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Comment Feed:


05 February 2006

CODE BLACK! CODE BLACK! I love Grey's Anatomy.
I have mixed feelings about the show. It's well acted and shit, but the characters are all so attractive and smart and dedicated and deep and meanigful and all that happy horsehit that I just want to take a machine gun to them. How come there's never been a TV drama about unattractive losers leading pointless lives bereft of deeper meaning? That I'd pay to see.

Plus the unexploded shell/bomb/grenade gimmick was used on M*A*S*H 30 years ago and probably other medical shows, too.
posted by jonmc 05 February | 22:57
So wait. What the fuck was a Code Black? Everyone in the room was theorizing, but we didn't stay to watch the show.
posted by selfnoise 05 February | 23:02
Code black = bomb in the building.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 February | 23:13
Code Black = hospital-wide catastrophe. Complete loss of power, natural disaster, bomb threat, nuclear attack, whatever.

Just FYI:
code blue - someone's not breathing
code red - someone/thing is on fire
code green - someone has breached security and needs to be evacuated

code blues are bad, because that's when the body bags come out.

I worked in a hospital. that is all.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 05 February | 23:15
I think the system needs to be expanded:

code yellow - somebody wet the bed
code mauve - motor vehicle accident involving busload of drag queens
code brown - unexplained objects lodged in rectum
code orange - Florida separates from rest of country, floats out to sea
posted by jonmc 05 February | 23:19
I'm watching this show for the first time tonight. It is totally freaking me out.
posted by amro 05 February | 23:24
Cliffhanger! Hatred!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 February | 23:26
my brother-in-law is an emergency room resident and another brother in law is a career GP. Both of them say that more happens in a typical episode of one of these doctor shows than in 6 months in a typical urban ER. And of course, everybody on the show is attractive and screwing eachother.

Plus the lead gruff doctor played a randy pizza delivery boy in that awful 80's movie Loverboy.
posted by jonmc 05 February | 23:29
Sometimes, I think it's a pretty good show. Other times, the Drama Drama Drama really annoys me - like how they broke the news to the pregnant doctor (no spoilers, right?) I think it would have been more poignant if they told it to her straight, instead of coming up with some dramatic quip. In times of stress, real people don't say witty things. That's what I find most unbelieveable about TV in general.

And was that Christina Ricci?
posted by muddgirl 05 February | 23:34
yeah. She's looking more like a Keane painting everyday, isn't she?
posted by jonmc 05 February | 23:36
I dig the show, when I remember to watch it.

But what I dig even more is the spoof Mad TV did of it a couple weeks ago. Funny as hell.
posted by mudpuppie 05 February | 23:38
I've never watched it. I have an aversion to any graduate of the Squinty and Sincere Academy of Acting. Rene Zellweger, Joey Lauren Adams and now that Ellen Pompeo. You can convey vulnerability while still maintaining full range of motion in your eyelids, ya know.
posted by jrossi4r 05 February | 23:42
Well, Ricci's got those fashion-runway-of-the-Damned saucer eyes so eyeball exposure balance was achieved. Huzzah.
posted by jonmc 05 February | 23:45
What did the Mad TV spoof say about it, mudpuppie?
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 05 February | 23:51
Not surprisingly, they're not showing Grey's Anatomy until like 3AM here in the Burgh. Too busy showing helicopter views of people burning furniture in the streets.
posted by octothorpe 06 February | 00:35
Code Pink is infant abduction. It makes me sad that they even have a code for that.
posted by Triode 06 February | 01:43
I love Mad TV. I don't watch G.A. because that would be traitorous to House.

posted by codeofconduct 06 February | 02:02
Wait, that was Christina Ricci? I thought it was just somebody who looked similar. Never thought she'd be a cameo on a TV show...

But yeah, I like Grey's Anatomy. It's one of the few -- possibly the only -- network TV show I watch on a semi-regular basis.
posted by me3dia 06 February | 02:16
At the hospital group my girlfriend works for:

Code blue - cardiac / respiratory medical emergency
Code yellow - hazardous materials incident
Code red - fire
Code orange - bomb threat
Code pink - infant / child abduction
Code silver - hostage taking
Code gray - security incident
Code black - security incident with violence
Code brown - bodily fluids (blood, urine, feces, vomit, etc.)

It varies from hospital to hospital. Sadly they had two code orange leading up to the Superbowl. Some folks are scum bags.
posted by arse_hat 06 February | 02:33
To me, there was the whole "Code black? What's a code black?" over and over. For cryin' out loud, I wouidl think this would have been covered in the new-hire orientation they got before they started working their 36 hour days. And remember, these are doctors. If nothing else, they have taught themselves to memorize. The whole "What's a code black?" thing drove me nuts the entire show.

The whole point of these codes is to communicate in such a way that the lay people don't necessarily know what's going on for whatever reason (probably in an effort to avoid panic or hysterics). The doctors should know what the heck all the codes are. I mean, arse knows all the codes at his gf's hospital (even if it's because she rattled them off for him). But the point is that she works there, she's *supposed to* know them, and she does.

Those residents were clueless.
posted by Doohickie 06 February | 09:08
Code Plaid: Too many sub-plots on medical show.
posted by wendell 06 February | 11:51
Mark Ryden's version of Christina Ricci:

≡ Click to see image ≡

Slightly less creepy than Keane and she's holding a bee which, of course, rocks.
posted by deborah 06 February | 17:20
$9.25 in quarters. || Because you're snarky AND you're bunnies...