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11 February 2006

Help me find anti-gay caricatures and cartoons. Especially ones that depict gays as sub-human, hell-bound, or as preying on/recruiting innocents.
Jack Chick
Jack Chick
Jack Chick

I assume there's some laudable reason you're looking for this crap.
posted by selfnoise 11 February | 21:24
yeah, whoops, THANKS for the help but.

I saw the chick tracts already.
posted by orthogonality 11 February | 21:28
That Jack Chick is some evil shit. You might also try Google image searches for various offensive terms for gays plus the word cartoon or comics. *tries own advice* Oh yeah, that works.
posted by LarryC 11 February | 21:33
I tried Googling on faggot and gay. What magic combo doid you use?
posted by orthogonality 11 February | 21:36
ortho, an image search for "anti-gay" turns up quite a bit of stuff (some nsfw).

As a tangent, the term "anti-gay" is something I've only recently been made aware of. Is this term now what one says to someone who's virulently and outspokenly demonstrating their hatred/fear/whatever of homosexuals, replacing, I dunno, "homophobic"?
posted by WolfDaddy 11 February | 21:58
Yeah, but most of those aren't cartoons, and the ones that are cartoons are pro-gay.

I want vicious and demeaning caricatures of lisping limp-wristed Brucies luring little boys into bathhouse bondage. Stuff like that.
posted by orthogonality 11 February | 22:06
I bet Fred Phelps' site will have what you want.
posted by sisterhavana 11 February | 23:14
Wolfdaddy, I think it came about due to all the rules, laws, and amendments being passed against us. A rule can't be "homophobic" since a rule doesn't have feelings; it can only be "anti-gay."

Since stories about all those legal battles are in the news a lot lately, so is the word "anti-gay." It desribes the result more than the motivation, but is no less accurate for that.

Ortho, I dunno how many cartoons like this you're going to find. I don't know that I've ever seen such a thing, and I live in a homophobic state.
posted by BoringPostcards 11 February | 23:15
When I stayed at my Uncle's house on a vaction to the UK a couple of years back I found a collection of Private Eye cartoon that had some homophobics (and racist) ones. Of course that doesn't help you much, however:

Google turned up not much except this one site. Here's a search using "gay" and I think there might be some offensive ones in there.
posted by kosher_jenny 11 February | 23:19
"Is this term now what one says to someone who's virulently and outspokenly demonstrating their hatred/fear/whatever of homosexuals, replacing, I dunno, 'homophobic'"

I didn't know that new term was coming into use, but even though I'm pro gay rights, I think I prefer it. "Homophobic" has always rubbed me the wrong way in its presumption of a psychological diagnosis for an opposing civic and/or moral position. There's little doubt that that diagnosis is correct in a lot of cases, but that still doesn't make it right. Conservatives have their own dogma on why we liberals really are the way we are, and those narratives involve all sorts of different presumption of motives and mental maladjustments.
posted by kmellis 12 February | 00:57
replacing, I dunno, "homophobic"?

I read somewhere that the term "homophobe," when looked at literally, means something like "fear of itself." I am no expert in ancient Greek (or is it Latin?) so I do not know the truth of that.
posted by deadcowdan 12 February | 09:31
mmmmmmmm Brucies!

I really like the Tropical Tastes Funpak in the bite-sizes. We hand 'em out every year at Halloween and Christmas for the kids, and you've never seen bigger smiles in YOUR LIFE!

posted by Lipstick Thespian 12 February | 14:30
Music to get a massage by || Are the rest of their songs this nifty?