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07 February 2006

Help me. Why do I love that new Madonna song so much? [More:]I think it's called "Hung up". It's completely against my character to like Madonna songs. It's completely against my character to get them stuck in my head. It's completely against my character to get a feeling of joy when I hear it playing on the sort of radio station I would never listen to. And it pisses me off.
No worries, Jimbob. I dig Madonna too, but now it's for who's producing her records. I got into William Orbit back when Ray of Light came out, so now I just listen to him. Chances are whoever did this one you'll like much more than Madonna herself.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 07 February | 19:28
Her singles are usually very catchy. I'm comfortable admitting that.

My wierd roommate freshman year in college listened ENTIRELY to Madonna. Which was entirely unacceptable. He had a variety of serious issues, and that was only one of them.
posted by killdevil 07 February | 19:29
Well, that's true. I consider Ray Of Light to be a William Orbit album that happened to feature Madonna on vocals.
posted by Jimbob 07 February | 19:29
I've been hearing that her new album isn't getting a whole lot of radio play. I don't listen to the radio though so who knows.
posted by puke & cry 07 February | 19:32
I worship at the temple that IS Madonna. And have for twenty-something years now. So there.
posted by WolfDaddy 07 February | 19:44
Is this the song that has the ABBA sample in it? If so, that probably explains why it's good.

And yeah, Ray of Light is definitely her best one. She wanted Liam Howlett of the Prodigy to produce either that album or the one right after, and he said the Prodigy's sound wasn't for sale, which I thought was cool. (Of course, the Prodigy then took a serious nosedive they may never recover from, so maybe Madonna knows voodoo or something.)
posted by BoringPostcards 07 February | 19:52
I will continue to listen to the old stuff but I haven't even listened to anything from the last few albums and will not do so now. Woman has earned my hatred.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 07 February | 20:16
Funny, I am in the middle of a similar obsession -- I'm downloading every Hung Up remix I can find. I haven't liked a Madonna single this much in years.

Plus, damn does she still look pretty good. But I laughed at this review of the video clip.

Hung Up and most of Confessions was produced by Stuart Price, who was born the same year Madonna first moved to New York ... He does various remixes as "Jacques Lu Cont" and "Thin White Duke".

Madge at times annoys me (e.g. gratuitous British accent, Swept Away, those sorts of things) but you have to admire her for a lot of things.
posted by stilicho 08 February | 00:45
Someone YSI it?
posted by agropyron 08 February | 00:50
You like it because of the Abba sample.
posted by klangklangston 08 February | 00:58
I love that song! Yes, the ABBA sample has something to do with it but it's just a fun song in general.
posted by sisterhavana 08 February | 09:41
That song induced me to by my first-ever Madonna album after what must be decades of passing on her work. It's not just the ABBA sample, but the occasional clock ticking that makes it.

Also, "Forbidden Love", off that same album, is even better. The rest I can generally take or leave though (except for that song about New York, which I can definitely leave).
posted by Prospero 08 February | 14:11
Detouch || RIP Rothko