possession. And with the roommie's gracious blessing, too.
Pa. La. Bra.
Do you remember watching the
Wizbits Saturday mornings? Were you disappointed by the
substandard toys? Did you play the
CCG? Do you think these things
effected you in any way?
I'm in a good mood... →
Never Let Me Go Hey, when's the book club discussion for Feb? Who's collecting questions?
Sunday afternoon-into-evening at Chez Fris →
St Brigid's day Happy February 1st everyone. That is all.
I hesitate to call it a collective maddness, since that implies an extraordinary state, and this seemed more a manifestation of something that was always there, just below the surface, implicit in all our daily interactions.
Team Vag: Can't a gal catch a break? →
Girls are full of surprises. →
I'm about to drop the gloves and get into a fight.
All posts and comments © their authors