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07 February 2006

Inspired by this classic Fray thread, where have you been naked? I figure well get interesting answers out of this bunch.
Lake Winnipesaukee in April. So cold.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 07 February | 09:49
Haulover Beach. Woods in Vermont. On top of a wooden hobbyhorse in the Bronx (long story).
posted by jonmc 07 February | 09:50
Where haven't I been naked? That would be the shorter answer! Oh, the places I have been naked. My word.

Actually, I haven't really been naked anywhere interesting I think. I will try to think of something though.
posted by richat 07 February | 09:54
A 33-degree snow-melt stream in the Grand Tetons (I nearly passed out from that, jumping in very hot from hiking and superchilling my poor self). In the dunes in Provincetown. In many Pine Barrens rivers, skinny dipping. In the passenger seat of a tiny yellow Renault, being driven from a Connecticut lakeshore (skinny dipping again)through town to a house. And in an inipi (Lakota sweat lodge) many times.

Until I thought about this question, I never realized that skinny dipping had been such a big part of my life.
posted by Miko 07 February | 09:55
(actually at Haulover Beach I wasn't completely naked. The sand was hot so I put my shoes on. Black hightop chuck taylors. I must've been a sight)
posted by jonmc 07 February | 09:56
Camping, often, with friends and alone. In college I tromped around my neighborhood naked save for my combat boots; it was in the wee hours of the morning, I had been up all night, and I can only say I'm glad I didn't get arrested. Not much you can say in that situation.

Ummm, some public nudity in a few city parks, not solo though.

I've been naked a lot I guess. I used to get naked at parties all the time. Ahh youth!
posted by tr33hggr 07 February | 10:12
Naked Parties? Where was I while this kind of stuff was happening, smoking a joint behind the dumpster?

Actually I missed out on the skinny dipping stuff since I'm not much of a beach guy-too skinny, too pale. And my college experiences were atypical and I flunked out, so I missed all the fun there, too, I guess. *sigh*
posted by jonmc 07 February | 10:16
My "friends" knew that once inebriated I would get naked for just about anything. So they'd typically offer to buy me an LP if I took my clothes off and ran around, during which they would hide my clothes. Quite hilarious.
posted by tr33hggr 07 February | 10:23
Another for the mostly naked crowd. Nude beaches. Woods. Skinny dipping everywhere from Maryland creeks to South Carolina beaches.

And, most notably, in a pickup truck driving down a dirt road in West Virginia at midnight. ;-)
posted by mygothlaundry 07 February | 10:45
(reading threads like these are fun for all the obvious reasons, but they also make me realize that my post-dropout summer spent working nights probably shaped my worldview more than anything)
posted by jonmc 07 February | 10:49
Nudity of any kind is a sin that can only be expunged from the soul after a thousand millenia of flensing, flaying and scourging at the hands of sulpher demons in a lake of hellfire. Bathe fully clothed or spend eternity buried head down in a frozen ocean of ordure!
posted by Divine_Wino 07 February | 10:53
Another nudie. Strip Jeopardy in a public restaurant. Oregon coast beach (not designated as nude, but not too many people). Redwood forest. Skinny dipping whenever I get the chance. I spend a lot of time at home naked.
posted by Specklet 07 February | 10:55
I'm not a big naked person... Several nude beaches in Greece and a few private swimming pools in the U.S. That's about it (well, since I've been an adult, anyway).
posted by taz 07 February | 10:57
I once found myself naked on the beach outside the walls of the ancient Judaean city of Caesaria.
posted by Hugh Janus 07 February | 10:58
I once found myself naked on the beach outside the walls of the ancient Judaean city of Caesaria.

