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Comment Feed:


10 February 2006

What's your perversion? [More:]

Please begin all posts with "I know somebody who likes...". That way, you can talk about perversions you've heard of and perhaps want to try, as well as perversions you actually like... and no one will know the difference.
I know someone that likes prostate manipulation. I've heard it increases your orgasm by like 200%.
posted by puke & cry 10 February | 12:37
I know somebody who likes...
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by Hugh Janus 10 February | 12:44
I know somebody who likes peanut butter and cheese sandwiches.
posted by sciurus 10 February | 12:45
I know someone who had an orgasm from prostate manipulation alone. I heard it was about the most amazing orgasm ever.

sciurus, that's disgusting, people should never have sex with PB&Cheese sandwiches.
posted by fenriq 10 February | 12:46
I know someone who likes to get freaky in the backseat of a Caddy cruising at 65 MPH down the 101 towards Mexico while blasting Sex Packets and making animal noises over the CB radio.
posted by cmonkey 10 February | 12:49
I wonder if dodgygeezer and taz can view posts where people hit preview but then decided not to post. I wonder how many they'd see in this thread. (other than mine)
posted by agropyron 10 February | 12:49
Missionary position, lights out, for procreation ONLY.

It's fuckin' freeeeeeee-kay, y'all.
posted by Divine_Wino 10 February | 12:50
Sorry, I know someone (in the sense that anyone can really know themselves) who likes missionary position, lights out, for procreation ONLY.
posted by Divine_Wino 10 February | 12:52
I know somebody who likes showing himself off, women who get naked outside, women who most men would consider fat, has a murky sexual orientation that's as yet undefined, and will be putty in your hands if you tell him he's hot or sexy or whatever (is there a name for that-the eating up of adoration- or is that just good old fashioned egomania?), he also has a serious case of Jungle Fever (specifically for biracial women with big Soul Sista hair, and a butt fixation.

My man needs help, don't he?
posted by jonmc 10 February | 12:54
He also has a bizarre attraction to rock and roll/tough but not threatening badass type dudes. He's a complicated man.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 12:55
I know someone who likes reading other users' secret, previewed-but-unposted comments.

Naw! I'm kidding! We can't see your previews, agro.
posted by taz 10 February | 12:56
Shaft? Is it you?
posted by fenriq 10 February | 12:57
Shut yo mouth.
posted by Divine_Wino 10 February | 12:58
Oh, this is a thread about sexual perversions.

I know somebody who likes to pork in public.
posted by sciurus 10 February | 13:01
jonmc: No appreciates him but his woman.

I know someone who likes being tied up and sexually stimulated, has cannibalized remote controls for batteries because he/she likes it when his/her vibrator/dildo combo has the most charge (for maximum power!), kissing people she/he shouldn't while drunk because it makes a convenient excuse, the thrill of the tease and "breaking" virgins. Not necessarily in that order.
posted by TrishaLynn 10 February | 13:01
Oh, and I also know someone who enjoys whipped cream fights while wearing vinyl senshi outfits.
posted by TrishaLynn 10 February | 13:02
I know somebody who likes to pork in public.

That's gross. People should never have sex with pork, least of all in public.
posted by me3dia 10 February | 13:06
I know someone who has the most boring perversion ever and therefore refused to discuss it.

Also, I know many pale someones with a thing for the biracial ladies.
posted by dame 10 February | 13:06
I know somebody who doean't really have any sexual perversions. Food and shoelaces maybe, but not sex.
posted by chewatadistance 10 February | 13:09
People should never have sex with pork

Yeah, that's definitely not kosher.

