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Comment Feed:


20 February 2006

It's a holiday! Who else has to work? Come on people, make me feel better.
I've been trying to think of a diversion - a funsy game to play or something, but I got nothing yet. I'm here. I'm "working" . . . .hmmmm. Anyway - hullo!
posted by rainbaby 20 February | 10:38
Work? What's that? I just collect unemployment checks and convert them straight into Cheetohs.

How about the fact I've gotta go walk the dog in the cold morning air? Does that help you feel better?
posted by fenriq 20 February | 10:40
I'm stuck in my cube, slightly hungover and trying to avoid any real work . . .
posted by tr33hggr 20 February | 10:43
I'm at work and in Chicago! Now we are soul sisters!
posted by Mrs.Pants 20 February | 10:56
I'm supposed to be (be amazed!) working right now! At home! Updating a huge crazy website! Yeah!

/me has landed a little free lance gig to see her through the week & keep the wolf from the door, and this whole working thing is such a novelty, it's fun.
posted by mygothlaundry 20 February | 10:59
Much to my eternal dismay, Canada does not recognize President's Day as a holiday... so I'm working. Wooo!
posted by Capn 20 February | 11:14
I'm at work, but searching for jobs. If you have any leads on jobs in your area, please let me know.
posted by sciurus 20 February | 11:19
Hehehe, not meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I'm not working at all :-D
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 20 February | 11:21
Holidays? I work for a small startup, they barely recognize weekends or even nights. I'm not sure some of my co-workers actually bother to have homes.
posted by octothorpe 20 February | 11:22
I never have to go to work. It's not as much fun as it sounds.
posted by kmellis 20 February | 11:23
Are they hiring, octo?
posted by sciurus 20 February | 11:23
Like our fine Capn, my Canadian employer doesn't recognize President's Day either. Bastards. To make it up to my American friends, I promise to not work hard. I'll do my best to make it seem as though I am not working at all. Cheers!
posted by richat 20 February | 11:47
It's a holiday?

I woke up early, decided I really didn't want to go into work today but I can't get back to sleep.
posted by porpoise 20 February | 12:03
I'm supposed to be working (freelance - job tracking database) but instead I'm drinking coffee and reading MeCha. Mmmmmmm. Coffee. My forbidden pleasure. Yum.

Waitaminnit! If you're in this thread, you aren't working. So no whining. QED.
posted by warbaby 20 February | 12:05
Business as usual here. I'll start working when my boss shows up, whenever that is...
posted by pieisexactlythree 20 February | 12:07
I'm at work, it's just another Monday. Well, not just, the big boss is on a rampage and making me ghostwrite memos for him.
posted by tommasz 20 February | 12:13
Those of you without work today, live it up! Go check out all the nsfw links, one after another and don't stop 'till you've seen all their glorious nastiness.
posted by pieisexactlythree 20 February | 12:18
I'm supposed to be working from home. That's why I'm sitting here in my robe drinking coffee and playing on MeCha. Soon I'm gonna go have lunch with the mr. (who has a real day off) and come home and actually work all afternoon. Maybe.
posted by gaspode 20 February | 12:59
Haaaaaaa, NSFW nastiness coming up!

Just kidding, I'm having a "Freaks and Geeks" marathon. And cuddling with my little puppy.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 20 February | 13:08
I'm at work, but I don't know why... We've been very busy as of late (hence my disappearance), and I had to come in today. Everyone I deal with at other companies is off, and all the online stuff I need to do my job is down.
So I haven't got a damn thing to do. So here I am!
posted by kellydamnit 20 February | 13:17
Being an idiot, I showed up for work this morning to find nobody there. (Not to mention forgetting my keycard, but that's another story.) I work for the federal government; why did I think I had work today?
posted by brainwidth 20 February | 13:37
No love for the presidents at my place of work! Well, I'm sure they love the presidents, but they don't love us enough to share that presidential lovin'.
posted by wimpdork 20 February | 13:58
kellydamnit! Great to see you back!

I'm at work. The highway was great - no traffic! When I got into work I was thinking maybe it would be a holiday and I could go home, but the parking lot was full.
posted by matildaben 20 February | 14:17
I'm at work. No holidays off here...
posted by BoringPostcards 20 February | 14:22
i brought work home and put it off til today....have about another hour's worth to do.... : (
posted by amberglow 20 February | 14:58
I'm back... things have been so crazy as of late, and I work two jobs until mid-April (I do taxes seasonally), so the internet was forgotten in favor of sleep for a while.

I don't really know if I should be here now (at work, I mean). I have, literally, nothing to do. I'm just worried that when our system is back up and running I'll be slammed, and wonder if I should leave early today and plan to work a longer day later in the week.
posted by kellydamnit 20 February | 15:18
I am at work, but not working. I just keep staring out the window, daydreaming, and then I glance back at my screen and think "Oh god this isn't going to write itself", shudder and turn back to the window.
posted by cmonkey 20 February | 17:21
Let me take you far away
You'd like
a Holiday...
posted by Wolfdog 20 February | 17:28
Mmmmm, Cheetos...
posted by deborah 20 February | 21:16
I'm back at work after a week off. Which, y'know, sucks. However, I'm outta here in about half an hour or so.
posted by bmarkey 21 February | 02:12
It's Job Application Time! || Waah, I'm bored, play with me! (Thread for randomramblingshite.)