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18 February 2006

What's on your couch? Mine has a passed out South Dakota girl of Norweigan ancestry who we met earlier tonight, an afghan, and some pillows.
Two fat cats.
posted by essexjan 18 February | 04:39
Ha! That sounds so random and yet so you, mosch.
posted by Frisbee Girl 18 February | 05:04
The past 24 hours have been a textbook definition of random. It's been a good day.
posted by mosch 18 February | 05:23
My mother- and father-in-law. The latest in a stream of visitors this week. Ever since the doctor prescribed total bed rest, pills, injections, etc. for mr. taz, the house has hardly been empty of visitors. This is how Greek people get sick, evidently: with lots of onlookers.
posted by taz 18 February | 05:29
taz: can you at least weasel them into doing menial chores for you while they're passing through?
posted by mosch 18 February | 05:34
(or perhaps get them to do the stabbings)
posted by mosch 18 February | 05:35
I wish. It's actually the opposite. I wake up in a panic to dust and scrub and sweep before anybody gets here... And of course, mr. sick always ends up taking them into whatever room looks the worst. If I haven't touched the bedroom, that's where he has to take them to look at the view out of the unwashed window. This is after I have sweetly whispered those three magic words into his delicate, shell-like ear: NO HOUSE TOURS.

posted by taz 18 February | 06:09
Does GW know you're harboring an Afghan?
posted by mike9322 18 February | 08:22
taz, I suggest that you're either beating him too hard, or not hard enough. Adjust and try again.
posted by mosch 18 February | 08:46
We've been together so long I've actually tried all the beating variations, multiple times over; the poking with needles thing is new, though. So far, it hasn't worked either.
posted by taz 18 February | 08:55
Some chick from Boston who's listening to Bill Hicks with me.
posted by Eideteker 18 February | 09:19
posted by eamondaly 18 February | 09:58
The Great Book of Amber, a calendar from Uwajimaya, backpack, present for a Mechazen, bag of possibly important papers, empty Maker's bottle, information about my 403 (b).
posted by rebirtha 18 February | 10:05
Half of the world's known supply of Lonely Planet guides, an adorable orange cat on top of a comforter, some sort of gardening book.
posted by cmonkey 18 February | 10:32
My agent Susan Samuelson, drunk off her tiny, Betsy Johnson ass, talking to me about how I need to consider moving away from Seattle and get back on stage.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 18 February | 11:07
Piles of pillows, several of Miles' socks, the TV remote, three blankets and a collie type dog. Oh look, there's another sock - on the computer chair.
posted by mygothlaundry 18 February | 11:43
Cat fur!
posted by ramix 18 February | 11:55
Two cats and, not to be confused with the cats, two pillows.
posted by deborah 18 February | 12:05
My dog. One copy of Drs. Foster and Smith catalogue. Dust, probably.
posted by LeeJay 18 February | 12:57
A deceased hobo.
posted by orthogonality 18 February | 13:36
No-One! Nothing! When this was posted, I was on someone elses couch. Yeah me. I totally subverted this paradigm.
posted by seanyboy 18 February | 14:05
My sister's dog (I am dogsitting), some pillows, a couple blankets, the TV remote.
posted by sisterhavana 18 February | 14:30
ortho: perhaps this advice would be of use.
posted by mosch 18 February | 16:26
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