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10 February 2006

Woolie Bully, anyone? [More:]The kid loves it and I can't find the cd it's on. Does anyone have a copy they could YSI to me? I'll be your best friend forever.
If I was at home I could. I even have a version in Spanish as well. Maybe later.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 16:15
Thanks, jonmc. If you think about it, I'd really appreciate it. She'd totally dig the Spanish version, too.
posted by jrossi4r 10 February | 16:17
I have a frightening Mexican version of "Hang On Sloopy," too. Rock and Roll really went full on global back in the day.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 16:19
The swimming pool of my youth had a jukebox in the snackbar. The thing to do was play Woolie Bully, and time it to your turn on the high dive and then spazz out and flop off the board when he says "watch it, now, watch it!"

posted by StickyCarpet 10 February | 16:24
Found a Chipmunks version:
Chipmunks Wollie Bully
posted by agropyron 10 February | 16:25
The scary version of 'sloopy,' I mentioned?

Remember the "Bodges? We don't need no steenkin' bodges!" dude in Treasure Of The Sierra Madre singing it. Or maybe Eli Wallach (a man seemingly incapable of playing his own ethnicity) in The Magnificent Seven.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 16:27
agro, that would be perfect, but for some reason I can't get it to work. I just get the quicktime symbol with a question mark over it.

I just can't imagine a scary version of Sloopy. Eli Wallach and Rita Moreno were the only "ethnics" of any kind for many years, jon.
posted by jrossi4r 10 February | 16:35
perhaps, but Eli rarely portrayed New York Jews. He was always playing Mexican bandits and Sicilian mobsters.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 16:37
I got it, jrossi, and it's soooo worth it. So thanks to Agropyron for a unique musical experience in an easily accessible form. ;-)
posted by mygothlaundry 10 February | 16:43
That would be Alphonso Bedoya, I believe.
posted by warbaby 10 February | 16:52
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you both, agro and MGL. You've blissed out a four year old. She has asked if she could write a thank you note. I told her I'd transcribe. Here it is:

Thank you for giving me that song. I like the singing otters.
posted by jrossi4r 10 February | 16:54
Awesome, lil rossi.
posted by danostuporstar 10 February | 16:56
FYI, rossi, to download a direct link to an MP3 just right click and "save as".
posted by matildaben 10 February | 17:05
My ripper is out of comission, so I don't have "Wooly Bully' available, but as promised here's the scary curiosity:

Hang On Sloopy - Arsenio Rodriguez
posted by jonmc 10 February | 19:23
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