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Comment Feed:


18 February 2006

Have you seen this Wendy's commercial? A group of guys is hanging around, eating chicken strips. One guy -- the "dip caddy" -- advises another guy on his sauce choice, saying "you're dipping into the wind."[More:]My boyfriend's in the ad (he's the caddy!), and we're curious to know if it's gone national or is just being shown regionally. My parents have seen it a million times in Santa Fe, but we've never seen it here in L.A.

His agents can't help, and SAG is useless -- one of the contract givebacks to advertisers a few years ago (thanks to President Melissa "Half-Pint" Gilbert!) was that the Guild would stop monitoring so closely when, where, and how long commercials are played, which makes a huge difference in how residuals are paid to actors. I'm sure Catherine Zeta-Jones couldn't care less, but for reg'lar actin' folks, it's a real problem. ANYhoo, if you've seen it, we'd be grateful to hear about it. Yes, this is something you'd have to have a TV (and live in the US) to know about. ;)
I haven't seen it in Cleveland, sorry! Then again, I don't watch a ton of TV. I'll keep an eye out for it when I do.
posted by amro 18 February | 14:24
I've never seen it either - I live in PA.
posted by iconomy 18 February | 14:24
I watch a lot of tv and I haven't seen it in dallas.
posted by puke & cry 18 February | 14:25
Haven't seen it, but I haven't been watching much tv lately.
posted by orthogonality 18 February | 14:52
I'm at the lab trying to decide what I want for lunch.

Thanks for the (inadvertant) suggestion scody!

Sorry, not in US and not a TV watcher.
posted by porpoise 18 February | 14:57
I don't think I've seen it (not sure, because I watch everything via TiVo)
posted by mosch 18 February | 15:37
I'm in Oregon and I've seen it. Your boyfriend is white, has facial hair (not much, a soul patch? I forget..) and is blonde with a hat on.
posted by alteredcarbon 18 February | 15:48
alteredcarbon: well, he is white and often wears baseball caps! But he's clean-shaven and has brown hair. Hm. Maybe that's one of the other guys in the advert?
posted by scody 18 February | 16:18
Haven't seen it here in LA, but I only watch the Olympics.
posted by muddgirl 18 February | 18:28
The buffalo ranch sauce isn't very good. The previous time I had the new tropical hawaiian and it was almost identical to Vietnamese chicken sauce. I miss the chipotle sauce.
posted by porpoise 18 February | 19:21
I've seen a Wendy's commercial with a "dip caddy" but haven't paid that much attention to it (not enough to get the lines). Reminder: I'm in British Columbia.
posted by deborah 18 February | 21:08
I've seen this commercial in Canada, off of satellite, but I don't know what channel is was on. I get east and west coast US network feeds plus about 30 localized Canadian feeds, could have been any of them.
posted by Mitheral 19 February | 08:47
you have a boyfriend?????

NOW i'm pissed.
posted by quonsar 19 February | 10:28
Thanks for the feedback, everyone -- it definitely sounds like it's playing in at least two regions, so that's good news.

Q: don't worry, it's not like he's proposed or anything. He'll have to get a lot more dip-caddyin' gigs to keep me in the manner to which I've grown accustomed.
posted by scody 19 February | 19:08
So, anybody in NYC wanna meet for drinks tonight? || someone shoot me