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Comment Feed:


10 February 2006

Dear MetaChat [More:]
Hi! How are you? I am fine. It is warm and sunny here. People are happy. This is nice. It will be cold and rainy from May until August. People will be *not* happy. At all.

A few projects are forging full steam ahead. It's exciting, though a tad stressful. Also, I may be picking up a second job because it would be a fantastic opportunity. But it will lock my schedule up tighter than Baptist schoolgirl's knees in the front row at a morning Christian Club meeting.

I hope you are doing well. Though I try to check in, I often don't have time to read and comment fully, so I do both less and less. However, I think of you often and with great fondness.

Frisbee Girl
Manic forehead kisses to you!!
posted by jrossi4r 10 February | 16:22
posted by orthogonality 10 February | 16:23
Good to hear from you, Fris.
posted by mcgraw 10 February | 16:25
posted by arse_hat 10 February | 16:33
Hi Frisbee Girl. I still love you.
posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 16:39
Report received #7.
posted by warbaby 10 February | 16:50
Who are you again?
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 10 February | 16:57

s'OK, we know you still love us. Just keep wearing the bunnypin.
posted by gaspode 10 February | 17:13
It is really nice to rite to you. I am happy that you are fine and that it is sunny and warm. I am fine. But mummy says that I have to go back to the factory. I am scared. I know that I will be fine. Mr. Muffles the cat told me. But mummy doesn't believe me. Rite back soon!
posted by porpoise 10 February | 17:20
Dear Ms. Girl -

Thank you for contacting me. I appreciate you informing me of your ongoing commitments, and for keeping the lines of communication open.

Everything here at LT, Inc. is going apace. Our newest venture looks promising, and our upcoming meeting in Portland next weekend should be a fantastic team-building opportunity for all concerned. I for one, will be bringing my A-Game, that's for sure.

Again, thank you for your letter, and should any opportunities for employment at LT, Inc. arise in the future, we will make sure to let you know.


Knobb A. Toole,
HR Director, LT Inc.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 10 February | 18:42
FRIS!!! Yaaaay!

*pounces on Fris, whuffles ecstatically*
posted by Specklet 10 February | 20:17

I haven't the foggiest clue where you are, or what you're doing now (I'm terrible about keeping current, though not for lack of wanting), but your post inspired me to check your posting history and.... CONGRATS ON THE TOSCA!

You win!!

What's your prize?

MORE TOSCA! (Busenfreund - dZihan & Kamien - Suzuki In Dub)

posted by mosch 11 February | 02:32
Also enjoy this lovely parting gift: Baby Mammoth - Narrow
posted by mosch 11 February | 02:50
Dearest MetaChat,

Hi! How are you? I am fine.

It was so good to hear from you! Your responses made me grin grin grin. You are the best. I never stopped loving you (Hugh and gaspode, please take note).

- jrossi, you're such a rockstar of verbal comedic brilliance, I want to put an RSS feed on everything you type. *grins like a mad fool while getting kissed manically on the forehead*

- orthogonality, who knew? Crazy Baptists. And I haven't even gotten to the Pentecostals.

- Hi, mcgraw!

- *waves back to arse_hat*

- *hugs Hugh*

- Confidential to warbaby: readjusts bunny pin on lapel and oh-so-nonchalantly awaits further instructions from BPC HQ.

- DFT, people have been asking me this for years.

- porpoise, listen to Mr. Muffles, he is infinitely wise. Mummy, however, is prone to being tempermental, bless her heart.

- winks at gaspode and flashes bunny pin.

- lipstick, please have fun building that team! Send my warmest regards and I eagerly await photographic documentation of said activities.

- rolls about with the Speckletina, whuffling with wild abandon.

- amberglow, that letter was MOST excellent. I love things like that!

- mosch, I thought you'd appreciate that! Talk about delayed freaking gratification. Thanks, as usual, for the awesome tunes [seriously, Busenfreund? Awww yeah!] and your kickass self.

Thanks again for your truly wonderful replies! They made my day.

Much love and affection,
Frisbee Girl
posted by Frisbee Girl 11 February | 13:25
Hi Frisbee! I hope you're having fun wherever you're at!

Have a good summer!
Stay sweet!
Keep in touch!

posted by halonine 11 February | 21:35
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