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Comment Feed:


07 February 2006

Ask MeCha. My camera came with a 16 MB SD card, which I have then replaced with a 512 MB job. Any good creative uses for the tiny card it came with or should I just sell it? The going rate on eBay seems to be £2, so I'm not even sure if it's worth it.[More:]Maybe I should just throw it out, but I'm such a packrat.
Donate it to a local high school, community center, or senior center that has a digital photography class/program. Or, do what I do and stash it in your camera bag as a backup for those times when your main card is full but you just need to take a couple more pictures.
posted by matildaben 07 February | 11:44
At least consider freecycling it. It may be of no use to you, but it may be of use to someone who uses an SD for their handheld PDA or other gadget.
posted by terrapin 07 February | 11:45
Ditto matildaben - If you have a place in the camera case for it, I'd hang onto it for emergencies (e.g. other card full or - ack! - crashing).
posted by carter 07 February | 11:45
It's just the right size to make a perfect shot-glass coaster.
posted by killdevil 07 February | 12:01
Load it with family pictures and send it to a relative as a surprise in their Christmas card.
posted by LarryC 07 February | 12:20
Personally I would take it apart and take pictures of the guts.

I also seem to recall someone successfully hacking up an SD connection to a Commodore or some other old computer.
posted by selfnoise 07 February | 13:12
Like pieces of string too short to save, you never know when it will come in handy.

Friend Darrel has a nail over his workbench with a card that reads "Pieces of string too short to save" -- there are always a few pieces of string hanging from it.
posted by warbaby 07 February | 13:18
Friend Darrel has a nail over his workbench with a card that reads "Pieces of string too short to save" -- there are always a few pieces of string hanging from it.

This is a line from one of my favorite books, but I can't remember which. I'm almost certain it's Lorrie Moore.
posted by mudpuppie 07 February | 15:23
Is the government for or against animal-human hybrids?! || What do you sleep in? Do folks actually wear things to bed?!