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Comment Feed:


08 February 2006

Just out of curiosity...a wiki question So, is it a bad thing to edit other people's user pages?[More:]I was browsing the other day, and a couple of the user pages seemed to bring out the smart-arsed side of me. I had the urge to try to wittily deface the user page, in a non-destructive way. And, we all know what happens when we don't give into our urges. Bad things.

Anyway, seriously, can you add a line to the statement of facts by a user, ribbing them? Or is it poor form?
Not only is is not bad form, it's EXPECTED. Do it. Start with mine.
posted by mike9322 08 February | 14:16
See, now I will have edit-anxiety. dammit. I was worried this would happen. See what happens when you don't listen to the urges?
posted by richat 08 February | 14:19
Oh definitely go for it - that's part of the fun of a wiki. It's a MetaChat wiki, after all, and supposed to be fun and silly, like us. My userpage has some pretty funny stuff on it. Someone else's is hysterical...I forget who tho.

Also, MeChaPeople, add your name here if you have a website of any kind!
posted by iconomy 08 February | 14:20
I don't exist on that list. How can I make a userpage for you all to edit mercilessly?
posted by Miko 08 February | 14:20
edit away, richat!
posted by gaspode 08 February | 14:23
miko, you merely need to log in to the wiki using your Mecha username/password, and your userpage will be created automagically!
posted by mike9322 08 February | 14:23
My page practically begs to be edited.
posted by Capn 08 February | 14:27
Yes, edit away! Have fun, rib, titillate, whatever.
posted by Specklet 08 February | 14:29
Wow Capn, it really does. Thanks for clearing this up everyone. I was pretty sure that editing was cool, but thought it wise to check.
posted by richat 08 February | 14:35
At least mcgraw cared enough to vandalize me.
posted by danostuporstar 08 February | 14:49
By all means, edit other people's pages. Just don't delete stuff, 'cos that's just not good form.
posted by cmonkey 08 February | 15:02
thank you, mike9322.

What fun. Have at me!
posted by Miko 08 February | 15:02
When I made my overly long page at the Wiki, I did so expecting other people to delete large portions of it. It's all still there (but I have now edited it down a little myself). Doesn't anybody care about me? *whimper*
posted by wendell 08 February | 15:36
Yep, if you look at the history of people's pages, you'll see that they have often been edited by other people. You may edit mine, but only because I know you lurve me.
posted by matildaben 08 February | 15:42
Edit away. Mine could probably use some additions. : )
posted by sisterhavana 08 February | 15:57
My linking of my userpage does not in any way indicate a desire to have it edited in a humorous fashion.
posted by mike9322 08 February | 16:00
Aw, someone messed with my page...thanks! You guys!
posted by richat 08 February | 16:03
I'm with mike, don't worry about playing with my user page.
posted by Specklet 08 February | 16:13
As well as the user's website page, I added a Flickr page. So we can all look each others photographs.
posted by seanyboy 08 February | 16:16
As usual, nobody loves me.
posted by gaspode 08 February | 16:30
Aw, I want an animal on my page!
posted by matildaben 08 February | 17:05
My userpage vanished. *sniffle*
posted by WolfDaddy 08 February | 17:11
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