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Comment Feed:


07 February 2006

What is your favorite local site(s)? I am thinking of, where to go and what's on kind of stuff, and local news and information reporting.
I love for NYC. Always keeps me up to date on local news and issues.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 07 February | 16:37 and the St. Paul Pioneer Press for Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN.
posted by hootch 07 February | 17:21
I have to put in a plug for the Chicago Tribune, of course. (I really like metromix to find out happenings.) There's also me3dia's wonderful Gaper's Block, and Chicagoist, and the Chicago Reader. (I prefer the paper copy of that for all the articles! But the happenings and classifieds online are good.)
posted by sisterhavana 07 February | 17:31
ahem ... Gaper's Block! and the whole Mmmmmmmmmchicago thing is growing on me. I've never cared too much for the Chicagoist.

but i'm really a person to person word of mouth sort of lady.

and i always read teh Chicago reader! always!

posted by Mrs.Pants 07 February | 17:43
Mrs. Pants! Mrs. Pants! Mrs. Pants! Please come to the Portland, OR meetup. Please, please, plesae, Mrs. Pants!
posted by Lipstick Thespian 07 February | 17:58
I feel like I'm forgetting one or two, but I like Cool Cleveland, Hotel Bruce, and of course sciurus's site Tremonter. Also, the online versions of the free Cleveland weeklies, the Scene and the Free Times.
posted by amro 07 February | 18:03
Aww, I'm feeling the love. :)
posted by me3dia 07 February | 18:11
Well, there's Blog Asheville but it's not really informative. The Mountain Xpress the local free weekly, does a pretty good online job. Freakin Asheville used to be excellent but they keep getting discouraged and forgetting to update. For visitors I recommend the Chamber of Commerce site, because I think it's pretty thorough. But generally, the only thing I really check online here is the movies at the Brew n' View.
posted by mygothlaundry 07 February | 18:13
or e gon?

i can't lipstick thespian, i have so much CRAP to get done! will you drink 10 shots for me?
posted by Mrs.Pants 07 February | 18:14
you should invite me3dia and eamon! they show nipple!
posted by Mrs.Pants 07 February | 18:14
Aw, thanks amro!

Brewed Fresh Daily has been the goto Cleveland blog for quite a long time, but it has devolved into mostly politics instead of the wide-ranging regional content it used to provide.
posted by sciurus 07 February | 18:23
I don't think there is a decent or helpful site for locals here in Vegas, it's all aimed at tourism.

If Nick Denton threw a bunch of money at me, I'd start one, though.
posted by krix 07 February | 18:45
For me, hands down the best local site for any location, and the one that all others should study well and take their cues from, is

But whenever I'm looking for something to do in Chicago or someone asks me for something to do, I too pimp me3dia/Andrew's Gapers Block.
posted by kyleg 07 February | 19:00
I cannae drink even 2 shots, no matter who's honor I drink them for, Mrs. Pants. I will loft a Snowcap Ale in your honor, however, and make sure you are virtually included in the event.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 07 February | 19:52 is indeed nice, but then they've got the backing of the only newspaper in town. Nice deep pockets will get you a really nice site.

posted by me3dia 07 February | 22:08
It slipped my mind that the J-W is the only paper of note in Lawrence, but I am a strong proponent of newspapers using their websites as community portals, rather than simply copying all the stories from the print edition and outsourcing the classifieds to monster/careerbuilder and Not that a grassroots community resource isn't a noble and valuable thing.
posted by kyleg 08 February | 03:06
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