posted by jonmc 10 February | 13:10
You guys are such hams.
posted by sciurus 10 February | 13:23
I know someone who once went down on a guy while sitting at the bar during a Social Distortion show who likes to remember that moment when sitting at PTA meetings or going to business dinners just to remind herself how little the people around her actually know her.
posted by jrossi4r 10 February | 13:28
Also, today at work we recieved a bunch of cassettes of sermons to catalog. One in particular caught my eye: Rev. Jasper Williams' The Beloved Prostitute.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 13:31
I know somebody who's getting into scarring, branding and electro-torture for kicks, and also who likes fucking in public.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 10 February | 13:35
I know someone who is really boringly vanilla unless you count stuff like taking off all her clothes and putting on only a trenchcoat, while driving a 72 VW beetle, so as to surprise the much older college professor she was sleeping with at the time. That woman had a few similar escapades to jrossi4rs, above, sometimes also in moving vehicles, but mostly she's pretty traditional, although traditional does not mean dull, honey, no it does not.
posted by mygothlaundry 10 February | 13:38
I know someone who digs rimming and getting rimmed. I know someone who has sex with the lights on, too, crazy bastard. I also know a dude who's ex asked him to beat off in front of her and got spooge in her hair, then apologized, and she answered "No, it's good for your hair." Maybe Prell will have a new additive in their next formula. The ex is a married born again Christian now, who once called the dude, spent 10 minutes praising his..technique and then immediately asked him if he owned any Black Sabbath records, told him that was an easy way for Satan to sneak into his mind when he wasn't looking.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 13:41
You guys just started this thread so you could find out what all of *my* perversions are, didn't you?
posted by matildaben 10 February | 13:51
*looks up at 'tilda with puppy dog eyes and sheepish smile*
posted by jonmc 10 February | 13:53
I know someone who isn't nearly as perverted as he once thought he was.
posted by WolfDaddy 10 February | 13:56
I know someone that likes to sit on a bass amp and play F#>A over and over and over...
posted by krix 10 February | 13:58
I'm still waiting for Specklet to share her own.
posted by sciurus 10 February | 14:05
I thought we were Specklet's perversion.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 14:06
I know somebody who likes showing himself off,

This should be clarified. My man dosen't run around in a trenchcoat exposing himself on the freeway, but he don't mind people looking and will take advantage of any of the usual excuses to be seen naked, like beaches, drunken parties, and dares. The last one there made it possible for a young lady who later became a contestant on a major reality show to see him in his birthday suit.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 14:21
I know somebody who likes . . . . something that's already been mentioned in this thread.
posted by JanetLand 10 February | 14:28
I know someone who likes being vanilla... very, very much, thank you.
posted by moonbird 10 February | 14:37
I know someone whose partner can't keep up with his/her libido.
posted by me3dia 10 February | 14:48
I know someone like that too, me3dia, and that someone I know compensates in reprehensible ways. And likes it.
posted by rainbaby 10 February | 14:51
People should never have sex with pork

Yeah, that's definitely not kosher.


*drum roll*

*cymbal crash*

I know someone who does have sexual kinks, but hasn't had the chance to test them out, as it were. Those kinks include one mentioned already in the thread.
posted by kosher_jenny 10 February | 14:52
I know someone who likes putting wholes in cantalopes and well... let's just say you never eat melon at his house, you never know what's been in it.
posted by Mijo Bijo 10 February | 14:54
I know someone who gets off on building a little blue "house" out of leaves and flowers and random trash, and showing it off to potential girlfriends.

Uh, and giving spankings.
posted by orthogonality 10 February | 15:00
I know someone who likes to be spanked, likes to have her partner gently pull on her nipple clamp chain whilst she performs fellatio, and likes to secretly tease her partner in public until he is unmercifully aroused.
posted by Specklet 10 February | 15:01
Naw! I'm kidding! We can't see your previews, agro.

Er, well, except that you could, easily.
posted by orthogonality 10 February | 15:01
Oh, I also know someone who likes dressing up as a hard-core dominatrix and then taking public transportation.
posted by Specklet 10 February | 15:07
I also know someone who has a weird inchoate urge to own and wear a banana costume that he saw in a Bic pen commercial when he was a kid. He's weird.
posted by jonmc 10 February | 15:09
I once knew a woman who got quite hot and bothered by explaining to me, while naked in bed, the intricacies of accountancy, in particular one's tax liability when running an illegal business.

