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Comment Feed:


28 February 2006

It's Done! The RPM Challenge (record an album in a month) deadline is tomorrow, and I have a hot, freshly mastered little CD in my hands, all ready to drop off by noon....[More:]

As a thank-you, I'm offering a YSI sneak preview to MetaChat. This is my favorite track from the project. Be kind! -- we did all the recording and editing in a straight six-hour streak beginning at 9 AM. Listening back to it after a 24-hour break, I am Monday-morning quarterbacking this thing something fierce! All I can hear are the flubs and the things I'd like to tinker with some more.

Which just means I'd like to do more of this stuff. Love to go back in and start fleshing these songs out with more instrumentation, etc.
P.S.: If you don't like lady singer-songwriters doing countryish material, for the love of God, don't click. You aren't gonna like it.
posted by Miko 28 February | 23:08
Hooray miko! I can't wait to listen to it!
posted by matildaben 28 February | 23:10
I'll be listening as soon as I get home!
posted by nomis 28 February | 23:10
Me too, miko.
posted by bmarkey 28 February | 23:25
Damn, sounds really fucking professional. When are you playing Ithaca?
posted by Eideteker 28 February | 23:38
Miko, I've just listened to the track you posted and, I, all I can say is I am COMPLETELY blown away. WOW! Thank you so much for sharing your music with us!
posted by jelly 28 February | 23:44
I love it! More, more! Did you see this picture from yesterday's Flickr thread?
posted by amro 01 March | 00:02
amro -- thank you! That looks like awesome potential cover art.

Also, thanks for the kind comments, everyone.
posted by Miko 01 March | 00:08
Miko, do you yet know where you're playing on the 9th, in Portsmouth? Are you performing?
posted by jelly 01 March | 00:11
Jelly, they decided they couldn't have everyone perform because there are just too many acts. So they're going to have 4 separate "listening parties" at four venues, and they're going to split the venues by genre. Not sure where they're going to put the folkie/ types yet. But the Wire should have details - I can let you know what I hear via email, too.

I do hope some gigs or a festival come out of the project, though. I know WSCA is going to try to play a lot of the RPM records.
posted by Miko 01 March | 00:20
I really liked that, miko. It's great.
posted by kmellis 01 March | 03:29
Wow. Very nice indeed. I want more - when's the album being released?
posted by bmarkey 01 March | 03:32
Yay, miko! It's fantastic.
posted by taz 01 March | 03:39
I can't wait to hear this. Congratulations on finishing up!
posted by omiewise 01 March | 07:23
Hooray for miko! You have my admiration.
posted by mike9322 01 March | 07:58
Oh yeah, that would be a great cover photo.
posted by matildaben 01 March | 10:05
Meeks, that was awesome. You rock!
posted by nomis 01 March | 19:05
Turned it in today, with a "Shoot Out the Star" graphic on the front, amro's picture and song list on the back, and a new title, "Both Ends of A Gun".

Thanks for sharing in the project, everyone!
posted by Miko 01 March | 20:24
Fat Tuesday music. || Felicity Huffman