Fifteen years of paper. What a relief! →[More:]
A relief, in that we chucked 90% of it out.
Why on
earth did we keep paycheque receipts from 1987? Why did we keep a receipt for a bottle of shampoo that was purchased in 1994? Auto insurance for the first car we had (we're on number three now)?
Answer: probably 'cause we have four legal-sized, deep filing cabinets, and it has been far easier to pitch it in there and forget it than it was to clean it out.
Thank goodness for "Getting Things Done." That's a lot of clutter gone.
Next up: dealing with the masses of clutter that aren't paper-based. Do I really need a that 386 mobo? The two-thirds-dead LCD? A proprietary data cable for a product I no longer own? I think not!
And then there are the wife's sewing materials. Backpacking gear that she'll never be able to use again (injury problems). Old board games that were topical a decade ago Cartons of pennies inherited from granny. And on and on and on...