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Comment Feed:


10 February 2006

Enough with the cold and snow already. Cripes! Okay, so it was -15F this morning when I awoke. [More:]That's -26C. We have received over 2.5 feet of snow in the last 2 weeks.

Enough I say. Enough winter. That's all.
Wow, that does kinda put my 10F walk to work in perspective.

It's been real mild here in ME, overall. Kinda disturbing.
posted by selfnoise 10 February | 08:59
Where do you live, richat?
posted by iconomy 10 February | 09:02
I live about 4 hours north of Toronto. Little city called Sudbury. It's a beautiful place in the summer. does get a little cold in the winter. Oh, and the winter is about 5 months long.
posted by richat 10 February | 09:06
Whoah! Yes, where are you, poor baby?
posted by taz 10 February | 09:06
More with the snow and cold! Caress me with your frosty hands, old man winter!
(what? To much for this early in the morning?)
posted by Capn 10 February | 09:06
Capn, you guys have been getting rained on like crazy eh?
posted by richat 10 February | 09:17
I think this weird weather is beginning to disturb people.
posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 09:20
Sounds like that lady had it coming Hugh.
posted by richat 10 February | 09:28
Sudbury visuals: 1, 2. Photographer of 2, also has, omg!, a bunny shot! And omg-quonsar! a PUG shot!
posted by taz 10 February | 09:31
I visited Sudbury years ago, in the summer. I can see how the winter would get you down, however. I really enjoyed the tour of the big nickel mine. Shit that huge just thrills me.

We anticipate getting down to freezing here in Houston on Saturday night, for the second time this winter. We will have to bring in the tomato plants and the lemon tree.
posted by sarah connor 10 February | 09:38
#1 gives a good idea of what we dealt with for the last 2 weekends. Two giant storms in a row. That second picture makes the city look uglier than it is I think!

It's weird, I never thought to check flickr for Sudbury people.
posted by richat 10 February | 09:39
There's a really good reason why I moved south and west more than 10 years ago and I believe winter was its name-oh.

I feel for you brother but we're having a heatwave with temps up to 15 degrees above normal. Its been ball-sweat weather and then the ocean is barely above freezing right now too. Its a tough life.

But hey, if you need a break, come on out, I've got some free time now.
posted by fenriq 10 February | 10:29
Man, I am so jealous. We have had the crappiest fake winter here this year. It snowed like a half-inch. Once. But apparently the snow is coming.
posted by dame 10 February | 10:44
Blaaaaa. I really don't miss that stuff at all. What area are you from, richat?
posted by arse_hat 10 February | 10:56
Look up arse_hat...I am north of Toronto - about 4

And, fenriq, thanks for the offer...I wish I could take you up on it. I still wanna meet that superdog of yours, and I am sure the girls and graydon would get along great!
posted by richat 10 February | 11:14
I mean what area of Sudbury. My dad grew up in the Dunovan.
posted by arse_hat 10 February | 11:17
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 11:27
Oh, Dunovan!

*slaps forehead*
posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 11:27

Really? Your pops is a tough old bastard then eh?

I live in the Memorial Hospital area. Not altoghter that far from the Donovan.

Where did he, and you end up? Far from his origins?
posted by richat 10 February | 11:32
Capn, you guys have been getting rained on like crazy eh?

Recently. But it's actually been almost winter here the past few days. Like snow and everything!
posted by Capn 10 February | 11:34
Wow. Imagine that. Feel free to head up north, you know, if you miss the shoveling.
posted by richat 10 February | 11:36
He moved to the Sault for 40 some years but returned to Montague street when he retired and he died there. Most of the clan (my dad had 7 brothers and 6 sisters) has moved on but there are still a few Mullen family members in Sudbury. I live in Windsor ON and Howell MI now. Much less snow and cold.
posted by arse_hat 10 February | 11:39
Wow, small internet. I half expected to recognize the name! I was going through it in my head, "Do I know anyone who's last name is hat?".

I lived in Windsor for about 5 years as a child, but hated the winters...too much slush.
posted by richat 10 February | 11:42
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