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17 February 2006

So I gave the fricken pill to the cat.
Now I am a tending to my wounds.
posted by arse_hat 17 February | 18:51
Is the "fricking pill" a pill that reverses neutering? That would be quite a medical advance.
posted by matildaben 17 February | 18:54
I hope the pills weren't for rabies...

(or else you might turn into a supervillain/hero and wreck havok here at mecha)
posted by porpoise 17 February | 18:56
Naw, just a pill for an infection. Big cat thinks the smaller one is his mommie. When smaller cat gets tired of the pestering he grabs big cat by the throat like mommie cats do. Mommie cats don't break the skin but sometimes Kitty does and it causes $100 vet bill and some blood letting (me).

Kitty and Whitey Ford.
posted by arse_hat 17 February | 19:06
Lotsa blood, eh? Even small cats have a bit of tiger in 'em.
posted by Cryptical Envelopment 17 February | 19:11
Did he get an abscess? Cat abscesses are amongst the grossest things on God's green earth.
posted by essexjan 17 February | 19:54
Ugh, I give my cat pills and eye drops twice a day. I feel like an ogre doing it, but we have it down to a science at this point.
posted by amro 17 February | 20:03
essexjan, thankfully no abcess. amro, I forgot to mention the drops. (no blood so it slipped my mind)
posted by arse_hat 17 February | 20:07
The only way is to figure out what food it is on God's green earth that your cat craves above all others. For the dear departed Andy Warhol, most psycho (and most often medicated) cat I ever had it was vegetarian pate. Or doughnuts. For one other cat it was Doritos, another craved scrambled egg. Once you've got that down, pill giving is easy.

Unless, of course, you have a cat who doesn't like anything all that much. In that case, well, bummer.
posted by mygothlaundry 17 February | 22:28
Grind pill in mortar.
Mix with Laughing Cow cheese.
No blood!
posted by arse_hat 18 February | 21:58
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