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Comment Feed:


10 February 2006

Will you still love me after I've lost my mind and wound up gibbering outside Bellvue?
You mean this didn't happen already? ;>
posted by jonmc 10 February | 11:33

But, yes dame, we will.
posted by richat 10 February | 11:34
some of us never had our minds to begin with and the love was still always there. don't give up hope!
posted by mcgraw 10 February | 11:34
Gibbering always makes me think of something to do with chickens.
posted by fenriq 10 February | 11:34
With most people, love is a passion, with me it is merely good manners; you may judge which motive is the more reliable.
posted by sciurus 10 February | 11:35
That 'gibbleting,' dude. Or is that some weird sex practice? I just don't know.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 11:35
I think gibbleting is a sex practice, not one I'm into but I'm sure there are some fetishists out there who are into stuffing themselves full of giblets.

Damn, that just made my skin crawl!
posted by fenriq 10 February | 11:41
Damn, that just made my skin crawl!

I'll hook you up with some crawling skin fetishists.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 11:42
I'll hook you up with some crawling skin fetishists.

Can I watch?
posted by dodgygeezer 10 February | 11:47

When did this turn into "What's My Perversion?"
posted by jonmc 10 February | 11:48
When you started talking about gibbleting.

But What's Your Perversion would be a fun post!
posted by fenriq 10 February | 11:50
Knock yourself out, my man. Can't wait to see the comments.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 11:51
It might not be fenriq. It might mark the end of metachat.

*quivering in fear*
posted by richat 10 February | 11:51
It's always an enlightening experience for people from Seattle's snooty suburb town of Bellevue, to visit Noo Yawk. People ask, "Where are you from," you say "I'm from Bellevue" and they all move away while eyeing you with great caution.
posted by warbaby 10 February | 11:51
fetishists out there who are into stuffing themselves full of giblets.

oddly enough someone was telling me about this yesterday. She said that people paid to be trussed, basted, stuffed (yikes) and stuck in big fake ovens and exclaimed over by a dominatrix. I thought that was awesome and declared that if it was not already known as such it had to be called "Butterballin'", what a coincidence huh?

Yes dame, I will still love you when you are crazy.
posted by Divine_Wino 10 February | 11:52
what you mean 'when,' kemosabe?
posted by jonmc 10 February | 11:54
i sense that quonsar will soon add his thoughts on these topics here.
posted by mcgraw 10 February | 12:03
BTW, Wino, Tennessee Sam and that hot bartender with the curls and the twitchy butt say hello.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 12:06
Dame, if I can still love sly, then I can still love you:

≡ Click to see image ≡

You must be at least this crazy to ride the tilt-a-whirl.
posted by Divine_Wino 10 February | 12:11
bugger bugger twitch twitch aliens listening man eyeing bugger twitch

(Also, my perversion is the most boring one ever.)
posted by dame 10 February | 12:12
I bet it has to do with shoes.
posted by sciurus 10 February | 12:13
Let me guess. Trapeze?

(that sly pic, like his performance, was heartbreaking to watch)
posted by jonmc 10 February | 12:14
I will love you forever, dame.

What happened to Sly's hand?
posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 12:18
It was burned by all that hot gold lamé. Also, I am a spazz. But at least I am I loved one. That means something, right? Right guys?
posted by dame 10 February | 12:22

Motherfucker shows up looking like that, MISSING FINGERS, no explaination. Old school dust-smoking nutcase, they do not make em like that anymore.
posted by Divine_Wino 10 February | 12:26
Brotha Sly used to be sharp motherfucker back in the day. How do you go from this to that nightmare above. Damn wikkit cocaine, man.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 12:30
Also that Maroon 5 motherfucker & Ciara need to be shot for thinking they were worthy of singing 'Everyday People.' Message to white guys everywhere, you're allowed to have some balls and/or soul in your singing. It's OK. Whining is not the only approach open to you.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 12:32
No way, really? Missing fingers? Shit, dude, that's awesome.




Rollupmuthafuckinghaaaaaaayoufuuuuck! Wuz is was aw was what I was tryin'... you said mmmmuh, mmmumumumumum gettafuck what.!?!.

Zat a garbage can, you in my way, I'll kick it, I'll kick you, garbage can with crazy lights, red blue red blue RED BLUE RDBLREBELBLBLBL punch kick punch haha you can't kill me, you cant hurt me, you can't TOUCH ME you're a cop?

How did you get here / I'll kill you anyway.

zzzzzzZZZZZZAP! hehe... heh.... uhhhh.

posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 12:35
Hugh, baby, Monday at like 2.30. You know you wanna.
posted by dame 10 February | 13:01
posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 13:04
posted by dame 10 February | 13:07
Dame, I'm sure there are plenty of people here who have actually been to Bellevue (or their local equivalent.)
posted by jrossi4r 10 February | 13:23
But I don't wanna go. They don't let you have rock and roll or sharp objects.
posted by dame 10 February | 13:29
But they all had such FUN in Girl Interrupted. That Winona was so perky and Angelina made psychosis so very, very glam. You get to hang out and make crafts. It's like kindergarten, but snack time has free drugs!
posted by jrossi4r 10 February | 13:33
Dame - at my high school, as part of Sociology class, we went to Atascadero State Mental Hospital and got to sit cheek-to-jowl with nice folks in headcages and restraints.

They never shared their meds, though. Lousy hosts.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 10 February | 13:45
I'll probably already be there when you get there, so of course I'll still love you.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 10 February | 14:43
How can we not love someone who can deconstruct a gerund? (You CAN deconstruct a gerund, right?)
posted by DeepFriedTwinkies 10 February | 15:13
dame, not only will I still love you, I'll bring you snacks!

you'll be just down the road from me, after all
posted by gaspode 10 February | 15:52
I've || Forsaken by Society