I also knew a women who got quite turned on by my demonstrating on her cranium various neurology/biology trivia.

But then, all sex is really in the head, isn't it?
posted by orthogonality 10 February | 15:13
If it is, it's an empty experience.

posted by jonmc 10 February | 15:14
Yes, orthogonality, ultimately it is.

That and the spankings.
posted by rainbaby 10 February | 15:16
This song seems appropriate for this thread:

Jackie Wilson & Lavern Baker - Think Twice (X Rated version)
posted by jonmc 10 February | 15:23
Oh, I was talking to jonmc downstairs during my last smoke break of the workday and I just remembered this girl I knew who really wants to "test drive" a male friend's cock because he's got a PA and three frenum ladders. I hope she gets a chance to do it, too.

As for me, am I the only one getting incredibly...distracted reading this thread?
posted by TrishaLynn 10 February | 16:39
No, TrishaLynn.

I know someone who really wants to post in this thread, she really does, but she probably should wait until she knows you all better. Or maybe she should know you all a little less. Whatever.
posted by Miko 10 February | 16:42
Ach, go nuts, miko. Could be any weirder than anything we've revealed thus far?
posted by jonmc 10 February | 16:44
yeah. I know someone who is most definitely not going to post in this thread, given that she has met a lot of you.

She may think that either the rest of you are holding back a tad, or that she is somewhat kinkier than she actually supposed.
posted by gaspode 10 February | 16:53
Definitely the former, gaspode. Definitely the former.
posted by me3dia 10 February | 17:01
I know someone who both enjoys her reputation as the resident kinkster and enjoys being seen as a woman of mystery, and will continue to reveal bits of information about her proclivities from time to time in random threads and IRC chats just to keep things interesting. She has previously confessed to enjoying porn, spankings, pegging, and threesomes with couples.
posted by matildaben 10 February | 17:03
I know someone who wonders if discussing his genital piercings will lead people to want a 'test drive.'
posted by box 10 February | 17:09
What gaspode said; that sounds exactly like the person I know. The person I know could sign on to just about everything in this thread (except the accountancy) and add a few. Not least of which would be a healthy appetite for print erotica.
posted by Miko 10 February | 17:11
The accountancy chick was quite the freak, actually -- she'd had lots of experience, despite her innocent Midwestern looks.
posted by orthogonality 10 February | 17:16
miko, the person I know agrees with the person you know about signing off on everything here and adding a few. She's also been known to worry about the amount of money she's spent on sex toys, and tried to make sure she gets value for money.
posted by gaspode 10 February | 17:17
I know someone who likes doin' it. I'm talkin' capital s-e-x. In the vagina.
posted by Hellbient 10 February | 17:32
I feel a bit dull, because my only real kink is razors, blood and sex that leaves lifelong physical scars. I don't get off on spanking, or whipping, or verbal abuse, or creative experiments with hot wax and latex masks that look like Richard Nixon, but man, ending up with several dozen bleeding cuts at the end of the night is beautiful.

I don't actually know who "this guy" you all seem to know is, but that guy is really all over the map.
posted by cmonkey 10 February | 17:40
I know a guy who likes to find a bug and wrap it up in silk and present it to a girl who has inflated her abdomen with air, for her to eat (the bug).
posted by orthogonality 10 February | 17:47
I know this guy who likes to attach a strap-on to his butt and get in between two lady-friends. Then it's just back-and-forth, back-and-forth.
Ah, the ol' back-and-forth.
posted by Hellbient 10 February | 17:48
And while she unwraps the bug and eats it, he bangs her. But sometimes he tricks her, by just wrapping up silk without any bug inside, but by that time he's banged her and gone!
posted by orthogonality 10 February | 17:48
I know someone who gets off on their other dressing up like The Greatest American Hero and getting shot out of a cannon.
posted by Hellbient 10 February | 17:52
Okay, this one's for real:
For a book a friend of mine was working on, she interviewed a guy with a very strange fetish. She sat down with him and his wife in their normal mid-western kitchen in their normal house as they began to explain to her what he liked. Failing this, they decided just to show her.

