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Comment Feed:


17 February 2006

i'm posting from my phone. yay. + i just got offered a dream job! w00t!
Yay! Congrats!
posted by Lola_G 17 February | 11:54
Yipee! Yahoo!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 17 February | 11:57
*jumps naked out of cake*
posted by jonmc 17 February | 12:00
wait, is naked cake jumper the job you were offered? Sorry for horning in on your turf, man.
posted by jonmc 17 February | 12:01
posted by jrossi4r 17 February | 12:07
You'll be working in a sleep study lab?
posted by orthogonality 17 February | 12:08
Excellent! What's the job?
posted by Frisbee Girl 17 February | 12:11
Hooray moonbird! May the employment virus continue to spread around Metachat.
posted by matildaben 17 February | 12:13
Way to go! and I second what matildaben said.
posted by sciurus 17 February | 12:29
Dream job? Awesome!

So you'll be drinking beer professionally?
posted by Specklet 17 February | 12:30
Offered? So, despite it's dreamyness you're still gonna negoiate? Congrats.
posted by danostuporstar 17 February | 12:33
May the employment virus continue to spread around Metachat.

Come sneeze on me, moonbird!
posted by Triode 17 February | 12:34
thanks guys! it' a mental heath job, with lotsa freedom + creativity- i'm psyched!
posted by moonbird 17 February | 12:50
woo! yay moonbird!

*does happy dance*
posted by gaspode 17 February | 13:00
New boyfriend, new job, it's all comming up Moonbird!
posted by pieisexactlythree 17 February | 14:10
posted by deborah 17 February | 14:22
Nice! Glad to hear some good news and that its a job you're really excited about!
posted by fenriq 17 February | 15:19
Cool! Yay Moonbird!
posted by sisterhavana 17 February | 15:21
Yeah, back on the pooter now, though posting from the phone was fun.

I interviewed Monday, and yesterday was invited to the office to meet the folks I'll be working with and to check out the digs. The call came in at 830 this morning that it was official. After only marginal employment since late January (after enduring nearly a month of non-employment) the chance to work again, doing something I feel very competent at is so exciting. I'll be making about what I used to make at my old company, but with even more little side projects, I should be out of my present black hole by April.

This company really rocks, too. My new office is a little "house" all by itself covered on the outside by murals inspired by Lord of the Rings. I call it "Squire of the DSM-IV" house.

Heh. Thanks so much for the woo-hoos, guys.
posted by moonbird 17 February | 17:16
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