I lost the bet. →[More:]
*sigh* and my Birds made too many mistakes and now I owe the guy in the office 9 beers. Of course, he didn't say what kind of beer. I sent him an email last night telling him that 9 PBR's were comin' right up! If he insists on Guinness, which is what we were inbibing when the bet was made and probably what he meant by 'beers', then I'll just buy him all 9 pints at once and he will have to drink them then. (He's not as liquid-adaptable as jonmc - he usually takes 2-3 at a sitting.) [evil laugh]
In other news, I liked the FedEx commercial best. The rest were pretty meh. The stones looked good, but geez we got our satisfaction about 164 bars before the song ended.