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19 February 2006

Brittingham Family Lantern Slide Collection --rich family, slides from trips and stuff bet. 1897-1922--some wonderful images--i want a room like this
Cheney and his hunting party
posted by amberglow 19 February | 18:02
posted by amberglow 19 February | 18:09
Great find.
posted by arse_hat 19 February | 18:11
posted by amro 19 February | 18:55
and was it somehow connected to the Smiling Man?
posted by amberglow 19 February | 20:53
This stuff is incredible. We could have a captioning party.
posted by sophieblue 19 February | 21:05
posted by amberglow 19 February | 21:09
we should, sophie--or caption contests. Start with the drag one : >

here's Mary--i wonder what she did?
posted by amberglow 19 February | 21:12
was she gay? marry the wrong person? get pregnant? run off with someone? agitate for the vote? smoke a cigarette in public???
posted by amberglow 19 February | 21:15
Edwardian is a style of clothing I'd love to have come back in style.
posted by deborah 19 February | 21:22
she must have traveled with trunks and trunks of clothes

it really is beautiful, deborah, and very flattering--the long slim lines of it all.
posted by amberglow 19 February | 21:23
there's something about playing with gender roles in old photos that's so cool. Someday i guess people will look at halloween photos and others from now the same way i guess.
posted by amberglow 19 February | 21:26
i can't get enough of these--check out how weird
posted by amberglow 19 February | 21:27
The Mary thing is bizarre, amberglow.

Thanks for these - incredible images. The travel section is amazing.
posted by taz 19 February | 21:27
Maybe Mary was having another bad hair day?
posted by taz 19 February | 21:34
oh, maybe they locked her away?
posted by amberglow 19 February | 22:13
Aw. (And... omg! Bunny!)

Where's her right hand?

Some of these links seem to be expiring or something, so I linked directly to the jpgs. For example, amberglow, I could see your "where's mary" link earlier, but now I can't. I get a message that says "Your session has either ended due to inactivity, or you haven't started one yet." Here's the wacky hair one I posted earlier.
posted by taz 19 February | 22:19
i wonder if they're all specific to the person who finds them or something--i got the same message too just now... sorry if people can't get to them....the general link should always work tho.

I'm thinking she was put away for some reason--sad.
posted by amberglow 19 February | 22:56
I could follow your links briefly, amberglow, but they kept timing out. What a tale. Your captions were the best. When I went through the collection I found a photo of Mary feeding a squirrel in the yard – I got a distinct sense that she had a more gentle way of dealing with the world than the rest of her family did. But I did love her sister’s costume dramas too. Thanks for posting this.
posted by sophieblue 20 February | 00:01
Making a web site with unlinkable pages = Huh? Wha? D'oh.

*spanks bad*
posted by taz 20 February | 02:44
Sunday radio play - the Twighlight Zone remixed || Polly want a cracker