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11 February 2006

Music to get a massage by [More:]I'd like to burn a CD of some great instrumental background music - jazz, world, classical - the kind of music you can relax to while getting a massage. Any suggestions?
I really enjoy Brian Eno's Ambient 4-On Land disc to relax to. Also, his Music For Films I find is quite soothing as for massages. Many of the Miminalist composers do it for me as well (Glass, Reich, etc.).
posted by miles 11 February | 21:10
This is really relaxing.
posted by chewatadistance 11 February | 21:15
Happy ending massage or a nice candles & potpouri massage?

Maybe I'm wierd, but I like the soundtrack to "Four Rooms" by the Combustible Edisons. A mix of ambient spooky vocal cooing and more upbeat "happy/funny" ditties.

For the hippy potsmoker massage, I like WaxTrax "Smoker's Delight."

But then again, I'm wierd that way. Too soothing and I get bored, so I like having something to break things up, maybe get a silly laugh or titter.
posted by porpoise 11 February | 22:10
Alpha has some quiet singing, but is pretty good "total relaxation" music. About all it's good for, really.

If I had to go instrumental, I'd probably bring along Miles Davis. Maybe It Never Entered My Mind.
posted by selfnoise 11 February | 22:15
Paul Horn did some neat stuff in the taj mahal, the great pyramid. (flute)
Steve Halpern is good for zoning out and maybe a little bland.
I am trying to figure if I can stand Deuter. I guess that is a clue.
I've had Patrick Bernhardt-Solaris Universalis on the player and I think I like it but it is turned down so low I can't really tell.
posted by pointilist 12 February | 02:49
Thanks everyone. I'm going to download some stuff by each of these and give em a listen and then buy some tunes to make a CD.

Porpoise, it's for my husband as part of his Valentine's Day gift, so yes, it will probably have a happy ending ;)
posted by iconomy 12 February | 10:57
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