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16 February 2006

I remember hearing about this guy's exibit with the goldfish, didn't know that someone(s) actually turned on the blender and killed them. Nice.
posted by kosher_jenny 16 February | 23:57
Ha. Glad you said it first, kosher_jenny.
posted by jrossi4r 17 February | 00:08
How could you not turn that blender?
posted by furtive 17 February | 09:40
Liquidising goldfish 'not a crime'

"It's a question of principle. An artist has the right to create works which defy our concept of what is right and what is wrong," he told the court in Kolding.

...which is possible to do without killing it. whackjob.
posted by flopsy 17 February | 10:11
haven't we all killed goldfish in our time? by not feeding them or whatever? haven't we then flushed them?

I think that what he did with them points out important things about our relationships with other animals. The fact that you had to take action just laid bare the power relationships (and the moral issues).
posted by amberglow 17 February | 10:39
And how different is it really from someone killing a mink or a cow for the skin or for food? We don't like to think about it but it has to be done if we want those products, and someone actually is turning on a blender somewhere every single day all over the world.
posted by amberglow 17 February | 10:40
hrrmmm. I always feel like *some* of the people that get all het up about stuff like that have only ever bought their meat pre-packaged in supermarkets.
posted by gaspode 17 February | 10:48
never kept goldfish. the jelly-like head freaks me out. i've no beef (hah!) in killing animals for food - they're so damn tasty. i've no problem with fur as long as it's done humanely (though it's not to my taste).

but it's a bit lame to kill the fish without reason (food, defence, fear, blah). even if the end result is the same, the way he justifies it grates a little.

he could've taken the fuse out the plug, allowing the relationship to be explored, without making fish soup.
posted by flopsy 17 February | 11:05
well, I agree flopsy. It would have been just as interesting to let people *think* they were gonna kill the fish, without actually doing it.
posted by gaspode 17 February | 14:22
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