Banished for being unclean?
posted by tr33hggr 07 February | 11:14
Yeah, I guess you could say that.
posted by Hugh Janus 07 February | 11:16
Never. I was born with a tiny tuxedo on.
posted by Capn 07 February | 11:20
I knew it. Capn is a penguin.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 11:21
I never made it a secret, I just never bragged about it either.
posted by Capn 07 February | 11:37
Good for you

*throws Capn some chum*
posted by jonmc 07 February | 11:37
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posted by Hugh Janus 07 February | 11:47
OK, enough chum talk, chums. More tales of nakedidity, please!
posted by jonmc 07 February | 11:49
Apparently I am an uptight square. Apart from one hot spring soak in the middle of a deserted valley in the Sierra, I cannot think of a time I have ever been naked in public.
posted by Triode 07 February | 11:54
How about both, jonmc? (NSFW if work thinks crude depictions of nudity on ceramic mugs aren't safe)
posted by Hugh Janus 07 February | 11:57
I'm naked right now.
posted by krix 07 February | 12:00
hubba hubba
posted by jonmc 07 February | 12:00
I'm kind of like Triode in that regard. My public nudity is limited to Asian-style bathhouses (for soaking, not sexing) and one sweat lodge on the Green Tortoise land along the Seattle-San Francisco run.
posted by matildaben 07 February | 12:25
Naked hot tubbing in California, twice--one of them on Christmas Eve. A sex club in Manhattan. Almost naked at Lucky Cheng's doing strip karaoke.

And sometimes I sleep naked. And I've slept in a lot of different states. ^_^
posted by TrishaLynn 07 February | 12:27
I used to work with a Native American chick, who told me she occasionaly went to a sweat lodge. I said it sounded interesting. She said it was if you liked sitting around with naked octogenarians. She was later fired smoking crack.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 12:27
fired for smoking crack, dammit.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 12:29
In my case, the sweat lodge was filled with naked hippies. Fortunately I can't see anything without my glasses on.
posted by matildaben 07 February | 12:31
I like "fired smoking crack" better, jonmc, for the sense of immediacy it lends. It's like her boss walked by her cubicle and saw her cooking base and was like, "What are you doing?" and she was like, "I've never seen one of these, how do you use it? Hffffphfffffft!" and she's holding it in and the boss is like, "You're fired!" and she's like, "Bitch set me up! Bitch set me up!"
posted by Hugh Janus 07 February | 12:43
Marion Barry is one of my anti-heros.
posted by Divine_Wino 07 February | 12:44
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by Hugh Janus 07 February | 12:48
The last sweat lodge I went to I got insulted by one of the hippies who felt that my less than pure sweat (I smoke and drink, so shoot me) was messing up the beautiful karma of the lodge. Creep. Actually I don't like them much, or hot tubs for that matter: I start getting dizzy and freaked out when I'm too hot.

However this leads me to an anecdote. My ex & his stepfather built a crazy log cabin in WV with no power tools - his mom & stepdad lived there for years. No electric, no running water, you know, back to the land, but a really cool stone sauna built in, stained glass, carved wood, art, etc. One time a whole bunch of us were staying there and decided to do a sauna. I'm in there with another naked woman on opposite benches and as I look over at her I realized there was a huge black snake uncoiling under her bench. Just as I go to say, pull your legs up very gently she looks at me and says, Felicity, there's a giant snake underneath you. There were about seven snakes in the sauna, so we ran naked and screaming outside, which led to jokes about the nekkid women and the snakes that have never yet died down, and this was about 12 years ago.
posted by mygothlaundry 07 February | 12:49
That story rules.
posted by sciurus 07 February | 12:54
I did a Spencer Tunick thing with a couple thousand other folks. Got a nice 8x10 of it too.
posted by sciurus 07 February | 12:55
You guys' nakedness was far more interesting than mine. I've come to the inevitable conclusion that I am an utterly lost utter loser. But I'm cool with that.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 13:20
I've never been naked in public and don't see it ever happening. I hate my body and would never inflict it on anyone. Well, except for the mister but he's obligated since we're married.

But hey, I'm always naked under my clothes.
posted by deborah 07 February | 13:22
I'm with the less-inclined-to-be-naked-in-public people. While I sleep nude, I can only remember one time anyone but my sig. other saw me naked and that was at a sauna in The Netherlands.
posted by gaspode 07 February | 13:24
Well, I'm naked in the locker room all the time, so there are about twenty girls out there who know how I look undressed better than how I look dressed. Lucky for all of us, we're pretty fine.

Other than that, the standard skinny-dipping, &c. I was once stopped by police on Mason's Island (off Mystic, Conn.) in nothing but a towel. They asked if we had ID and I began laughing so hard I couldn't stop for like five minutes.

