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25 February 2006

What me? Addict? So, a couple of weeks ago I got my second tattoo on my arm and now I want more! But I shouldn't. I really shouldn't. So, let me live vicariously through you all. Show me your ink, Mecha!
Don't mess with Texas!
posted by danostuporstar 25 February | 21:03
I've thought about getting a tattoo but I always come back to the decision that no matter what I get I'll regret it later.
posted by puke & cry 25 February | 21:15
none for me, but i want a little HR Pufnstuf head...i'll probably never do it tho.
posted by amberglow 25 February | 21:18
Possible future regrets are half the fun.

Ok, maybe 1/10th of the fun. The rest of the fun is getting jabbed with needles. Mmmm, needles...
posted by cmonkey 25 February | 21:18
I'm one of the few people in my demographic who is both tattoo and piercing free. I used to be inordinately proud of this fact, but these days with all the changes in my life, who knows?
posted by jonmc 25 February | 21:26
Your tattoos are fabulous, cmonkey.

I'm way too wimpy (and probably too old) to get one, although I would love to have a toe ring tattoo. But I *love* looking at the tats on this site - they're right up my alley (although not on such a grand scale), and would be the style I would get if I had ever gotten one. I like the Tim Burton-ish quality of some of them.

I like the flow of the text on this one, and I like this one and this one and especially this one, which is one I would actually get. The others I just like to look at on other people.
posted by iconomy 25 February | 21:28
Wow, lots of really nice ink, YouCanCallMeAl & cmonkey.

cmonkey - how'd you acquire that gnarly scar?
posted by porpoise 25 February | 21:41
Only one so far, but I am going to get a new one this year. A turtle of course. I was trying to persuade mrspants to design it for me, but she's unblackmailable apparently.
posted by terrapin 25 February | 21:51
yeah, cmonkey has very nice tattoos.
posted by puke & cry 25 February | 22:06
Thanks for the kind words about my tattoos.

cmonkey - how'd you acquire that gnarly scar?

A year ago I blacked out while taking a piss at six in the morning, and woke up on the bathroom floor with my arm snapped in half. After watching it flop around for a minute or two, and trying to put my weight on it, it dawned on me that something was horribly wrong, and maybe if I crawl into my bedroom I could get a few hours of sleep and deal with it later. So I crawled into my room, stood up, blacked out again, woke up with a bruised rib and thought "OK, something is really not right". Aaanyway, one of my roommates drove me to the ER, where 9 hours later I woke up from surgery with a titanium plate holding my forearm together and a $20,000 hospital bill. The scar is huge because one of the cuts they made didn't heal properly, and kept getting infected. The scar on the other side of my arm is much neater.
posted by cmonkey 25 February | 22:14
I can give you an example of a shitty tattoo. This one was done by an amateur at some guys house. The owner of the tattoo is the same guy that phelgmed in my drinking glass.

This one, on the same guy, was done by a professional but it was some holiday and the artist was waiting to go out on a date with some hot girl so he did a rush job and got a lot of the detail wrong. So don't let this happen to you, mkay?
posted by puke & cry 25 February | 22:47
I still have trouble with the scenario of "Grandma, tell me about your tatoos."
posted by warbaby 26 February | 00:16
Holy crap, CMonkey. Your ink is awesome.

And warbaby...that's kind of why I get them. I like the idea of my skin being a sort of storyboard for my life.
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 26 February | 02:58
jonmc, I also used to be inordinately proud of my tattoo & piercing free status because I was the only person in my family without them. Then I realized it hasn't been my stellar judgement that's kept me from them, it's that I'm just too cheap.

Now I'm reconsidering, but it'll have to wait until my credit cards are paid off, which will be a while.
posted by small_ruminant 26 February | 03:59
Here's my tat, at the base of my spine. Hurt like hell but I'm so glad I got it done.
posted by essexjan 26 February | 04:45
If you really want to freak out your parents or your boss, you could always get some of these.
posted by essexjan 26 February | 04:50
Some hastily taken photos here:
Left arm
Right arm (unfinished)

The reason the right one is unfinished is because the tattooist, not the most reliable of people to begin with, went completely off the rails. He disappeared for months without explanation and was completely uncontactable. His studio has gone bankrupt and he won't be coming back. I'm hoping he might finish it "unofficially", so to speak, otherwise I have some other people in mind to complete it. In any case I won't be doing anything until my company finishes it's redundancy process and I can safely start spending money again.

I have nothing but problems. Grrrr!
posted by dodgygeezer 26 February | 08:01
I'm like jonmc w/r/t tattoos (not piercings, though). I've held out so long now that it's hard to imagine changing my mind at this point. There's something fun about being all natural. But if I did get a tattoo -- a thought that crosses my mind with increasing frequency -- I would go for something very 1940s vintage, a Western-cowgirl-rose-horshoe sort of thing, I think.

But in truth, if I had those hundreds of dollars to kick around with, they would be going to guitars and travel rather than tattoos. So I guess I probably just don't have the bug bad enough.
posted by Miko 26 February | 11:03
leg (the asian bamboo one)
right arm
I've also got a small one on my left upper arm and a small one on my lower back that I don't like very much (it's nice, but not really "me") and want to get embellished.
posted by matildaben 26 February | 12:44
Oddly enough, I've never taken photos of my tattoos.
posted by deborah 26 February | 13:40
right leg

left leg

left leg

left breast

left leg

inside left wrist

inside right wrist

posted by miles 26 February | 17:59
I've thought about getting a tattoo but I always come back to the decision that no matter what I get I'll regret it later.
Another here without any ink, for the same reason. The only piercing I have is a hole in my ear that I now only use to gross people out by sticking things like paper clips through.

Too old for all that nonsense now, anyway.
posted by dg 26 February | 23:09
I (t's) R (eally) C (ool) || kiss off songs