Dinner date @ Chez Fris has been settled: Sunday, March 12.
The lovely matildaben is a confirmed out of town guest.
The dealio's pretty simple: bring yourself (and an SO/date, should you be so inclined), something to add to the table and whatever you'd like to drink, especially if you're particular. I will have a main dish or two and probably a salad and some bread as well as some wine and maybe beer.
It doesn't need to be homemade, just tasy and fun. Though I'll have vegetarian sides, the main dish I'll provide will have meat in it, so if you are vegetarian, you are highly encouraged to bring something vegetarian to help round out that part of the table. I also have a large kitchen, should what you bring need to be finished or reheated once you get here.
We'll start mid afternoon and go until we're done/decide to move on/need to sleep. I tentatively figure 4pm on with dinner 6-ish, but I'll square that away closer to the date.
Again, it'll be a come and go as you please or are able, but this time I'd like to have RSVPs by Thursday the 9th. Of course, if you find out at the last minute that you can swing on through, please do! The more, the merrier.
Please RSVP with me directly through email, so I can send out address, directions and my phone number.
So. I think that about covers it except for the actual making of the guest list and decisions on dishes & drinks. Post any questions in this thread or email me directly.
Hope to see you all soon!