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Comment Feed:


13 February 2006

Why did I break up with her the day before Valentine's?
Hopefully, it will result in a healthy decrease in expenses.
posted by wendell 13 February | 19:50
So you can go get rebound nooky from some lonely broad in a bar?
posted by jonmc 13 February | 19:51
I'd already made/purchased the gifts, wendell.

And, I'm woefully underage, jon.
posted by jaksemas 13 February | 19:52
I got served in a bar for the first time at 16, dude. (I didn't get any nooky till almost 3 years later and she was someone else's girlfriend, but that's beside the point). If you look to young, go hang with the gang drinking Electric Slurpees at the 7-11 and tell your tale of woe. Chicks eat that shit up, dude.
posted by jonmc 13 February | 19:55
You made gifts? What did you make? How sweet.
posted by iconomy 13 February | 19:57
I think I'd rather stay at home and eat the chocolates I'd bought her. *sigh* There's always liquor readily available in the cabinet here.
posted by jaksemas 13 February | 19:59
Would you not have felt worse doing it on Valentine's day. Would you have felt even worse if you had lied through Valentine's day and done it the day after?

I suppose you could have not said anything and just acted detached tomorrow. That might have been a big clue, but also pretty passive agressive, so I'd say what you did was fine.
posted by furtive 13 February | 20:00
I'd made her this notebook full of collages/notes/pictures on each page. It was entitled "A Journal of Us."
posted by jaksemas 13 February | 20:01
Get the scanner warmed up and let's dissect.
posted by furtive 13 February | 20:02
No scanner, but the note on the front page read-
"So I felt all of a sudden like I had to write to you, or reach out to you somehow, and I got scared, like you weren't with me all of a sudden. And somehow, that turned into this book. And I don't know if it will ever get finished. But oh, I have ideas. I love you so damn much."

And yeah, I finished it. All 32 pages.
posted by jaksemas 13 February | 20:09
So she's free tomorrow? Can I get digits?

posted by terrapin 13 February | 20:20
Buck up - you've got many more years to hook up with lots of other people unlike some washed up old fart like me.
posted by porpoise 13 February | 20:20
terrapin, unless you happen to be a queer chick, I don't think she'd be too interested. *grin*

Ahh, I just need to get my mind off it, I think.
posted by jaksemas 13 February | 20:24
terrapin, unless you happen to be a queer chick, I don't think she'd be too interested. *grin*

Ouch. Been there a few times, brothaman.

*passes 40 to jaksemas*
posted by jonmc 13 February | 20:33
Hi. Jonmc? Jaksemas isn't a bro, you drunk ho.

I'm not a queer chick but I play one on TV.
posted by loquacious 13 February | 20:42
Close enough, loquacious. Just make sure the wig's on snug and all. And don't go past second base.
posted by jaksemas 13 February | 20:43
Oh, sorry. Sympathies just the same.
posted by jonmc 13 February | 20:44
Hey, I can be one of the guys. My gender's very... flexible.
posted by jaksemas 13 February | 20:45
OK, let's pee our names in the snow!
posted by jonmc 13 February | 20:47
Interestingly enough, I have mastered the art of peeing standing up!

*puts on winter coat and hat* Let's go!
posted by jaksemas 13 February | 20:48
Ha! and jaksemas, here's some great breakup music from before you were born, but it'll still suit the mood. Hope it serves you well:

Derek & the Dominos - I Looked Away
posted by jonmc 13 February | 20:52
Superb song choice, Jon.
posted by LarryC 13 February | 21:09
Ack! Clitsicles!


Actually, that sounds like a Zappa song title. Don't eat the yellow clitsicles!
posted by loquacious 13 February | 21:36
Okay wait. Jaksemas is a girl?

I'm confused.
posted by mudpuppie 13 February | 21:56
Pup: yes
posted by nomis 13 February | 22:31
Thanks, nomis. I can always count on you.
posted by mudpuppie 14 February | 02:37
Awww, that's rough, (((jaksemas))). Every other thread seems to be a break-up thread. *sniff*
posted by deborah 14 February | 11:13
World's most flavourless cocktail || signs of the Apocalypse, Pt.2