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10 February 2006

WooHoo - my first metachat dream. [More:]Dreamt that the Guardian had a special supplement all about Dodgygeezer. It was titled something like "The Dodgy Cometh" and featured a title picture of dodgy with his head CGI'd to look like our zombie picture. Rabbit and all, and yes, he was wearing the orange and grey shirt.

Inside, you were all mentioned, and dodgy was proclaimed as a "soon to be millionaire"

The supplement came with a moleskine style notebook with an embossed metachat bunny and the signature "stilcho"

That is all.
Of course, that should be stilicho, but who said I could spell in my dreams.
posted by seanyboy 10 February | 03:10
Heh. I love the cgi bit. (Are you listening, Guardian?)
posted by taz 10 February | 03:33
"Soon to be millionaire"? To be honest, at this moment in time, I'd settle for "Soon to be working for a company that doesn't suck even if it was for slightly less money". Sad aint it.

And why are my dreams so dull I can barely remember them? I think I had a dream last night about walking down a road. That's all. Just me. Walking down a road. Nothing of any consequence happened.

The previous night it was less exciting. I was sitting in a chair.

So if everyone else can have nice dreams for me that'd be great. Thanks.
posted by dodgygeezer 10 February | 04:24
The previous night it was less exciting. I was sitting in a chair.

Laughing out loud, dodgy... for reals. In fact mecha rarely fails to make me chuckle at least once every morning. That oughtta be worth a million. Stupid jobs companies... Don't they know what they're missing?
posted by taz 10 February | 04:40
Does anyone else type or read while dreaming?
posted by loquacious 10 February | 04:52
I sometimes do CSS in my dreams, or other not-so-specific coding type things. It's always very endless and repetitive; nothing much ever gets accomplished, but I feel exhausted afterwards. It's like I spent the whole night trying to thread teenytiny needles.
posted by taz 10 February | 05:08
I can't imagine dreams like that... sitting in a chair... or even typing! Walking down a road seems interesting, though (at least you were going somewhere?).

My dreams are always cinematic, and under stress, I dream of giant mazes and/or maze-like adventures... Once I dreamt I was a squirrel both annoying and hiding from the mean owner of a maze-like house.
posted by MightyNez 10 February | 05:44
I like that dodgy dreamt of walking down a road while seanyboy got a paper saying "The Dodgy Cometh" in his dream.
posted by MightyNez 10 February | 05:49
Can we start calling dodgy "the IceGeezer"?
posted by taz 10 February | 05:53
posted by dodgygeezer 10 February | 07:34
It makes this clunking sound every time the motor runs, see? And the back section just won't get cold enough to keep everything frozen.

I mean, look! My frozen soup is a mess, how long can you keep trukey if it isn't frozen anyway? And how long is it going to take me to eat all these fruitcakes?

If we had a million dollars I wouldn't have to put up with this dodgy freezer any more.

*rolls eyes*
posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 09:17
What the fuck is "trukey," Hugh? You shilling for a locksmith or something? You boner!
posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 09:18
So, dodgy, can you loan me a few bucks?
posted by jonmc 10 February | 09:53
no brother, i can't spare a dime
posted by dodgygeezer 10 February | 10:35
heh, that's a great dream, seanyboy.

dodgy, I have boring dreams like that as well. Once I had a very long dream about doing a crossword puzzle. Yeah.
posted by gaspode 10 February | 10:35
Does anyone else type or read while dreaming?

posted by Specklet 10 February | 11:40
I once dreamed that I was driving an ice cream truck. The stupid music box / PA was playing "While the Band Played On." Over and over and over and over and over again.

I quit my job driving the ice cream truck the next day. That music was getting to me.
posted by warbaby 10 February | 11:59
I dream a lot that I'm about to go on stage but don't know my lines, or am touring with NameYourFaveBand here, but can't play a lick.

I once dreamt I was directing a show that I happened to be writing WHILE IT WAS GOING. I was scrambling around backstage writing Act Two into a spiral notebook with a bunch of tense actors struggling into costumes that had yet to be completed.

posted by Lipstick Thespian 10 February | 13:50
OMG bunny! || Big brass bunny.