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08 February 2006

Do you sleep with your head to the north? [More:]I do and always have. I dunno why, but whenever I arrange furniture in a bedroom, it just ends up that way. I've been doing it for over thirty years. I didn't always. I think it started after I heard about people sleeping with their head to the north. So, do you?
I sleep with my head to the southwest, but facing southeast, if that makes sense. Not out of any sense of feng shui, though.
posted by selfnoise 08 February | 17:50
Now that I think of it, yes I do. I couldn't tell you whether I have in the past.
posted by jonmc 08 February | 17:50
No, but I always talk to people face-to-face with my right side to the north. Which reminds me, I don't get this whole "mirrors reverse left and right" thing. They don't for me!
posted by kmellis 08 February | 17:51
In fact, I do, but it's just a co-incidence.
posted by Capn 08 February | 17:55
Same with me. I feel weird if my head isn't pointing north, and I get cranky.
posted by cmonkey 08 February | 18:00
Nope. I rent small apartments and have a large queen bed, so the bed goes wherever it fits.
posted by matildaben 08 February | 18:00
Actually, now that I think about it, I do sleep with my head to the north. Not intentionally, it's just how my room works. (Actually, what matildaben said, as my situation is exactly the same. I love my big queen bed.)
posted by kmellis 08 February | 18:02
To the North or West.

Fung shui.

Typically, people born during the cooler months (Winter) are advised to sleep head towards the East or South. People born in the warmer seasons (Summer) are advised to sleep head towards the North or West. There are a bunch of other caveats, but, it's a bit of a general rule.
posted by porpoise 08 February | 18:05
In my current and previous homes, I face west (head to the east). In the two apartments before that, my head was to the north. I sleep much better now than then.

My body can tell when it's off-alignment, and I have trouble sleeping unless I realign myself.
posted by me3dia 08 February | 18:07
south: I sleep poorly. West was cool though.
posted by joelf 08 February | 18:09
North, by coincidence. Moving soon, head will be facing west, probably.

I can't sleep without my woobie. Seriously.
posted by Specklet 08 February | 18:26
West now and in my favorite past apartment. North once in the past, and South in the worst place I've lived in the recent past.

None of those intentionally, just where the bed fit.
posted by occhiblu 08 February | 18:26
North - are you crazy? no way!
posted by Hellbient 08 February | 18:31
Right now I'm sleeping West, but I prefer North. I don't know why.

I wonder if I'd prefer sleeping South if the poles flipped?
posted by loquacious 08 February | 18:38
As previously mentioned, I live in an RV and the bed is built in so we don't have much choice. Anyway, both the mister and I were born in the Winter - and as it turns out we sleep with our heads towards the east!

Also convenient (the trailer is on a north-south axis): the main windows in the RV are on the west and east side of the trailer - more sunshine!
posted by deborah 08 February | 18:41
A woobie?
posted by porpoise 08 February | 19:01
South, as a matter of fact, but that's how the bed fits in the room. I don't tend to sleep well, but that's more a function of my schedule than anything else. Swing shift sucks when you're a morning person.
posted by bmarkey 08 February | 19:06
I do.
posted by krix 08 February | 19:07
I'm a southy.
posted by seanyboy 08 February | 19:10
porpoise, kind of, but with less saliva. More like this.

[Trying to get Kenny to give up his security blanket]
Jack Butler: I understand that you little guys start out with your woobies and you think they're great... and they are, they are terrific. But pretty soon, a woobie isn't enough. You're out on the street trying to score an electric blanket, or maybe a quilt. And the next thing you know, you're strung out on bedspreads Ken. That's serious.
posted by Specklet 08 February | 19:11
Hubby and I are both winter-born (July, down under) and the last few places we've lived in we've had the bed so our heads point east. Odd.
posted by tracicle 08 February | 19:33
My head faces south, and that's because I have a large, very symetrical room and from that position, the room appears to best advantage. When I sit in bed (with the laptop, of course) the two tall windows are directly in front of me.
posted by pieisexactlythree 08 February | 19:44
As a matter of fact, I do. And come to think of it, I did so in my childhood as well.
posted by Triode 08 February | 19:52
my head faces East, and i think it's always faced either East or West my whole life (definitely has from elementary school on). It's bedroom-dependent tho.
posted by amberglow 08 February | 20:09
Hmm. Southeast currently, no particular reason.
posted by tangerine 08 February | 20:15
My head faces East, and as it happens I was born in Winter. Oddly enough, thinking back to previous homes it seems I have had a general preference for the easterly sleeping.
posted by nomis 08 February | 21:08
But, unfortunately, Shiva's Trishul was so powerful that it had hurled Ganesha's head very far off. All attempts to find the head were in vain. As a last resort, Shiva approached Brahma who suggested that he replace Ganesha's head with the first living being that came his way which lay with its head facing north, which happened to be an elephant.
posted by dhruva 08 February | 21:15
West at the moment, although in our current room we've also gone northward. South and east aren't possiblities, though, since those walls have closets.
posted by mr_crash_davis 08 February | 22:42
South. I can lie in bed and orient every single bed I've ever slept in (regularly ;-) ) from that point - sometimes I do it as I'm going to sleep, like, in my old house I slept with my head facing east & so on. I can just kind of feel it in my head. This is hard to explain, but it works, I swear.
posted by mygothlaundry 09 February | 00:02
i would surmise this has more to do with the sun, rising in the east each morning, than anything
posted by Wedge 09 February | 03:07
Holy shit, I'm north! *Whaddarevelation*
posted by moonbird 09 February | 08:33
Solidly west by preference, whichever way I happen to be facing when I have no choice.
posted by Divine_Wino 09 February | 10:03
Apropos of something: I really need to get Mr. Mom on dvd.
posted by deborah 09 February | 13:44
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