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Comment Feed:


16 February 2006

I'm moving in three weeks! [More:]to Toronto!

Yes, it's true. I have much planning to do and may disappear a bit (as I don't own a computer and it might take me some time to work it out), but fear not my pets!

With so many "unknowns," I'm kind of freaking out, but feeling exited!

Also, I may be taking a bit South to North roadtrip, with a stopver very near NYC...I'm thinking MEETUP!
If you end up lost anywhere in the middle of Upstate NY, feel free to drop by.

Toronto is cool; I'd like to go there for Spring Break (don't ask; I'm a Rush fan) if the Rochester-Toronto ferry is still running.
posted by Eideteker 16 February | 19:57
A Rush Fan's Guide to Toronto.

I don't know why, but the link never works the first time. You have to be redirected to their main page once. Stupid.
posted by Eideteker 16 February | 19:59

Good luck!
posted by porpoise 16 February | 20:10
I'll actually be stopping over to visit my best bud about an hour away from there, in Binghamton.
posted by SassHat 16 February | 20:40
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 16 February | 20:43
Well, if you wanna do a minimeetup, I can get to Binghamton and back with my eyes closed (and have; long story, never drive tired). It's totally cool if you don't want some random Internet nerd soaking up your quality time. But the invitation to hang out still stands; name your time and place and if I can make it, I will.
posted by Eideteker 16 February | 20:45
there are tons of mefites in toronto, so call for a "welcome me to TO" meetup (and tracy is there too, and she rocks--tell her i said to email her if you want.) : >
posted by amberglow 16 February | 21:21
Awesome! You go girl!
posted by matildaben 16 February | 22:01
Toronto! Cool! I love Toronto! Good luck! : )
posted by sisterhavana 16 February | 22:20
Come on up, sasshat. I'm (sort of)on the way to Canada.
posted by Miko 16 February | 23:02
You should hug the coastline and come my way. We'll have a mini-meetup.
posted by mike9322 17 February | 00:13
Screw Toronto; come to Texas and visit me!

But seriously, much congrats to you on taking such a big leap. I know it'll be awesome.
posted by jaksemas 17 February | 04:13
Okay, wait. jaksemas is a girl and is in Texas?

I need to know more.
posted by mudpuppie 17 February | 04:19
Toronto is a great city. I was there in June/July and loved it. Not sure how much I'd love it in February though. A native told me they have four seasons in Toronto:

- pre-winter
- winter
- post-winter
- July

July was hot.

posted by essexjan 17 February | 04:36
I love that sasshat typoed "excited" to "exited". So true, so true.

This really does sound very, very exciting, sass, and really woohoo!-exiting too!
posted by taz 17 February | 05:23
YAY! New horizons! If you blow through Raleigh NC, look me up - I'm an hour west of I-95. And if you want some mountainy action, go through Asheville and maybe moonbird & mgl can toast one with you. I'd drive up for that!
posted by chewatadistance 17 February | 07:51
You got chutzpah, girl! Woo!
posted by Specklet 17 February | 11:39
The Best Song Ever About Canada || Yet another (really) weird music post!