His wife reluctantly put on an apron and led her husband down the basement. Everything was normal about the basement except for a large open-topped cardboard box in the corner with crude drawings of dials and a door on the side, made to resemble an oven. His wife led him over to the oven-box and "placed" him inside. There he stayed, crouched down. He got hot and began to sweat. Every now and then his wife went over to the oven, humming, and pretended to check the door or adjust one of the dials. He sweat more. This went on until some point he just couldn't take it anymore and he would come, without ever touching himself at all.
posted by Hellbient 10 February | 18:52
What book was your friend researching? That sounds interesting.
posted by cmonkey 10 February | 19:03
The cardboard box thing totally reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes' "transmogrifier". Only more... perverted.
posted by Specklet 10 February | 19:08
Was his name "Hansel"?
posted by orthogonality 10 February | 19:11
gaspode: The chick I know once took all her sex toys and hid them in a secret undisclosed location, because she had to fly on a plane shortly after 9/11, and was worried that if she died by terrorists people would find her stash and all anyone would talk about what was what a twisted nympho she secretly was.
posted by Miko 10 February | 19:21
She may think that either the rest of you are holding back a tad

Holding back? I've confessed to being a bi-whatever egomaniac butt fetishist rimjobber chubby-chasing exhibitionist with Jungle Fever. What more could you want?
posted by jonmc 10 February | 19:30
The book is Deviant Desires. It's pretty fascinating. It makes me feel lame for just liking, uh, normal-ish kinda stuff. It's great that it's creepy, but also really innocent at the same time. I don't think the cardboard oven guy is in there, though.

She also talked about the inflators (not sure that's what they're called - people (men) who like to see things filling up with air, particularly if a woman is doing the filling). When the internet came around, they realized they weren't alone, so they got together and created a site for their shared interest. But after a certain point, naturally a schizm occured. It seems the guys who liked to see the balloons pop thought the guys who were indifferent of balloon-poppage were pussies. So they parted ways and formed different sites.
posted by Hellbient 10 February | 19:33
I know a guy who just wishes he was having sex.
posted by mike9322 10 February | 20:53
mike, I know a girl just like that. I also know her kinks are way too pedestrian for this group.
posted by deborah 10 February | 21:11
I know someone who really likes the Czech wordless animation movie Conspirators of Pleasure when it comes to a depiction of rare perversions, and thinks you all should rent it, but has never entertained any of the perversions in that movie.
posted by matildaben 10 February | 21:15
Um, ok, everybody got that I was describing bower birds and leafhopper insects, right?

posted by orthogonality 10 February | 21:31
jonmc, it's interesting. I consider myself so incredibly normal that I figure everyone else is way more interesting/kinky/intelligent/well read etc. etc. than me. So OK all the kinks I have I just figure are what everyone has (which is completely irrational). So I'm like, bisexuality, pegging, threesomes, bdsm, voyeurism, exhibitionism, spanking,etc. isn't everyone into that?

because I kind of universalize my own experience I guess.
posted by gaspode 10 February | 22:49
Well, yeah! Isn't everyone?

posted by Miko 11 February | 00:06
I figure everyone else is way more interesting/kinky/intelligent/well read etc. etc. than me.

You've met me. You know I'm more boring/more vanilla/dumber/more illiterate than you. You're a scientist. Follow the facts, dear.
posted by jonmc 11 February | 00:12
I know someone who is not that proud of the most perverted things he's done.
posted by danostuporstar 11 February | 00:45
I know someone who's realized that all the jokes he made about himself being boring were on him.
posted by tommasz 11 February | 19:02
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