I would probably be naked more often if I wasn't worried about making other people uncomfortable. I think I look hot, and I am comfy being naked, so there isn't much to stop me.
posted by dame 07 February | 13:29
I'm generally not naked in public, unless changing in the locker room at the health club counts.
posted by sisterhavana 07 February | 13:32
I think public nudity is underrated and over-sexualized... Bummer for us naked types.
posted by Specklet 07 February | 13:50
I dunno speck. I don't think I want to get to the point where seeing naked flesh isn't a big thrill. Hell, if I catch a glipse of cleavage (any cleavage, literally) on the subway, it makes my fuckin' day.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 13:51

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posted by Hugh Janus 07 February | 13:59
*fans self*

you nathty man.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 14:00
2005 was a pretty naked year for me. A couple skinny dips in Lake Michigan, some "Oh crap I'm late" on-field changing for football, plus I tend to drop trou the second I get home, come summertime. I just don't like pants.
posted by eamondaly 07 February | 14:08
I used to have a sleepwalking problem, so I've woken up naked in nearly every room of every house I've lived in for the last 10 years. It's pretty disconcerting to go to sleep fully clothed in your bedroom and wake up naked on the living room couch.

I make it a point to not be naked outside, since the world most certainly does not need to see more pale nerd flesh.
posted by cmonkey 07 February | 14:09
pale nerd flesh

aren't they the death metal band from Silicon Valley?
posted by jonmc 07 February | 14:11
Another non-naked-in-public person.

I wasn't okay with my body until after turning 30 (and now I think it's just fine, thank you), and have always been shy, so that has always ruled out the public nudity thing.

Plus, there's what dame said:

Well, I'm naked in the locker room all the time, so there are about twenty girls out there who know how I look undressed better than how I look dressed. Lucky for all of us, we're pretty fine.

See? There's the exact origin of my hesitation to be naked or to be around naked people. Growing up gay in a small Baptist town in Texas, even though you don't understand the whole thing, you know you're not supposed to get caught looking at the other 5th grade girls in the locker room. Some sort of built-in chivalry or guilt or fear of getting stomped was ingrained in me at a very early age.
posted by mudpuppie 07 February | 15:31
Well, the "naked in the woods," I mentioned above? I was alone. and 14. I'm weird. And in high school and college the people who would've done cool sex and nudity stuff didn't like me. The people who did like me were mainly into booze, drugs and pointless stupidity. I'm not sure whether to feel cheated or grateful.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 15:39
I'm confused, mupps. I just admitted I look at all the naked girls I know.
posted by dame 07 February | 16:03
Well, dame, that's a gym full of grown women in New York City. And you're straight. Different set of circumstances, internally and externally.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 16:05
I just don't get the link to my quote & what she siad, dude. I'm exceedingly thick today.
posted by dame 07 February | 16:12
Well, I wouldn't presume to speak for pup, but I guess she's saying that as a straight girl raised in a fairly enlightened enviornment, you didn't have the strictures put upon nudity and looking at others of your same gender nude. When you do it, you're just another girl checking out another girl like a painting or a piece of furniture. For her, (esp. ina gay-hostile eviornment) she's internalized fears of being seen as a threat or weird. Just a theory.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 16:16
Yeah, dame, jon pegged it. I meant no insult/criticism of you -- just pointing out that you're comfortable in that it's great that you're comfortable in that environment, as well as the reasons why I'm not.
posted by mudpuppie 07 February | 16:26
...just pointing out that you're comfortable in that it's great that you're comfortable in that environment...
posted by mudpuppie 07 February | 16:27
[I didn't mean to get all serious and political and shit. Sorry!]
posted by mudpuppie 07 February | 16:29
Kids these days seem to have the whole sexploration thing a little easier than our generation did, at least in urban and suburban areas. In my day, any non-het tendencies were suspect, at least publicly, so you kept quiet. These days it seems to be taken for granted.

(no apologies necessary, pup. we're among friends here)
posted by jonmc 07 February | 16:30
Oh, I see. I am not bothered, just confused. Or I was. Now I must go look at naked girls swim.
posted by dame 07 February | 16:33
posted by porpoise 07 February | 16:46
I've been naked on metachat many times.
posted by moonbird 07 February | 16:46
well, I hope you put a towel down, dude.
posted by jonmc 07 February | 16:52
"It's as close to the Garden of Eden as you're going to find on Earth" || omg