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Comment Feed:


18 February 2006

Your camera has been found. ...but we're not giving it back.
I bet they're christian.
posted by puke & cry 18 February | 21:50
Christ, what an asshole.
posted by brainwidth 18 February | 21:54
Wow. My blood is boiling. What crappy people and shitty, shitty parents. The kid is NINE for pete's sake, more than old enough to understand that the camera doesn't belong to him and having diabetes doesn't make you exempt from common courtesy.
posted by jrossi4r 18 February | 21:56
Great parents. meh
posted by arse_hat 18 February | 22:01

And I have no idea why. The findees were asshats. The finder comes across as a self-deserving asshat.

If I lost an expensive camera and was put in this situation; I'd offer to guy a (much less expensive) camera as a gift for the kid in return for my camera.
posted by porpoise 18 February | 22:05
Yeah, then they'd have two cameras you paid for.
posted by puke &amp; cry 18 February | 22:09
That sucks. People like that need to choke on their on waddle in their sleep.

And I'd put an ad in their local paper explaining what utter asshats they are to their neighbors.
posted by fenriq 18 February | 22:43
So did the finders wait a week to call the ranger (if so, they already knew they weren't giving the camera back, so why even call?) or did they call right away? Something about the beginning doesn't add up. What am I missing?
posted by iconomy 18 February | 23:18
I think the finders were initially decent people, then figured that the camera was worth $$$, probably from their neighbours - and ended up just selling the thing to a pawn shop; for far less than it was worth.
posted by porpoise 18 February | 23:43
I wonder if it's type 2 diabetes. If it is, quelle surprise that a child whose parents will apparently indulge him in anything he wants gets diagnosed with it.
posted by George_Spiggott 19 February | 00:30
Oh, that makes me sad. What's this half-assed decency these parents are practicing? They lost an opportunity to help their son learn about living in the world and being a civil person. Gosh, my parents would never have let me touch a lost camera, let alone play with it, feed it and make it my own.
posted by Uncle Glendinning 19 February | 02:12
that is, if we are to believe the finder's story.
posted by Uncle Glendinning 19 February | 02:34
Gosh, my parents would never have let me touch a lost camera, let alone play with it, feed it and make it my own.

My parents would've sold it and kept the money.
posted by essexjan 19 February | 04:04
How weird. It's almost like it's not enough to steal the camera, they have to gloat about it too.
posted by dodgygeezer 19 February | 05:43
Does anyone else think this whole thing might possibly be made up? The beginning bothers me.
posted by iconomy 19 February | 15:18
Well, it's seriously weird that they would report the find, get in contact with the owner, then dick her around about it.

I lost my wallet at work once; it was found in a bathroom by somebody who e-mailed me from a hotmail account and said he wanted to return it. He said there was $50 in it (it should have been $80), I said go ahead and take $20 as a finder's fee. He sent me the wallet back via interoffice mail, sans the cash.

People are, you know, scum.
posted by stilicho 19 February | 16:38
I keep saying that people are no damned good - when are you going to start believing me?
posted by dg 19 February | 18:57
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