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Comment Feed:


09 February 2006

WEP problems! help! ok, my laptop and usb thing work ok when wirelessly connected to my home stuff, but since i turned WEP on i can't connect to anything....what do i need to do?
is my laptop's wep supposed to match the router's wep or what? how can i tell?
posted by amberglow 09 February | 21:04
Did you turn on WEP on both (all) machines?

Are they all using the same key length?

are they all using WEP and not WPA?

Are they ALL using the same key?

(Different interfaces may ask you to enter keys differently: as ASCII, as hex, or as a passphrase from which the key is generated.)

posted by orthogonality 09 February | 21:04
yup--WEP on all and i think they're using the same key...maybe it's the programs? firefox? am i still a direct connection to the internet or thru a proxy now?
posted by amberglow 09 February | 21:14
should i not use wep at home?
posted by amberglow 09 February | 21:17
and should i be ad hoc or infrastructure at home?
posted by amberglow 09 February | 21:20
Yes use it. infrastructure. Double check the passwords. Anytime I've had a problem it's been a bad password.
posted by arse_hat 09 February | 21:29
posted by amberglow 09 February | 21:36
ok...once i switched to shared key, and put the same code thing in both, it works now.

but, what about the outside world? will i be able to get on a public network or no? do i have to change stuff?
posted by amberglow 09 February | 21:44
You should be fine. You have some sort of software on your your laptop that sets up the wireless link. When you want to change to a new network just open that software and you should see a list of network(s) available. You just pick the network and connect. When you return home your password should still be there and you will connect just fine.
posted by arse_hat 09 February | 21:52
okey dokey--tomorrow i do my first public test of it. : >

thanks all!
posted by amberglow 09 February | 21:59
Battle Of The Acid Casualties || The Donnas Effing Rock! That is all.